765 research outputs found


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    У статті представлені результати дослідження із визначення впливу біологічно активного засобу біовір на поведінкові реакції лабораторних тварин. Застосування біовіру у дозі 12,5 мг/кг маси тіла спричинювало позитивні зміни у поведінці тварин. Зокрема, упродовж усього періоду експерименту у тварин, яким вводили вище згадану дозу спостерігали збільшення горизонтальної активноті, актів грумінгу, дослідницької активності порівняно до показників контрольної групи. При цьому вірогідне збільшення поведінкових реакцій спостерігали на 14 добу застосування препарату, а на 28 добу досліду встановили збільшення на 40,7 % м’язової працездатності щурів.В статье представлены результаты исследования по определению влияния биологически активного средства биовир на поведенческие реакции лабораторных животных. Применение биовира в дозе 12,5 мг/кг массы тела вызвало положительные изменения в поведении животных. В частности, на протяжении всего периода эксперимента у животных которым вводили вышеупомянутую дозу наблюдали увеличение горизонтальной активности, актов груминга, исследовательской активности животных по сравнению с показателями контрольной группы. При этом достоверное увеличение поведенческих реакций наблюдали на 14сутки приема препарата, а на 28 сутки опыта установили увеличение на 40,7 % мышечной работоспособности крыс.The article present the results of the study of the determination of the influence of a biologically active agent biovir on behavioral responses of laboratory animals. The introduction of biovir in a dose of 12,5 mg/kg body weight caused the positive changes in behavior of animals. In particular, we found out that the introduction of biovir in the aforementioned dose, during the all period of the experiment, caused the increase of horizontal activity, acts of grooming, research activity compared to the control group. Herewith established likely increase, compared with the control group, the number of the behavioral reaction on the 14 day of the introduction of biovir, and on the 28 day of the experiment was set an increase on 40.7 % of the efficiency muscle of rats

    Modeling a Superconducting Triplet Spin Valve with Several Layers of a Superconductor

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    A matrix solution to Usadel linearized equations is used to obtain the critical temperature and distribution of singlet pairing components of a superconductor/ferromagnetic/superconductor/ferromagnetic structure with nonideal boundaries. There is a transition from the π- to the 0-phase state between the superconductor layers upon varying the angle between the magnetizations of ferromagnetic layers in such a structure.</p


