1,152 research outputs found

    Total-field absorbing boundary conditions for the time-domain electromagnetic field equations

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    Spherical model of the Stark effect in external scalar and vector fields

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    The Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule and the Gamow formula for the width of quasistationary level are generalized by taking into account the relativistic effects, spin and Lorentz structure of interaction potentials. The relativistic quasi-classical theory of ionization of the Coulomb system (V_{Coul}=-\xi/r) by radial-constant long-range scalar (S_{l.r.}=(1-\lambda)(\sigma r+V_0)) and vector (V_{l.r.}=\lambda(\sigma r+V_0)) fields is constructed. In the limiting cases the approximated analytical expressions for the position E_r and width \Gamma of below-barrier resonances are obtained. The strong dependence of the width \Gamma of below-barrier resonances on both the bound level energy and the mixing constant \lambda is detected. The simple analytical formulae for asymptotic coefficients of the Dirac radial wave functions at zero and infinity are also obtained.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    The finite-element modeling of three-dimensional electromagnetic fields using edge and nodal elements

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    Magnetic scattering of Dirac fermions in topological insulators and graphene

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    We study quantum transport and scattering of massless Dirac fermions by spatially localized static magnetic fields. The employed model describes in a unified manner the effects of orbital magnetic fields, Zeeman and exchange fields in topological insulators, and the pseudo-magnetic fields caused by strain or defects in monolayer graphene. The general scattering theory is formulated, and for radially symmetric fields, the scattering amplitude and the total and transport cross sections are expressed in terms of phase shifts. As applications, we study ring-shaped magnetic fields (including the Aharanov-Bohm geometry) and scattering by magnetic dipoles.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Edge elements, their advantages and their disadvantages

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    Compatibility relations and the finite-element formulation of electromagnetic field problems

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    Algebraic approach to the spectral problem for the Schroedinger equation with power potentials

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    The method reducing the solution of the Schroedinger equation for several types of power potentials to the solution of the eigenvalue problem for the infinite system of algebraic equations is developed. The finite truncation of this system provides high accuracy results for low-lying levels. The proposed approach is appropriate both for analytic calculations and for numerical computations. This method allows also to determine the spectrum of the Schroedinger-like relativistic equations. The heavy quarkonium (charmonium and bottomonium) mass spectra for the Cornell potential and the sum of the Coulomb and oscillator potentials are calculated. The results are in good agreement with experimental data.Comment: 17 pages, including 6 PostScript figures (epsf style

    Three fully polarized fermions close to a p-wave Feshbach resonance

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    We study the three-body problem for three atomic fermions, in the same spin state, experiencing a resonant interaction in the p-wave channel via a Feshbach resonance represented by a two-channel model. The rate of inelastic processes due to recombination to deeply bound dimers is then estimated from the three-body solution using a simple prescription. We obtain numerical and analytical predictions for most of the experimentally relevant quantities that can be extracted from the three-body solution: the existence of weakly bound trimers and their lifetime, the low-energy elastic and inelastic scattering properties of an atom on a weakly bound dimer (including the atom-dimer scattering length and scattering volume), and the recombination rates for three colliding atoms towards weakly bound and deeply bound dimers. The effect of "background" non-resonant interactions in the open channel of the two-channel model is also calculated and allows to determine which three-body quantities are `universal' and which on the contrary depend on the details of the model.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figure