15,232 research outputs found

    On Colorful Bin Packing Games

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    We consider colorful bin packing games in which selfish players control a set of items which are to be packed into a minimum number of unit capacity bins. Each item has one of m2m\geq 2 colors and cannot be packed next to an item of the same color. All bins have the same unitary cost which is shared among the items it contains, so that players are interested in selecting a bin of minimum shared cost. We adopt two standard cost sharing functions: the egalitarian cost function which equally shares the cost of a bin among the items it contains, and the proportional cost function which shares the cost of a bin among the items it contains proportionally to their sizes. Although, under both cost functions, colorful bin packing games do not converge in general to a (pure) Nash equilibrium, we show that Nash equilibria are guaranteed to exist and we design an algorithm for computing a Nash equilibrium whose running time is polynomial under the egalitarian cost function and pseudo-polynomial for a constant number of colors under the proportional one. We also provide a complete characterization of the efficiency of Nash equilibria under both cost functions for general games, by showing that the prices of anarchy and stability are unbounded when m3m\geq 3 while they are equal to 3 for black and white games, where m=2m=2. We finally focus on games with uniform sizes (i.e., all items have the same size) for which the two cost functions coincide. We show again a tight characterization of the efficiency of Nash equilibria and design an algorithm which returns Nash equilibria with best achievable performance

    Semiclassical Gravity Theory and Quantum Fluctuations

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    We discuss the limits of validity of the semiclassical theory of gravity in which a classical metric is coupled to the expectation value of the stress tensor. It is argued that this theory is a good approximation only when the fluctuations in the stress tensor are small. We calculate a dimensionless measure of these fluctuations for a scalar field on a flat background in particular cases, including squeezed states and the Casimir vacuum state. It is found that the fluctuations are small for states which are close to a coherent state, which describes classical behavior, but tend to be large otherwise. We find in all cases studied that the energy density fluctuations are large whenever the local energy density is negative. This is taken to mean that the gravitational field of a system with negative energy density, such as the Casimir vacuum, is not described by a fixed classical metric but is undergoing large metric fluctuations. We propose an operational scheme by which one can describe a fluctuating gravitational field in terms of the statistical behavior of test particles. For this purpose we obtain an equation of the form of the Langevin equation used to describe Brownian motion.Comment: In REVTEX. 20pp + 4 figures(not included, available upon request) TUTP-93-

    Submodular Maximization Meets Streaming: Matchings, Matroids, and More

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    We study the problem of finding a maximum matching in a graph given by an input stream listing its edges in some arbitrary order, where the quantity to be maximized is given by a monotone submodular function on subsets of edges. This problem, which we call maximum submodular-function matching (MSM), is a natural generalization of maximum weight matching (MWM), which is in turn a generalization of maximum cardinality matching (MCM). We give two incomparable algorithms for this problem with space usage falling in the semi-streaming range---they store only O(n)O(n) edges, using O(nlogn)O(n\log n) working memory---that achieve approximation ratios of 7.757.75 in a single pass and (3+ϵ)(3+\epsilon) in O(ϵ3)O(\epsilon^{-3}) passes respectively. The operations of these algorithms mimic those of Zelke's and McGregor's respective algorithms for MWM; the novelty lies in the analysis for the MSM setting. In fact we identify a general framework for MWM algorithms that allows this kind of adaptation to the broader setting of MSM. In the sequel, we give generalizations of these results where the maximization is over "independent sets" in a very general sense. This generalization captures hypermatchings in hypergraphs as well as independence in the intersection of multiple matroids.Comment: 18 page