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    The article highlights the results of using a feed additive based on spore-forming bacteria of the genus Bacillus when growing broiler chickens. The addition of the studied additive to the diet of chickens in the first group at a dose of 0.5 and to the second group at a dose of 1 g/kg of feed increased the intensity of the bird's growth. In particular, the average daily weight gain of broilers in the experimental groups was, respectively, 11 and 11.8% higher than in the control group. At the same time, the yield of gutted broiler carcasses in the first and second experimental groups was higher, compared to the control group, by 245 and 275 g, respectively. Under these conditions, in the first experimental group with an average body weight of 2411.1 g, feed consumption during the experimental period was 4310 g/head, while feed conversion was 1.78. In the second experimental group with an average body weight of 2426.9 g, the feed consumption was 4253.3 g/head and the conversion was 1.75, while in the control group with an average body weight of 2178.4 g, the feed consumption was 4433.3 g/head, and the feed conversion was 2.03. When identifying microorganisms of the Enterobacteriaceae family, in the first research group were found: Escheriсhia coli, Escheriсhia fergusonii, Escheriсhia hermannii, Escheriсhia vulneris, Serratia odorifera; in the second experimental group: Escheriсhia coli, Escheriсhia fergusonii, Serratia odorifera, Kluyvera spp.; and in the control group: Escheriсhia terioteria enorita, Serratia oderofera cloacea, Shigella spp. Microorganisms of the genus Salmonella, and also Campilobacter and C. perfringens on day 42 in broilers of all groups were not detected. Therefore, the use of a feed additive based on spore-forming bacteria of the genus Bacillus leads to a decrease in feed conversion, an increase in the body weight of birds, and an increase in total and average daily weight gain, compared to the control group. Also was found the positive effect of feed additives on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora, while the microflora of the bird is corrected in the direction of an increase in the normal flora and a decrease in pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora.У статті висвітлено результати застосування кормової добавки на основі спороутворюючих бактерій роду Bacillus, при вирощуванні курей-бройлерів. Внесення досліджуваної добавки у раціон курей першої групи у дозі 0,5 а другої – 1 г/кг корму підвищувало інтенсивність росту птиці. Зокрема, середньодобовий приріст маси тіла бройлерів дослідних груп був, відповідно, на 11 та 11,8 % вищим, ніж у контрольній групі. При цьому вихід потрошеної тушки бройлерів у першій та другій дослідній групах був вищим, порівняно з контрольною групою, відповідно, на 245 та 275 г. За цих умов у першій дослідній групі, при середній масі тіла 2411,1 г, витрати кормів за дослідний період становили 4310 г/гол, при цьому конверсія корму становила 1,78. У другій дослідній групі, при середній масі тіла 2426,9 г, витрати кормів складали 4253,3 г/гол, а конверсія корму становила 1,75, тоді як у контрольній групі, при середній масі тіла 2178,4 г, витрати кормів становили 4433,3 г/гол, при цьому конверсія корму становила 2,03. При ідентифікації мікроорганізмів родини Enterobacteriaceае виявили у першій дослідній групі: Escheriсhia colі, Escheriсhia fergusonii, Escheriсhia hermannii, Escheriсhia vulneris, Serratia odorifera; у другій дослідній групі: Escheriсhia coli, Escheriсhia fergusonii, Serratia odorifera, Kluyvera spp.; в контрольній групі: Escheriсhia terіoterіa enorita, Serratia oderofera cloacea, Shigella spp. Мікроорганізмів роду Salmonella, а також Campilobacter та C. perfringens на 42 добу у бройлерів усіх груп не виявляли. Отже, застосування кормової добавки на основі спороутворюючих бактерій роду Bacillus призводить до зниження конверсії корму, підвищення маси тіла птиці, збільшення загального та середньодобового приросту ваги, порівняно з контрольною групою. Встановлено позитивний вплив застосування кормової добавки на якісний та кількісний склад мікрофлори кишечнику, при цьому відбувається корекція мікрофлори птиці у бік збільшення нормофлори та зменшення патогенної і умовно-патогенної мікрофлори

    Toddlers favor communicatively presented information over statistical reliability in learning about artifacts

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    Observed associations between events can be validated by statistical information of reliability or by testament of communicative sources. We tested whether toddlers learn from their own observation of efficiency, assessed by statistical information on reliability of interventions, or from communicatively presented demonstration, when these two potential types of evidence of validity of interventions on a novel artifact are contrasted with each other. Eighteen-month-old infants observed two adults, one operating the artifact by a method that was more efficient (2/3 probability of success) than that of the other (1/3 probability of success). Compared to the Baseline condition, in which communicative signals were not employed, infants tended to choose the less reliable method to operate the artifact when this method was demonstrated in a communicative manner in the Experimental condition. This finding demonstrates that, in certain circumstances, communicative sanctioning of reliability may override statistical evidence for young learners. Such a bias can serve fast and efficient transmission of knowledge between generations

    Визначення активності фунгіцидних засобів до збудників дерматомікозів домашніх тварин

