115 research outputs found

    Collective stochastic resonance in shear-induced melting of sliding bilayers

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    The far-from-equilibrium dynamics of two crystalline two-dimensional monolayers driven past each other is studied using Brownian dynamics simulations. While at very high and low driving rates the layers slide past one another retaining their crystalline order, for intermediate range of drives the system alternates irregularly between the crystalline and fluid-like phases. A dynamical phase diagram in the space of interlayer coupling and drive is obtained. A qualitative understanding of this stochastic alternation between the liquid-like and crystalline phases is proposed in terms of a reduced model within which it can be understood as a stochastic resonance for the dynamics of collective order parameter variables. This remarkable example of stochastic resonance in a spatially extended system should be seen in experiments which we propose in the paper.Comment: 12 pages, 18 eps figures, minor changes in text and labelling of figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Flow-induced currents in nanotubes: a Brownian dynamics approach

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    Motivated by recent experiments [Science {\bf 299}, 1042 (2003)] reporting that carbon nanotubes immersed in a flowing fluid displayed an electric current and voltage, we numerically study the behaviour of a collection of Brownian particles in a channel, in the presence of a flow field applied on similar but slower particles in a wide chamber in contact with the channel. For a suitable range of shear rates, we find that the flow field induces a unidirectional drift in the confined particles, and is stronger for narrower channels. The average drift velocity initially rises with increasing shear rate, then shows saturation for a while, thereafter starts decreasing, in qualitative agreement with recent theoretical studies [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 70}, 205423 (2004)] based on Brownian drag and ``loss of grip''. Interestingly, if the sign of the interspecies interaction is reversed, the direction of the induced drift remains the same, but the flow-rate at which loss of grip occurs is lower, and the level of fluctuations is higher.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Transport of aerosols and nanoparticles through respirators and masks

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    In several countries wearing multiple surgical masks or N95 respirators was mandatory in public during the COVID pandemic. In this study, we investigated the transportation and filtering mechanism of heterogeneous nanoparticles and viruses through surgical masks and N95 respirators. We conducted experiments in vitro using aerosol spray paints containing nanoparticles and validated the findings in vivo on a human volunteer. Scanning electron microscopy was employed to analyse the transportation and distribution of nanoparticles in different mask layers and on pristine silicon substrates placed on human skin. We provide analytical insights into the pressure distribution and fluid velocity profiles within the complex polymer network. Remarkably, our results showed that both single surgical masks and N95 respirators demonstrated similar efficiency in filtering colloidal and jet-stream nanoparticles in the air. These comprehensive findings have significant implications for policymakers in defining regulations for airborne pandemics and air pollution control

    Spatiotemporal rheochaos in nematic hydrodynamics

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    Motivated by the observation of rheochaos in sheared wormlike micelles [Bandyopadhyay et al., Phys. Rev. Lett, 84 2022, (2000); Europhys. Lett. 56, 447 (2001); Pramana 53, 223 (1999)] we study the coupled nonlinear partial differential equations for the hydrodynamic velocity and order parameter fields in a sheared nematogenic fluid. In a suitable parameter range, we find irregular, dynamic shear-banding and establish by decisive numerical tests that the chaos we observe in the model is spatiotemporal in nature.Comment: Slight changes in text, references and Fig. 5 inset; 6 eps figures (figs 2,3,4 at lower resolution to reduce file size; full files available on request); accepted for publication in Phys Rev Let

    Statistical Isotropy violation of the CMB brightness fluctuations

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    Certain anomalies at large angular scales in the cosmic microwave background measured by WMAP have been suggested as possible evidence of breakdown of statistical isotropy(SI). Most CMB photons free-stream to the present from the surface of last scattering. It is thus reasonable to expect statistical isotropy violation in the CMB photon distribution observed now to have originated from SI violation in the baryon-photon fluid at last scattering, in addition to anisotropy of the primordial power spectrum studied earlier in literature. We consider the generalized anisotropic brightness distribution fluctuations, Δ(k,n^,τ)\Delta(\vec{k}, \hat{n}, \tau) (at conformal time τ\tau) in contrast to the SI case where it is simply a function of k|\vec{k}| and k^n^\hat{k} \cdot \hat{n}. The brightness fluctuations expanded in Bipolar Spherical Harmonic (BipoSH) series, can then be written as Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) where L>0L > 0 terms encode deviations from statistical isotropy. We study the evolution of Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) from non-zero terms Δ34LM(k,τs)\Delta_{\ell_3 \ell_4}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau_s) at last scattering. Similar to the SI case, power at small spherical harmonic (SH) multipoles of Δ34LM(k,τs)\Delta_{\ell_3 \ell_4}^{L M}(\vec{k},\tau_s) at the last scattering, is transferred to Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) at larger SH multipoles. The structural similarity is more apparent in the asymptotic expression for large values of the final SH multipoles. This formalism allows an elegant identification of any SI violation observed today to a possible origin in the SI violation present in the baryon-photon fluid (eg., due to the presence of significant magnetic field).Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, added illustrative example of SI violation in baryon-photon fluid, matches version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Curvature condensation and bifurcation in an elastic shell

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    We study the formation and evolution of localized geometrical defects in an indented cylindrical elastic shell using a combination of experiment and numerical simulation. We find that as a symmetric localized indentation on a semi-cylindrical shell increases, there is a transition from a global mode of deformation to a localized one which leads to the condensation of curvature along a symmetric parabolic crease. This process introduces a soft mode in the system, converting a load-bearing structure into a hinged, kinematic mechanism. Further indentation leads to twinning wherein the parabolic crease bifurcates into two creases that move apart on either side of the line of symmetry. A qualitative theory captures the main features of the phenomena and leads to sharper questions about the nucleation of these defects.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Memecylon macneillianum (Melastomataceae), a new species from South Andaman, India

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    Memecylon macneillianum M. Das Das, G. S. Giri, A. Pramanik and D. Maity, a new species from the southern Andaman Islands in India, is described and illustrated. It differs from its closely related species M. oleifolium Blume by having both terminal and axillary inflorescences, a higher number (mostly 3–7) inflorescences per node, longer and acutely quadrangular, distinctly furrowed primary inflorescence axes, distinct calyx lobes, and globose fruits. Moreover, in M. macneillianum the leaves are thicker, coriaceous and yellowish on both surfaces when dry, whereas in M. oleifolium the leaves are thin, chartaceous and olive green with a distinctive rusty-red blush around the midvein on drying

    An attempt to explore the production routes of Astatine radionuclides: Theoretical approach

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    In order to fulfil the recent thrust of Astatine radionuclides in the field of nuclear medicine various production routes have been explored in the present work. The possible production routes of 209211^{209-211}At comprise both light and heavy ion induced reactions at the bombarding energy range starting from threshold to maximum 100 MeV energy. For this purpose, we have used the nuclear reaction model codes TALYS, ALICE91 and PACE-II. Excitation functions of those radionuclides, produced through various production routes, have been calculated using nuclear reaction model codes and compared with the available measured data. Contribution of various reaction mechanisms, like, direct, preequilibrium and equilibrium reactions, to the total reaction cross section has been studied using the codes. Result shows that equilibrium reaction mechanism dominates in all cases over other reaction mechanisms

    Buckling and force propagation along intracellular microtubules

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    Motivated by recent experiments showing the compressive buckling of microtubules in cells, we study theoretically the mechanical response of and force propagation along elastic filaments embedded in a non-linear elastic medium. We find that embedded microtubules buckle when their compressive load exceeds a critical value