    The Epstein-Glaser approach to pQFT: graphs and Hopf algebras

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    The paper aims at investigating perturbative quantum field theory (pQFT) in the approach of Epstein and Glaser (EG) and, in particular, its formulation in the language of graphs and Hopf algebras (HAs). Various HAs are encountered, each one associated with a special combination of physical concepts such as normalization, localization, pseudo-unitarity, causality and an associated regularization, and renormalization. The algebraic structures, representing the perturbative expansion of the S-matrix, are imposed on the operator-valued distributions which are equipped with appropriate graph indices. Translation invariance ensures the algebras to be analytically well-defined and graded total symmetry allows to formulate bialgebras. The algebraic results are given embedded in the physical framework, which covers the two recent EG versions by Fredenhagen and Scharf that differ with respect to the concrete recursive implementation of causality. Besides, the ultraviolet divergences occuring in Feynman's representation are mathematically reasoned. As a final result, the change of the renormalization scheme in the EG framework is modeled via a HA which can be seen as the EG-analog of Kreimer's HA.Comment: 52 pages, 5 figure

    Online unit clustering in higher dimensions

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    We revisit the online Unit Clustering and Unit Covering problems in higher dimensions: Given a set of nn points in a metric space, that arrive one by one, Unit Clustering asks to partition the points into the minimum number of clusters (subsets) of diameter at most one; while Unit Covering asks to cover all points by the minimum number of balls of unit radius. In this paper, we work in Rd\mathbb{R}^d using the LL_\infty norm. We show that the competitive ratio of any online algorithm (deterministic or randomized) for Unit Clustering must depend on the dimension dd. We also give a randomized online algorithm with competitive ratio O(d2)O(d^2) for Unit Clustering}of integer points (i.e., points in Zd\mathbb{Z}^d, dNd\in \mathbb{N}, under LL_{\infty} norm). We show that the competitive ratio of any deterministic online algorithm for Unit Covering is at least 2d2^d. This ratio is the best possible, as it can be attained by a simple deterministic algorithm that assigns points to a predefined set of unit cubes. We complement these results with some additional lower bounds for related problems in higher dimensions.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. A preliminary version appeared in the Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA 2017

    Energy Density-Flux Correlations in an Unusual Quantum State and in the Vacuum

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    In this paper we consider the question of the degree to which negative and positive energy are intertwined. We examine in more detail a previously studied quantum state of the massless minimally coupled scalar field, which we call a ``Helfer state''. This is a state in which the energy density can be made arbitrarily negative over an arbitrarily large region of space, but only at one instant in time. In the Helfer state, the negative energy density is accompanied by rapidly time-varying energy fluxes. It is the latter feature which allows the quantum inequalities, bounds which restrict the magnitude and duration of negative energy, to hold for this class of states. An observer who initially passes through the negative energy region will quickly encounter fluxes of positive energy which subsequently enter the region. We examine in detail the correlation between the energy density and flux in the Helfer state in terms of their expectation values. We then study the correlation function between energy density and flux in the Minkowski vacuum state, for a massless minimally coupled scalar field in both two and four dimensions. In this latter analysis we examine correlation functions rather than expectation values. Remarkably, we see qualitatively similar behavior to that in the Helfer state. More specifically, an initial negative energy vacuum fluctuation in some region of space is correlated with a subsequent flux fluctuation of positive energy into the region. We speculate that the mechanism which ensures that the quantum inequalities hold in the Helfer state, as well as in other quantum states associated with negative energy, is, at least in some sense, already ``encoded'' in the fluctuations of the vacuum.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures; published version with typos corrected and one added referenc

    Cognition as Embodied Morphological Computation

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    Cognitive science is considered to be the study of mind (consciousness and thought) and intelligence in humans. Under such definition variety of unsolved/unsolvable problems appear. This article argues for a broad understanding of cognition based on empirical results from i.a. natural sciences, self-organization, artificial intelligence and artificial life, network science and neuroscience, that apart from the high level mental activities in humans, includes sub-symbolic and sub-conscious processes, such as emotions, recognizes cognition in other living beings as well as extended and distributed/social cognition. The new idea of cognition as complex multiscale phenomenon evolved in living organisms based on bodily structures that process information, linking cognitivists and EEEE (embodied, embedded, enactive, extended) cognition approaches with the idea of morphological computation (info-computational self-organisation) in cognizing agents, emerging in evolution through interactions of a (living/cognizing) agent with the environment