28 research outputs found

    Bread wheat callusogenesis and organogenesis using mature embryos as explants

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    Background. Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the staple cereal crops, so it is of great interest to breeders and researchers and requires constant monitoring of existing cultivars, including the development of new ones through classical breeding and modern gene engineering. The key stage in these techniques is successful callusogenesis and organogenesis in target objects. With this in view, the regeneration potential of two spring (‘Saratovskaya 55’ and ‘Sigma’) and three winter (‘Tanya’, ‘Fisht’ and ‘Pamyat’) cultivars of bread wheat was assessed, and optimal conditions were identified for callus induction and organogenesis using mature embryos.   Materials and methods. Immature and mature embryos of the five bread wheat cultivars were used in the study. The in vitro morphogenetic potential was evaluated under the impact of abiotic factors: preliminary exposure of grains to cold and use of exogenous hormones (2,4-D in various concentrations). Pretreatment of wheat with cold was carried out as follows: sterilized grains were incubated on the hormonal medium at a temperature of 4 °C for 2 weeks, and then transferred to 26 °C for 4 more weeks. The efficiency of callusogenesis and rhizogenesis was assessed and the numbers of morphogenetic calluses, regenerated and acclimatized plants were calculated.   Results and conclusions. The analysis made it possible to identify the bread wheat cultivars ‘Fisht’ and ‘Sigma’ for their high morphogenetic and regenerative potential. It was also shown that exposure to cold can serve as a good stimulating factor for producing a large number of calluses, but regenerants are better induced under normal conditions. The results also depended on the concentration of hormones applied. Universal conditions for morphogenesis and regeneration were not identified

    Minimally Invasive Treatment of Benign Thyroid Nodules

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    Background. Nodular goitre is the commonest pathology of thyroid gland. According to published evidence, the endemic prevalence of iodine deficiency varies within 19–76 % population. The high rates and lack of symptoms at progressive nodules growth warrant the development of effective organ-preserving treatments. Imaging techniques for local precision targeting of individual lesions enable maximum-preserving interventions at thyroid tissue. Today’s world experience of percutaneous ethanol sclerotherapy and radiofrequency ablation is adequate. However, there exist no clear indications for sclerotherapy and radiofrequency ablation, and their consecutive use has not been assessed.Materials and methods. We analyse minimally invasive organ-preserving treatments of benign thyroid nodules (ethanol sclerotherapy, RFA) in 63 patients at the outpatient and general surgery units of BSMU Clinic and MEGI Medical Centre, Ufa, during February 2019 — December 2020.Results and discussion. Ethanol sclerotherapy was highly effective in 46.5 % patients, as evident from discontinued nodule’s blood supply in CDI and B-mode ultrasound, which remained stable in 10.5 % and restored after 3–4 weeks in 25 % patients. Sclerotherapy in colloid goitre was efficient only in 37.5 % patients. Ethanol sclerotherapy was RFA-followed in 25.4 % patients. RFA was favoured at a low-effective sclerotherapy providing for a weak positive dynamics of nodule size, local parietal blood flow preservation and intranodular vessels recanalisation at re-examination.Conclusion. Sclerotherapy was high-effective in cystic nodules. Radiofrequency ablation can be considered most adequate for treating solid nodules. RFA-followed sclerotherapy is a rational choice in treatment of large cystic nodules (>5 cm3 )

    Histopathological Analysis of Skeletal Muscle Biopsy of Patient with Peripheral Arterial Disease before and after Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Intramuscular Injection

