99 research outputs found

    Research of zinc concentrate oxidative roasting process

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    In this work, the tests on the oxidative roasting process of zinc sulphide and zinc sulphide concentrate were carried. When zinc sulphide ores are used in the proces of obtaining the metalic zinc, then oxidative roasting operation is always a preliminary stage of the basic zinc production process. Both by the hydrometallurgical and by the pyrometallurgical method

    Research of zinc concentrate oxidative roasting process

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    In this work, the tests on the oxidative roasting process of zinc sulphide and zinc sulphide concentrate were carried. When zinc sulphide ores are used in the proces of obtaining the metalic zinc, then oxidative roasting operation is always a preliminary stage of the basic zinc production process. Both by the hydrometallurgical and by the pyrometallurgical method

    Odstranjivanje olova iz industrijske i sintetičke Cu-Pb-Fe legure argonskim pročišćavanjem

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    Results of research on removal of lead from synthetic and industrial Cu-Pb-Fe alloy with argon barbotage are presented. For examinations was taken a synthetic alloy and industrial alloy coming “Glogow II” Copperworks. As basic research equipment was used a pipe resistance furnace enabling heating of samples up to 1 473 K. Examinations were made in 2 test series. The 1 series was performed on the synthetic alloy, while in 2 series was used an industrial alloy. All series were conducted at 1 473 K and with gas flow 5,55•10-6, 6,94•10-6, 8,33•10-6, 9,72•10-6 m3•s-1.Daju se rezultati istraživanja odstranjivanja olova iz sintetičke i industrijske Cu-Pb-Fe legure argonskim pročišćavanjem. Za ispitiva nje odabrana je sintetička industrijska legura iz tvrtke za bakar “Glogow II”. Osnovni uređaj za istraživanje je cje vasta peć sa mogućnošću zagrijavanja uzoraka iznad 1 473 K. Ispitivanja su provedena u 2 serije. Prva serija je provedena na sintetičkoj leguri, a druga serija na industrijskim legurama. Sve serije su izvedene na 1 473 K sa strujom plina 5,55•10-6, 6,94•10-6, 8,33•10-6, 9,72•10-6 m3•s-1

    Removal of lead from the industrial and synthetic Cu-Pb-Fe alloy with argon barbotage

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    Results of research on removal of lead from synthetic and industrial Cu-Pb-Fe alloy with argon barbotage are presented. For examinations was taken a synthetic alloy and industrial alloy coming “Glogow II” Copperworks. As basic research equipment was used a pipe resistance furnace enabling heating of samples up to 1 473 K. Examinations were made in 2 test series. The 1 series was performed on the synthetic alloy, while in 2 series was used an industrial alloy. All series were conducted at 1 473 K and with gas fl ow 5,55•10<sup>-6</sup>, 6,94•10<sup>-6</sup>, 8,33•10<sup>-6</sup>, 9,72•10<sup>-6</sup> m<sup>3</sup>•s<sup>-1</sup>

    Viskoznost Cu-Zn legura

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    One of the basic parameters that characterize a liquid phase is its viscosity. In the paper, the results of viscosity measurements for copper, copper-zinc alloys with 5 %wt. Zn and 10 %wt. Zn as well as Cu-Zn alloys with small additions of antimony, selenium and sulfur are presented. The viscosity measurements were conducted by means of a viscometer using the phenomenon of damping rotational vibrations of the crucible by filling the liquid metal. It was observed that the additions of zinc, antimony and selenium resulted in the viscosity reduction while the addition of sulfur led to its increase.Jedan od osnovnih parametara koji karakteriziraju tekuću fazu je njena viskoznost. U radu su prezentirani rezultati mjerenja viskoznosti za Cu, Cu-Zn leguru sa 5 % Zn i 10 % Zn, kao i za Cu-Zn leguru sa malim dodatkom antimona, selena i sumpora. Mjerenje viskoznostije provedeno pomoću viskozometra korištenjem fenomena prigušenja rotacijske vibracije lonca za taljenje kod ispunjavanja tekućim metalom. Primjećeno je da dodatak cinka, antimona i selena rezultira smanjenje viskoznosti, dok kod dodavanja sumpora povećava se viskoznost

    Mehanizam dezoksidacije tekućeg bakra propuhivanjem argonom

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    Using the method of argon (with specified oxygen content) blowing, the possibility of copper deoxidation has been considered on the basis of specific thermodynamic data. Despite the oxygen exceeding its equilibrium content in argon, a significant copper deoxidation during blowing has been experimentally observed. The explanation of this phenomenon can be the reaction of oxygen with the crucible material. In the present study, graphite and Al2O3 crucibles were used. The stirring effect of gaseous bubbles promotes passing the substrates to and removing the products from the reaction zone.Koristeći postupak propuhivanja argonom (s određenim sadržajem kisika) razmatrana je mogućnost dezoksidacije bakra na temelju posebnih termodinamičkih podataka. Neovisno, što kisik prelazi ravnotežnu koncentraciju u argonu, praktički je utvrđena znakovita dezoksidacija bakra propuhivanjem argonom. Objašnjenje ove pojave može biti reakcijom kisika s materijalom lonca. U ovom radu rabljeni su lonci od grafita i Al2O3. Utjecaj miješanja plinskih mjehura podupire prolaz substrata i također odstranjivanje produkata iz zone reakcije

    Površinska napetost troske raširene po čeliku proizvedenom u elektropeći

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    In the article a research on the surface tension of slag was conducted from the process of obtaining steel in the electric furnace. Melting in the graphite melting crucible caused the slag to foam. The measurement of the surface tension is being conducted with method of rejection. They make the measurement of maximum power needed for the liquid to reject the working element of the apparatus from the surface. The research was conducted in the temperature of 1 673 – 1 723 K. The results of the measurements allowed to determine the surface tension of slag, which in the analysed scope of the temperature is being changed from 454 to 345 mN•m-1.U radu je provedeno istraživanje površinske napetosti troske u procesu proizvodnje čelika u elektropeći. Taljenje u grafitnom loncu uvjetuje da troska pjeni. Mjerenje površinske napetosti provedeno je metodom izbacivanja. Metodu omogućuje mjerenje maksimalne snage potrebne da se iz taline izbaci radni element uređaja s površine. Istraživanje je provedeno u rasponu temperatura 1 673–1 723 K. Rezultati mjerenja omogućuju određivanje površinske napetosti troske koja se u analiziranom rasponu temperature mijenja od 454 do 345 mN/m