836 research outputs found

    Some Heteroptera new to British Columbia

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    A new aspect on the faunal connections between Europe and the Pacific Northwest

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    The Gerridae (Hemiptera) of British Columbia

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    Eight species of <i>Gerris</i> are recorded from British Columbia. The distribution and co-existence is documented and a key to species is included

    Heteroptera stranded at high altitudes in the Pacific Northwest

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    Heteroptera new to Canada

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    The following 19 species are recorded as new to Canada: <i>Dendrocoris pini</i> Mont., <i>Liorhyssus hyalinatus</i> (Fab.), <i>Euthochtha galeator</i> (Fab.), <i>Melanopleurus pyrrhopterus</i> (Stal), <i>Neacoryphus lateralis</i> (Dallas), <i>Belonochilus numenius</i> (Say), <i>Isthmocoris piceus</i> (Say), <i>Crophius angustatus</i> Van Duzee, <i>C. ramosus</i> Barber, <i>Heterogaster behrensii</i> (Uhler), <i>Scolopostethus tropicus</i> (Distant), <i>Neopamera albocinctus</i> (Barber), <i>Sisamnes clavigerus</i> Uhler, <i>Malezonotus grossus</i> Van Duzee, <i>Piesma explanatum</i> McAtee, <i>Nabis lovetti</i> Harris, <i>Nabicula vanduzeei</i> (Kirk.), <i>Macrotylus multipunctatus</i> Van Duzee, and <i>Ioscytus politus</i> (Uhler)

    The Notonectidae (Hemiptera) of British Columbia

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    With Friends Like You, Who Needs a Jury? A Response to the Legitimization of Conceding a Client\u27s Guilt

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    In response to the potential impact of the Nixon decision on the important Sixth Amendment right to effective counsel for the accused, this comment reviews the current legal standard and then advances two proposals. First, Nixon should be narrowly interpreted, because permitting attorneys to concede guilt without client consent is completely inconsistent with the protections afforded guilty pleas and confessions and further weakens the constitutional protection of effective assistance of counsel. Second, the American Bar Association and state bar associations should specifically require express consent prior to a lawyer conceding a client\u27s guilt as a matter of professional ethics within the Rules of Professional Conduct to more clearly and consistently define an acceptable standard of professional conduct

    The distribution of two species of Cenocorixa in inland saline lakes of British Columbia

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    The distribution of <i>Cenocorixa bifida</i> (Hung.) and <i>C. expleta</i> (Uhler) in British Columbia is summarized. The distribution pattern in a series of inland saline lakes in the central interior of the province is described. All water bodies are in the flight range of the two species, and seem to be colonized by them at random. However, <i>C. expleta</i> occurs and breeds only in saline waters, whereas <i>C. bifida</i> lives and breeds in fresh and moderately saline environments. <i>C. expleta</i> has been found only in waters with a conductivity between 3,900 and 29,000 micromhos/cm. (at 25∞C): <i>C. bifida</i> occurs only in waters with a conductivity between 20 and 20,000 micromhos/cm. The distribution appears to be correlated with salinity and not with other features of the environment such as area of water body, mean depth, maximum depth, etc

    Corrections for the Hemiptera: Heteroptera of Canada and Alaska

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    A total of 175 changes to the current checklist of Hemiptera: Heteroptera of Canada and Alaska are reported. Eighty deletions, eighty-eight nomenclature changes, and seven spelling corrections are detailed. In addition, comments are given on Anthocoris tomentosus Péricart, Orius diespeter Herring, O. tristicolor (White), and Tupiocoris agilis (Uhler)
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