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Peripheral arterial diseases are characterized by a progressing tissue ischemia which results in the invalidization of patients. The aim of our research was to study the morphological effects of autologous peripheral blood stem cells intramuscular injection into patients with peripheral arterial disease. Peripheral blood stem cells were transplanted intramuscularly into a 48-year-old male patient with peripheral arterial disease stage IIb by Fontaine. The biopsies of his gastrocnemius muscle were taken before the stem cells were transplanted and 3 months after transplantation. These biopsies were stained with H&E and also with antibodies against CD34, myogenin, caspase 3, and bcl-2. Immunohistochemical study results showed an increase of capillary density of 32.7 % (P = 0.005). In muscular biopsies obtained before therapy, we identified single myogenin+ myosatellite cells, while 3 months after transplantation we detected the presence of cells with myogenin-positive nuclei and multinucleated myotubes. We also observed the formation of young myogenin+ muscle fibers with central nuclei. There was no significant difference in the expression of caspase-3 before transplantation and 3 months after transplantation. An increased number of bcl-2+ myosatellite cells, myotubes, and muscle fibers were detected after transplantation. The patient’s ankle-brachial index increased by 13.56 % (0.59 before and 0.67 3 months post transplantation). The patient’s pain-free walking distance by 89.97 % (from 59.56 to 113.77 m). Control arteriograms showed the formation of new collaterals. Transplanted autologous peripheral blood stem cells stimulated the formation of new capillaries, the activation of myosatellite cells and bcl-2 expression in muscle fibers

    Мини-инвазивные способы лечения доброкачественных узлов щитовидной железы

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    Background. Nodular goitre is the commonest pathology of thyroid gland. According to published evidence, the endemic prevalence of iodine deficiency varies within 19–76 % population. The high rates and lack of symptoms at progressive nodules growth warrant the development of effective organ-preserving treatments. Imaging techniques for local precision targeting of individual lesions enable maximum-preserving interventions at thyroid tissue. Today’s world experience of percutaneous ethanol sclerotherapy and radiofrequency ablation is adequate. However, there exist no clear indications for sclerotherapy and radiofrequency ablation, and their consecutive use has not been assessed.Materials and methods. We analyse minimally invasive organ-preserving treatments of benign thyroid nodules (ethanol sclerotherapy, RFA) in 63 patients at the outpatient and general surgery units of BSMU Clinic and MEGI Medical Centre, Ufa, during February 2019 — December 2020.Results and discussion. Ethanol sclerotherapy was highly effective in 46.5 % patients, as evident from discontinued nodule’s blood supply in CDI and B-mode ultrasound, which remained stable in 10.5 % and restored after 3–4 weeks in 25 % patients. Sclerotherapy in colloid goitre was efficient only in 37.5 % patients. Ethanol sclerotherapy was RFA-followed in 25.4 % patients. RFA was favoured at a low-effective sclerotherapy providing for a weak positive dynamics of nodule size, local parietal blood flow preservation and intranodular vessels recanalisation at re-examination.Conclusion. Sclerotherapy was high-effective in cystic nodules. Radiofrequency ablation can be considered most adequate for treating solid nodules. RFA-followed sclerotherapy is a rational choice in treatment of large cystic nodules (>5 cm3 ). Введение. Самой распространенной патологией щитовидной железы является узловой зоб. Встречаемость йододефицита в  эндемических регионах варьирует, по литературным данным, от 19  до 76  % населения. Высокая распространенность, бессимптомное течение с прогрессирующим ростом узлов диктуют необходимость выработки эффективных органосохраняющих методов лечения. Имея визуализирующие способы локального прецизионного воздействия на отдельные патологически измененные структуры, можно выполнять вмешательства с максимальным сохранением неизмененной ткани щитовидной железы. На сегодня в мире уже накоплен достаточный опыт применения чрескожной склеротерапии этанолом и радиочастотной абляции (РЧА). Однако не разработаны четкие показания к применению склеротерапии и радиочастотной абляции и не оценена возможность последовательного их применения.Материалы и методы. В работе представлен анализ лечения доброкачественных узлов щитовидной железы мини-инвазивными органосохраняющими методами (этаноловая склеротерапия, РЧА) у 63 пациентов, проведенными на базе амбулаторного отделения и отделения общей хирургии Клиники Башкирского государственного медицинского института и медицинского центра «МЕГИ», г. Уфа, в период с февраля 2019 до декабря 2020 г.Результаты и обсуждение. Применение этаноловой склеротерапии было высокоэффективным у  46,5  % пациентов, оценку проводили по нарушению питания узла в виде исчезновения кровотока при УЗД исследовании в режиме ЦДК и B-flow, которое отмечалось в 10,5 % случаев — стабильное и в 25 % отмечено восстановление кровотока спустя 3–4 недели. При склеротерапии узлов с признаками организации коллоида эффективность отмечена только у 37,5 % пациентов. У 25,4 % исследуемых после этаноловой склеротерапии была проведена последующая РЧА. Решение в пользу РЧА было принято при малоэффективном курсе склеротерапии в виде слабой положительной динамики размеров узла, сохранения пристеночных локусов кровотока и реканализации внутринодулярных сосудов при повторном осмотре.Заключение. Высокая эффективность склерозирующей терапии отмечалась при кистозном характере узла. В лечении узлов, имеющих солидный характер, лучшим методом следует признать радиочастотную деструкцию. При лечении кистозно-трансформированных узлов больших размеров (более 5 см3 ) рационально проведение сеансов склеротерапии перед РЧА.


