470 research outputs found

    How the twins do it: STR and the clock paradox

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    Copyright © Graham NerlichGraham Nerlic

    Morphological detection of X- and Y-chromosomes in smears and paraffin-embedded tissues using a non-isotopic in situ hybridization technique (NISH)

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    Pharyngeal smears and paraffin-embedded tissue specimens (skeletal muscle, kidney) obtained from 10 male and 10 female individuals were evaluated using non-isotopic in situ hybridization (NISH) with commercial X- and Y-specific biotinylated probes which recognize the pericentromeric regions DXZ1 and DYZ1/DYZ3 of the X- and Y-chromosome, respectively. The results provide evidence that the morphological sex determination of a single cell can be performed by critical application of this staining method leading to one nuclear signal in ldquomalerdquo cells using the Y-specific probe whereas ldquofemalerdquo cells are negative. In situ hybridization of ldquofemalerdquo tissues with an X-specific probe results regularly in 2 signals whereas ldquomalerdquo cells show only one spot in the nucleus

    Paleopathology of Human Tuberculosis and the Potential Role of Climate

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    Both origin and evolution of tuberculosis and its pathogens (Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex) are not fully understood. The paleopathological investigation of human remains offers a unique insight into the molecular evolution and spread including correlative data of the environment. The molecular analysis of material from Egypt (3000–500 BC), Sudan (200–600 AD), Hungary (600–1700 AD), Latvia (1200–1600 AD), and South Germany (1400–1800 AD) urprisingly revealed constantly high frequencies of tuberculosis in all different time periods excluding significant environmental influence on tuberculosis spread. The typing of various mycobacteria strains provides evidence for ancestral M. tuberculosis strains in Pre- to early Egyptian dynastic material (3500–2650 BC), while typical M. africanum signatures were detected in a Middle Kingdom tomb (2050–1650 BC). Samples from the New Kingdom to Late Period (1500–500 BC) indicated modern M. tuberculosis strains. No evidence was seen for M. bovis in Egyptian material while M. bovis signatures were first identified in Siberian biomaterial dating 2000 years before present. These results contraindicates the theory that M. tuberculosis evolved from M. bovis during early domestication in the region of the “Fertile Crescent,” but supports the scenario that M. tuberculosis probably derived from an ancestral progenitor strain. The environmental influence of this evolutionary scenario deserves continuing intense evaluation

    Paleopathology of Human Tuberculosis and the Potential Role of Climate

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    Both origin and evolution of tuberculosis and its pathogens (Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex) are not fully understood. The paleopathological investigation of human remains offers a unique insight into the molecular evolution and spread including correlative data of the environment. The molecular analysis of material from Egypt (3000–500 BC), Sudan (200–600 AD), Hungary (600–1700 AD), Latvia (1200–1600 AD), and South Germany (1400–1800 AD) urprisingly revealed constantly high frequencies of tuberculosis in all different time periods excluding significant environmental influence on tuberculosis spread. The typing of various mycobacteria strains provides evidence for ancestral M. tuberculosis strains in Pre- to early Egyptian dynastic material (3500–2650 BC), while typical M. africanum signatures were detected in a Middle Kingdom tomb (2050–1650 BC). Samples from the New Kingdom to Late Period (1500–500 BC) indicated modern M. tuberculosis strains. No evidence was seen for M. bovis in Egyptian material while M. bovis signatures were first identified in Siberian biomaterial dating 2000 years before present. These results contraindicates the theory that M. tuberculosis evolved from M. bovis during early domestication in the region of the “Fertile Crescent,” but supports the scenario that M. tuberculosis probably derived from an ancestral progenitor strain. The environmental influence of this evolutionary scenario deserves continuing intense evaluation

    Immunohistochemical localization of collagen VI in diabetic glomeruli

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    Immunohistochemical localization of collagen VI in diabetic glomeruli. Late stage diabetic nephropathy is histologically characterized by either diffuse or nodular expansion of the glomerular matrix. This is presumed to represent the morphological correlate for the functional impairment of the kidney. The exact matrix composition of the nodular glomerulosclerosis lesion of end-stage diabetic nephropathy is not known. Biochemical studies have provided evidence that the microfibrillar collagen type VI is increased in diabetic nephropathy. Consequently, this immunohistochemical study was designed to evaluate the extent and exact morphologic location of increased collagen VI deposition at various stages of diabetic glomerulosclerosis (GS). An irregular, sometimes spot-like staining of collagen VI was observed in diffuse GS in the mesangial portion. The uninterrupted staining which was evident along the glomerular basement membrane in normal glomeruli was discontinuous in diffusely sclerotic glomeruli. In nodular GS, the markedly increased deposition of collagen VI appeared to be evenly distributed throughout the entire nodular lesion. At the same time, mesangial staining for collagen IV was reduced in nodular GS, suggesting that in the expanded mesangial matrix collagen IV is progressively substituted by collagen VI during the transition from diffuse to nodular GS. The colocalization of PAS staining with collagen VI deposition in nodular GS suggests that the typical Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesions at least in part consist of collagen VI. Biochemical analysis confirmed the increased collagen VI deposition in glomeruli extracted from diabetic patients with nodular GS. Application of two antisera, recognizing primarily the α1(VI)- and α2(VI)-chains and the N-terminal part of α3(VI)-chain, respectively, revealed no difference in staining pattern. Comparison of the immunohistochemical results with clinical parameters of diabetic nephropathy suggested that increasing collagen VI deposition may be an indicator of the irreversible remodeling of the glomerular matrix to nodular GS which is associated with functional insufficiency. Our findings indicate striking differences of the mesangial matrix composition in diffuse and nodular GS. These observations together with earlier results provide evidence for a “switch” in the matrix protein production in association with the development of nodular GS in diabetic nephropathy

    Bioarchaeology of Human Remains in Sicily: Laws and Guidelines

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    The Human Embalming Project© team is currently focusing on the study of Sicilian archival documents and human bioarchaeological material. In the best spirit of the Code of Conduct of the Paleopathology Association, we would like to share information on the laws and guidelines applied in Sicily with a broader readership of colleagues

    The mummy of Rosalia Lombardo at the end of 2022: an update on the status quaestionis and a reflection on the level of evidence

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    In this communication we present key new evidence on the story of the famous Salafia embalming manuscript that further clarifies the genesis of a series of studies on this topic and corroborates our assumptions published in previous articles on this matter. In the second part of the paper, we provide a concise ethical analysis of Rosalia Lombardo’s case and try to establish a level of evidence in the assessment of her preservation by comparing facts and interpretations. Finally, we call for an independent assessment of the mummy’s state of preservation and the disclosure of the full content of the Salafia manuscript. Rosali