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    The aim of the study was to identify and identify the causative agents of dermatomycosis in dogs and cats and to determine their sensitivity to solutions of ketonazole and chlorhexidine digluconate, which are part of the drug Skinhard. This is a spray for external use, manufactured by PJSC “Halychpharm”. For laboratory diagnosis of dermatomycoses, samples from the affected parts of the skin and fur of domestic animals were used. To isolate a pure culture of fungi were sown on selective media: wort agar, agar Saburo, Chapek. The optimal cultivation regime for pathogenic fungi was 20–25 °С. Isolated fungal cultures were identified by the appearance and shape of colonies, their consistency, color, ability to grow at 37 °C, microscopic structure, in particular - the nature of mycelial branching and the presence of septa, location of conidiophores, spores and other signs. A microbiological examination of the affected areas of the skin of dogs and cats was performed to detect microscopic fungi. The following fungi were isolated from dogs affected by mycoses: Candida spp., Aspergillus niger, Epidermophyton spp., Microsporum spp., Mucor spp., Trichophyton spp., Mallasseria spp., Sporotrich spp, Candida albicans, and from cats: Microspor Candida spp., Spototrich spp., Rhizorus spp., Fusarium spp. Trichophyton spp. Isolated microscopic fungi of the genus Malassezia spp. belong to superficial mycoses (keratomycoses) and affect the superficial layers of skin and hair. Epidermatophytes: Trichophyton spp., Epidermophyton spp., Microsporum spp. affect the epidermis, skin and coat. In addition, opportunistic fungi of the genus Aspergillus spp, Mucor spp., Rhizorus spp. and Fusarium spp. Chlorhexidine digluconate was found to be highly active against dermatophytes (Trichophyton spp., Microsporum spp.), Less active against fungi of the genus Candida and less active against Aspergillus spp, Mucor spp., Rhizorus spp, Fusarium spp. Ketonazole is highly active against dermatophytes (Trichophyton spp., Epidermophyton spp., Microsporum spp.), Yeast (Malassezia spp., Candida spp.,) And opportunistic fungi (Aspergillus spp., Mucor spp., Rhizorus spp.).Метою дослідження було виділити та ідентифікувати збудники дерматомікозу собак та котів та визначити їх чутливість до розчинів кетоназолу та хлоргексидину диглюконату, які входять до складу препарату Скінгард. Це – спрей для зовнішнього застосування, виробництва ПАТ “Галичфарм”. Для лабораторної діагностики дерматомікозів використовували зразки з уражених частин шкіри та шерсті домашніх тварин. Для виділення чистої культури грибів проводили посіви на селективні середовища: сусло-агар, агар Сабуро, Чапека. Оптимальний режим культивування для патогенних грибів становив 20–25 °С. Виділені культури грибів ідентифікували за зовнішнім виглядом і формою колоній, їх консистенцією, кольором, здатністю до росту за температури 37 °С, мікроскопічній будові, зокрема – характером розгалуження міцелію і наявністю у ньому септ, розташуванню конідієносців, спор та іншими ознаками. Проведено мікробіологічне дослідження уражених ділянок шкіри собак та котів на предмет виявлення мікроскопічних грибків. Від собак, уражених мікозами виділяли наступні грибки: Candida spp., Aspergillus niger, Epidermophyton spp., Microsporum spp., Mucor spp., Trichophyton spp., Mallasseria spp., Sporotriх spp., Candida albicans, а від котів: Microsporum spp., Candida spp., Spototriх spp., Rhizoрus spp., Fusarium spp. Trichophyton spp. Виділені мікроскопічні грибки роду Malassezia spp. належать до поверхневих мікозів (кератомікозів) і уражають поверхневі шари шкіри та шерсть. Епідерматофіти: Trichophyton spp., Epidermophyton spp., Microsporum spp. уражають епідерміс, шкіру та шерстний покрив. Крім цього, у досліджуваних зразках виявлено опортуністичні гриби роду Aspergillus spp., Mucor spp., Rhizoрus spp. та Fusarium spp. Встановлено, що хлоргексидину диглюконат високо активний до дерматофітів (Trichophyton spp., Microsporum spp.), менше активний до грибків роду Candida та мало активний до Aspergillus spp., Mucor spp., Rhizoрus spp., Fusarium spp. Кетоназол високо активний щодо дерматофітів (Trichophyton spp., Epidermophyton spp, Microsporum spp.), дріжджів (Malassezia spp., Candida spp.) та до опортуністичних грибів (Aspergillus spp, Mucor spp., Rhizoрus spp, Fusarium spp.)

    A comparison between endoscopic ultrasound-guided rendezvous and percutaneous biliary drainage after failed ERCP for malignant distal biliary obstruction