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    It is offered sanitary-parasitological and veterinary-sanitary model of preventive maintenance of parasitic diseases of people and animals which approbation has resulted in the high effect expressing in reduction of number of cases of new infections in Bashkirija in 2,1 times.Предложена санитарно-паразитологическая и ветеринарно-санитарная модель профилактики паразитарных болезней человека и животных, апробация которой привела к высокому эффекту, выражающемуся в снижении числа случаев новых заражений в условиях Башкирского Зауралья в 2,1 раза

    First-in-class humanized FSH blocking antibody targets bone and fat

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    Blocking the action of FSH genetically or pharmacologically in mice reduces body fat, lowers serum cholesterol, and increases bone mass, making an anti-FSH agent a potential therapeutic for three global epidemics: obesity, osteoporosis, and hypercholesterolemia. Here, we report the generation, structure, and function of a first-in-class, fully humanized, epitope-specific FSH blocking antibody with a KD of 7 nM. Protein thermal shift, molecular dynamics, and fine mapping of the FSH-FSH receptor interface confirm stable binding of the Fab domain to two of five receptor-interacting residues of the FSHβ subunit, which is sufficient to block its interaction with the FSH receptor. In doing so, the humanized antibody profoundly inhibited FSH action in cell-based assays, a prelude to further preclinical and clinical testing

    Russian dandelion (<i>Taraxacum kok-saghyz</i> Rodin): rubber extraction methods and prospects for biotechnological methods application

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    Natural rubber is a strategic natural raw material, which is used in the production of tires and military equipment, in medicine and other industries. An alternative to Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Müll. Arg. and the most promising rubber plant is the Russian dandelion (Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin). The rubber that accumulates in the roots of this dandelion is not inferior in quality to the natural rubber from H. brasiliensis, and its content reaches 27% of the dry weight of roots. The purpose of this paper is to describe the economically important components of T. kok-saghyz roots, the main methods for extracting natural rubber from the roots, as well as the approaches to micropropagation and genetic transformation of kok-saghyz and related species. In the middle of the 20th century, the industrial method of isolating rubber from Russian dandelion in the USSR was based on preliminary treatment of the roots with a 2% solution of alkali, which could negatively affect rubber quality. Therefore, it is important to develop new, rapid, but at the same time, inexpensive methods of rubber extraction from T. koksaghyz. Some of them are considered in this paper. The breeding of Russian dandelion should be aimed at both increasing the root size and the content of rubber. In this regard, the development of laboratory express methods for rubber extraction is also important. The authors have developed and optimized a method for extracting rubber from dry plant tissue using polar solvents (water and acetone), with the final extraction with a non‑polar solvent (hexane). The developed rubber extraction protocol showed results comparable to the literature data. In order to create more productive plant forms, experiments are also being conducted on T. kok-saghyz micropropagation and genetic transformation. However, the number of such works is still very small, probably due to the low regenerative abilities of this dandelion species

    The modern approach to preventive maintenance of parasitic diseases

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    It is offered sanitary-parasitological and veterinary-sanitary model of preventive maintenance of parasitic diseases of people and animals which approbation has resulted in the high effect expressing in reduction of number of cases of new infections in Bashkirija in 2,1 times