3,530 research outputs found

    Pressure effects in the triangular layered cobaltites NaxCoO2

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    We have measured transport properties as a function of temperature and pressure up to 30GPa in the NaxCoO2 system. For the x=0.5 sample the transition temperature at 53K increases with pressure, while paradoxically the sample passes from an insulating to a metallic ground state. A similar transition is observed in the x=0.31 sample under pressure. Compression on the x=0.75 sample transforms the sample from a metallic to an insulating state. We discuss our results in terms of interactions between band structure effects and Na+ order.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Interface relaxation in electrophoretic deposition of polymer chains: Effects of segmental dynamics, molecular weight, and field

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    Using different segmental dynamics and relaxation, characteristics of the interface growth is examined in an electrophoretic deposition of polymer chains on a three (2+1) dimensional discrete lattice with a Monte Carlo simulation. Incorporation of faster modes such as crankshaft and reptation movements along with the relatively slow kink-jump dynamics seems crucial in relaxing the interface width. As the continuously released polymer chains are driven (via segmental movements) and deposited, the interface width WW grows with the number of time steps tt, Wtβ,W \propto t^{\beta}, (β0.4\beta \sim 0.4--0.8)0.8), which is followed by its saturation to a steady-state value WsW_s. Stopping the release of additional chains after saturation while continuing the segmental movements relaxes the saturated width to an equilibrium value (WsWrW_s \to W_r). Scaling of the relaxed interface width WrW_r with the driving field EE, WrE1/2W_r \propto E^{-1/2} remains similar to that of the steady-state WsW_s width. In contrast to monotonic increase of the steady-state width WsW_s, the relaxed interface width WrW_r is found to decay (possibly as a stretched exponential) with the molecular weight.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Short Time Behavior in De Gennes' Reptation Model

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    To establish a standard for the distinction of reptation from other modes of polymer diffusion, we analytically and numerically study the displacement of the central bead of a chain diffusing through an ordered obstacle array for times t<O(N2)t < O(N^2). Our theory and simulations agree quantitatively and show that the second moment approaches the t1/4t^{1/4} often viewed as signature of reptation only after a very long transient and only for long chains (N > 100). Our analytically solvable model furthermore predicts a very short transient for the fourth moment. This is verified by computer experiment.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 4 ps file

    Cost-consequence analysis for human recombinant growth hormone (r-hGH) treatment administered via different devices in children with growth hormone deficiency in Italy

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    Background: The objective of this analysis was to evaluate the cost-consequence of recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH) administered via the easypod auto-injector (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) versus conventional devices in children with growth hormone deficiency in Italy. Methods: A patient-level simulation, decision-analytical model was developed to estimate the average height gains and growth hormone treatment costs for a cohort of boys and girls until their bone maturation age. The calculations were performed using listed growth hormone drug prices (base case) and a scenario analysis was also conducted using published tender prices. Costs were discounted at 3%. Results: Due to improved adherence and earlier identification of poor responders, patients receiving somatropin with easypod gained, on average, 3.2 cm more than patients receiving other r-hGH treatments. Somatropin with easypod had the second highest total cost including wastage (\u20ac96,710), but had the second lowest cost per cm gained (\u20ac7699/cm). In the scenario analysis, somatropin with easypod had the lowest cost per cm gained (\u20ac4708/cm) amongst all of the compared treatments. Conclusion: Somatropin with easypod can be cost-saving versus all other r-hGH treatments except Omnitrope when listed drug prices are considered and can be cost-saving versus all other r-hGH treatments when tender drug prices are considered. The easypod device also facilitates cost savings in terms of reduced wastage

    Synthesis and Heterocyclizations of 3,4-Dihydroquinazolin-2-yl Guanidine in the Search of New Anticancer Agents

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    The cyclocondensations of 3,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-yl guanidine with a variety of electrophilic reagents viz. aldehydes, ketones, triethyl orthoformate, diethyl ethoxymethylenemalonate, carbon disulfide and trichloroacetonitrile were found to afford 1,3,5-triazino[2,1-b]quinazolines. However, some unexpected reactions were also observed. The structural properties such as tautomerism and hinderance to conformational rotation were also investigated. The results of biological testing suggested that the 1,3,5-triazino[2,1-b]quinazoline nucleus could be a new promising scaffold for the development of potential anticancer agents

    NMR studies of Successive Phase Transitions in Na0.5CoO2 and K0.5CoO2

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    59Co- and 23Na-NMR measurements have been carried out on polycrystalline and c-axis aligned samples of Na0.5CoO2, which exhibits successive transitions at temperatures T = 87 K (= Tc1) and T = 53 K (= Tc2). 59Co-NMR has also been carried out on c-axis aligned crystallites of K0.5CoO2 with similar successive transitions at Tc1 ~ 60 K and Tc2 ~ 20 K. For Na0.5CoO2, two sets of three NMR lines of 23Na nuclei explained by considering the quadrupolar frequencies nuQ ~1.32 and 1.40 MHz have been observed above Tc1, as is expected from the crystalline structure. Rather complicated but characteristic variation of the 23Na-NMR spectra has been observed with varying T through the transition temperatures, and the internal fields at two crystallographically distinct Na sites are discussed on the basis of the magnetic structures reported previously. The internal fields at two distinct Co sites observed below Tc1 and the 591/T1-T curves of Na0.5CoO2 and K0.5CoO2 are also discussed in a comparative way.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, correction is made in right colum of p6 (35th line) as K0.5CoO2-->Na0.5CoO

    Novel phase diagram of superconductor NaxCoO2-yH2O in a 75 % relative humidity

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    We succeeded in synthesizing the powder samples of bilayer-hydrate sodium cobalt oxide superconductors NaxCoO2-yH2O with Tc = 0 ~ 4.6 K by systematically changing the keeping duration in a 75 % relative humidity atmosphere after intercalation of water molecules. From the magnetic measurements, we found that the one-day duration sample does not show any superconductivity down to 1.8 K, and that the samples kept for 2 ~ 7 days show superconductivity, in which Tc increases up to 4.6 K with increasing the duration. Tc and the superconducting volume fraction are almost invariant between 7 days and 1month duration. The 59Co NQR spectra indicate a systematic change in the local charge distribution on the CoO2 plane with change in duration.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Journal of the Physical Society of Japa

    Structure and Dynamics of Superconducting NaxCoO(2) Hydrate and Its Unhydrated Analog

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    Neutron scattering has been used to investigate the crystal structure and lattice dynamics of superconducting Na0.3CoO2 1.4(H/D)2O, and the parent Na0.3CoO2 material. The structure of Na0.3CoO2 consists of alternate layers of CoO2 and Na and is the same as the structure at higher Na concentrations. For the superconductor, the water forms two additional layers between the Na and CoO2, increasing the c-axis lattice parameter of the hexagonal P63/mmc space group from 11.16 A to 19.5 A. The Na ions are found to occupy a different configuration from the parent compound, while the water forms a structure that replicates the structure of ice. Both types of sites are only partially occupied. The CoO2 layer in these structures is robust, on the other hand, and we find a strong inverse correlation between the CoO2 layer thickness and the superconducting transition temperature (TC increases with decreasing thickness). The phonon density-of-states for Na0.3CoO2 exhibits distinct acoustic and optic bands, with a high-energy cutoff of ~100 meV. The lattice dynamical scattering for the superconductor is dominated by the hydrogen modes, with librational and bending modes that are quite similar to ice, supporting the structural model that the water intercalates and forms ice-like layers in the superconductor.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, Phys. Rev. B (in press). Minor changes + two figures removed as requested by refere