23 research outputs found

    Organizational and methodological mechanisms for implementation of environmental auditing in the Russian Federation

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    Aim. The purpose of this article is the improvement of organizational, methodological and legal mechanisms for environmental auditing in the Russian Federation, taking into account the current regulatory framework and foreign experience in this area.Discussion. Economic growth is recognized by all as a positive and necessary phenomenon in social development. However, this process has a flip side ‐ every year, enterprises poison the air with toxic emissions, waste water damages water bodies and radioactive waste makes land unsuitable for cultivation. All this causes environmental degradation both in Russia and the broader world. The relevance of this study is that environmental auditing as a mechanism to increase the attractiveness of investment facilitates the solution of state problems of environmental safety and the strengthening of environmental law enforcement. While domestic experts currently recognize the need to develop this area of auditing, there is still no fully developed legal framework and methodology for its implementation within the Russian Federation. To a certain degree this restrains the development of organizational mechanisms for environmental auditing.Conclusion. The authors have comprehensively examined the current domestic and foreign experience in environmental auditing, its advantages and disadvantages. The environmental audit is also considered as an independent institution of governance, designed to reduce risks of business entities on the basis of compliance with environmental norms and international standards. According to the authors, an eco‐audit report should be considered as a legal document recognized as a component of conformity within eco‐auditing legal relations

    Drinking water and blood pressure: some aspects of problem in republic Dagestan

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the links between chemical composition of drinking water and a level of arterial pressure (AP) and prevalence of an arterial hypertension AH) in populations in highmountainous (Kulinsky,Tljaratinsky, Tsuntinsky areas) and plane regions (Nogajsky area ) of republic Dagestan. Drinking water in high-mountainous region was low mineralized (128, 24±7, 41 mg /l). A parity of anions was HCO3SO4 CL, the parity of cations was Сa>Mg>Na. In plane region drinking water was more mineralized (633, 26±22, 56 mg /l) the parity of anions was HCO3 > SO4 > Cl and the parity of cations was Na> Ca> K> Mg. It was revealed, that in a high-mountainous region agerelated levels of AP were lower, than that in plane region. Age increase of BP was negligible. Prevalence AH (BP≥140/90 mm Hg) in high-mountainous areas was accordingly equal 5,67±0,48 %., 4,21±0,93 %, 7,23±0,73 %. In Nogajsky area the prevalence of AH was equal 26,90±0,92 %

    Analysis of processes leading to explosive phenomena on the surface of a liquid cathode at the time of the dc electric arc ignition

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    The paper considers various causes of explosions on the cathodes surface in the region of arc attachment in a direct current arc discharge. Estimates of the characteristic times of the development of instabilities during the passage of current through the liquid tip of the cathode are made. As a result, an assumption was put forward that, starting from the moment of formation of the stretched tip and up to the explosion, at different stages of the stretches development, various instabilities alternately play the main roles

    «Ecological Economy»: The Most Important Aspect of the Ideology of the Global Commons in Supporting Sustainable Socio-Economic Development

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    Aim. To study the methodological foundations and main provisions of a new vector of economic development, the "ecological economy", as being the most important aspect of the Global Commons ideology.Material and Methods. The study was conducted using a range of theoretical research methods, including analysis, deduction and forecasting.Discussion. The basis of the Global Commons ideology is considered to be the "green economy", a new technological modality, the purpose of which is the careful and rational utilisation of available resources employing high technologies for the maximum satisfaction of people's needs. Proponents of the Global Commons ideology advocate the ecology or the environment as the dominant factors in sustainable socio-economic development. At the same time, the environmental policy of the developed world also represents a new form of neocolonialism directed at the takeover of strategic natural resources of underdeveloped countries, while restricting their rights to technological and social development. It may even be aimed at the military or economic capture of national natural and biological resources. All this challenges individual state sovereignty and may lead to a fundamentally new type of conflict in the future.Conclusions. The formation of the "ecological economy" is a new vector of sustainable socio-economic development in the Global Commons ideology, requiring our governmental authorities to take the necessary organizational, military, managerial and regulatory measures to realize the nation's competitive advantages, to conserve its natural potential, to block non-residents from capturing national wealth and to organise an effective system of environmental security