6 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of Immunological Structure Formation in Plague Carriers of the Central-Caucasian High-Mountain Natural Plague Focus

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    Objective of the study is to analyze immunological structure of the mountain souslik, habitant in various zones of natural focality in the Central-Caucasian natural plague focus.Materials and methods. The data on serological investigations conducted on the mountain souslik, within the periods of 1974–1988 and 2001–2004 have been obtained from FGHI “Kabardino-Balkaria Plague Control Station” of the Rospotrebnadzor. Applying passive hemagglutination test and indirect hemagglutination test, with the help of Excel Microsoft Office 2010, evaluated have been 63147 blood survey results.Conclusions. It is established that the highest ratio of the souslik with low antibody titer in blood, which characterizes initial contact with plague infection, is observed at the peak of epizootic activity. In the mountain steppe of the eastern focal part, the apex coincides with June, in the western part, as well as in the Alpine and Subalpine zones of the eastern one – with August. Animals with high antibody titers, i.e. secondarily infected, emerge in vast numbers at the peak of mountain souslik lethality. In the mountain steppe this period falls upon June, i.e. simultaneously with the peak of epizootic activity. In the western part lethality apex is also observed in June, but maximum epizootic activity takes place in August. In Alpine and Subalpine zones of the eastern focal part, peaks of epizootic activity and lethality among the souslik populations concur and fall upon August. Isolation of plague microbe cultures alongside with positive serological tests is reasonably more often observed in the mountain steppe of the river Baksan, than in other areas of natural focality

    Evolution of <I>Vibrio cholerae</I> El Tor and Detection of Their Gene-Variants in the Caucasus

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    , rstC genes), and 7 strains – to the genotype I. Genotypes I and II (genetically altered ones) are the hybrid variants of the El Tor biovar producing CT of the first type

    Provision of the Preparedness and Management of Work of the Specialized Anti-Epidemic Team at the Premises of the Rospotrebnadzor Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi

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    The paper contains the data on the management of work of the specialized anti-epidemic team (SAET) of the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games (2014) in Sochi. Reviewed are the issues of SAET’s preparedness provision: staffing of the team, facility equipping, fitting with diagnostic preparations, professional training and development in view of the mass event mission - participation in interagency exercises, educational courses, seminars, and response drills. For the first time ever, SAET’s reinforced personnel comprised 60 specialists from research institutions and some other Rospotrebnadzor Organization. Provided was preparedness to perform laboratory diagnostics and indicate the agents of 82 nosological forms, including exotic ones. The team conducted investigations at the premises of the two facilities and bacteriological laboratory mounted on the trucks

    Ensuring of Protection from Biological Threats During Olympic Games

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    Analysis of complex measures to ensure epidemiological safety during the period of preparation and carrying out the Olympic Games abroad is presented. The main directions of the anti-epidemic work during preparation for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games are suggested based upon available experience. It has been noted that syndromic surveillance, GIS technologies, automated stations for control of atmospheric air and other new technologies ensuring biological safety should be added to traditional epidemiological surveillance of infections

    Topical Questions Concerning Crimean Haemorrhagic Fever Surveillance

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    In 2007 further increase of Crimean haemorrhagic fever (CHF) morbidity was registered in the territory of the Southern federal district. The cause of this is primarily the increase of the population level of H. marginatum. In the light of present epidemic situation we inclined to believe the prognosis for CHF in 2008 is unfavorable. The necessary measures to assure epidemiologic well-being for CHF are stated in the article. Acaricidal treatment of cattle carried out before mass activity of ticks and registration of the first patients is considered to be the primary one

    Questions of Immunization in Preparation for the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi

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    The data for the immunization of the population of Sochi resort and the staff during preparation for the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi are presented. The characteristics of the organization of the different vaccination groups of operating personnel and the public during major events are analyzed. The conclusion about the effectiveness of the work done to reduce the incidence of immunocorrelated infections in the region of Sochi