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    Background and study Aims: Selective biliary cannulation is unsuccessful in 5 % to 10 % of patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) for malignant distal biliary obstruction (MDBO). Percutaneous biliary drainage (PBD) has been the gold standard, but endoscopic ultrasound guided rendezvous (EUSr) have been increasingly used for biliary decompression in this patient population. Our aim was to compare the initial success rate, long-term efficacy, and safety of PBD and EUSr in relieving MDBO after failed ERC Patients and methods: A retrospective study involving 50 consecutive patients who had an initial failed ERCP for MDBO. Twenty-five patients undergoing EUSr between 2008 – 2014 were compared to 25 patients who underwent PBD immediately prior to the introduction of EUSr at our center (2002 – 2008). Comparisons were made between the two groups with regard to technical success, duration of hospital stay and adverse event rates after biliary decompression. Results: The mean age at presentation was 66.5 (± 12.6 years), 28 patients (54.9 %) were female. The etiology of MDBO was pancreaticobiliary malignancy in 44 (88 %) and metastatic disease in 6 (12 %) cases. Biliary drainage was technically successful by EUSr in 19 (76 %) cases and by PBD in 25 (100 %) (P = 0.002). Median length of hospital stay after initial drainage was 1 day in the EUSr group vs 5 days in PBD group (P = 0.02). Repeat biliary intervention was required for 4 patients in the EUSr group and 15 in the PBD group (P = 0.001). Conclusions: Initial technical success with EUSr was significantly lower than with PBD, however when EUSr was successful, patients had a significantly shorter post-procedure hospital stay and required fewer follow-up biliary interventions. Meeting presentations: Annual Digestive Diseases Week 201

    Electron and hole transmission through superconductor - normal metal interfaces

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    We have investigated the transmission of electrons and holes through interfaces between superconducting aluminum (Tc = 1.2 K) and various normal non-magnetic metals (copper, gold, palladium, platinum, and silver) using Andreev-reflection spectroscopy at T = 0.1 K. We analyzed the point contacts with the modified BTK theory that includes Dynes' lifetime as a fitting parameter G in addition to superconducting energy gap 2D and normal reflection described by Z. For contact areas from 1 nm^2 to 10000 nm^2 the BTK Z parameter was 0.5, corresponding to transmission coefficients of about 80 %, independent of the normal metal. The very small variation of Z indicates that the interfaces have a negligible dielectric tunneling barrier. Fermi surface mismatch does not account for the observed transmission coefficient.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Magnetism ICM2012 (Busan 2012

    The Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP) contribution to CMIP6

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    The Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP) is a coordinated multi-model investigation into decadal climate prediction, predictability, and variability. The DCPP makes use of past experience in simulating and predicting decadal variability and forced climate change gained from the fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) and elsewhere. It builds on recent improvements in models, in the reanalysis of climate data, in methods of initialization and ensemble generation, and in data treatment and analysis to propose an extended comprehensive decadal prediction investigation as a contribution to CMIP6 (Eyring et al., 2016) and to the WCRP Grand Challenge on Near Term Climate Prediction (Kushnir et al., 2016). The DCPP consists of three components. Component A comprises the production and analysis of an extensive archive of retrospective forecasts to be used to assess and understand historical decadal prediction skill, as a basis for improvements in all aspects of end-to-end decadal prediction, and as a basis for forecasting on annual to decadal timescales. Component B undertakes ongoing production, analysis and dissemination of experimental quasi-real-time multi-model forecasts as a basis for potential operational forecast production. Component C involves the organization and coordination of case studies of particular climate shifts and variations, both natural and naturally forced (e.g. the "hiatus", volcanoes), including the study of the mechanisms that determine these behaviours. Groups are invited to participate in as many or as few of the components of the DCPP, each of which are separately prioritized, as are of interest to them.The Decadal Climate Prediction Project addresses a range of scientific issues involving the ability of the climate system to be predicted on annual to decadal timescales, the skill that is currently and potentially available, the mechanisms involved in long timescale variability, and the production of forecasts of benefit to both science and society

    Mesoscopic scattering of spin s particles

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    Quantum effects in weakly disordered systems are governed by the properties of the elementary interaction between propagating particles and impurities. Long range mesoscopic effects due to multiple scattering are derived by iterating the single scattering vertex, which has to be appropriately diagonalized. In the present contribution, we present a systematic and detailed diagonalisation of the diffuson and cooperon vertices responsible for weak localisation effects. We obtain general expressions for eigenvalues and projectors onto eigenmodes, for any spin and arbitrary elementary interaction with impurities. This description provides a common frame for a unified theory of mesoscopic spin physics for electrons, photons, and other quantum particles. We treat in detail the case of spin-flip scattering of electrons by freely orientable magnetic impurities and briefly review the case of photon scattering from degenerate dipole transitions in cold atomic gases.Comment: published version, with a new figure and new section