189 research outputs found

    The impact of service delivery system effectiveness on service quality: A hierarchical approach

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    Copyright © 2015 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. This article focuses on the effectiveness of the service delivery system (SDS) and re-examines its influence on customers' perceived service quality. In this study, the influence of four specific indicators of the SDS' effectiveness (namely front line employees' role performance, their adaptability to individual customer needs, the effectiveness of their coordination and the effectiveness of the service process' control) on perceived service quality is tested. In doing so, a hierarchical approach integrating both managers' and customers' views have been taken. The results confirm the positive influence of three variables on perceived service quality (role performance, effectiveness of coordination and effectiveness of process' control). On the contrary, the influence of employees' adaptability was not found significant

    ProMe: A Mentoring Platform for Older Adults Using Machine Learning Techniques for Supporting the “Live and Learn” Concept

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    It is well known what an important role employment plays in our lives and how it influences our everyday life. With the help of employment, all of us as individuals manage to create our personal and social net that not only gives meaning and financial security but also heavily affects our social status, contributes to self-esteem, and plays a vital role on the way our social relationships at work and (not only) are formed. Being work active even after the retirement time has been found to have mostly useful and positive effects. Age groups that are in the after retirement age group (65 and more) and keep working can significantly improve their mental health since they feel that there are still things to offer to others. ProMe aims to provide a unique framework for the people being in this transitional phase of their life, from work to retirement, thus playing a vital role in supporting their mental health and well-being. ProMe provides a platform for the younger generation to benefit from the accumulated professional and formal knowledge and experience of the older. In this way, ProMe supports professional intergenerational cooperation and mentoring, bringing together older adults with younger generations

    Graphene-like metallic-on-silicon field effect transistor

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    In this manuscript, we present a field effect transistor with a channel consisting of a two-dimensional electron gas located at the interface between an ultrathin metallic film of Ni and a p-type Si(111) substrate. We have demonstrated that the two-dimensional electron gas channel is modulated by the gate voltage. The dependence of the drain current on the drain voltage has no saturation region, similar to a field effect transistor based on graphene. However, the transport in this transistor is not ambipolar, as in graphene, but unipolar

    Do Empowered Front-Line Employees Perform Better? A Non-linear Approach and the Role of Service Complexity

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    This study re-examines the influence of front-line service employee empowerment on their performance, following a non-linear approach and integrating the role of service complexity. For that purpose, data were collected through a quantitative survey on 240 front-line employees in two major UK cities (London, Leeds). The study’s results indicate that empowerment has a significant impact on their performance and that this impact is non-linear (quadratic). Specifically, the relationship between empowerment and performance is negative for low-level empowerment and positive for high-level empowerment. In addition, the study’s results show that the nature of this relationship is different for different levels of service complexity. Specifically, for low-complexity services, the relationship between empowerment and performance was found quadratic, whereas for high-complexity services the relationship was found positive and linear. Based on the study’s main conclusions important implications for both academics and practitioners are presented

    Long-term stability of transparent n/p ZnO homojunctions grown by rf-sputtering at room-temperature

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    ZnO-based n/p homojunctions were fabricated by sputtering from a single zinc nitride target at room temperature on metal or ITO-coated glass and Si substrates. A multi-target rf-sputtering system was used for the growth of all oxide films as multilayers in a single growth run without breaking the vacuum in the growth chamber. The nitrogen-containing films (less than 1.5 at.% of nitrogen) were n-type ZnO when deposited in oxygen-deficient Ar plasma (10% O2) and p-type ZnO when deposited in oxygen-rich Ar plasma (50% O2). The all-oxide homojunction ITO/n-ZnO/p-ZnO/ITO/glass was fabricated in a single deposition run and exhibited visible transparency in the range of 75–85%. The n/p ZnO homojunctions, having metallic contacts, formed on conventionally processed substrates showed a fairly unstable behavior concerning the current-voltage characteristics. However, the same homojunctions formed on Si3N4-patterned substrates and stored in atmosphere for a period of five months were stable exhibiting a turn-on voltage of around 1.5 V. The realization of a room temperature sputtered transparent and stable ZnO homojunction paves the way to the realization of all-oxide transparent optoelectronic devices

    Simulating Ising Spin Glasses on a Quantum Computer

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    A linear-time algorithm is presented for the construction of the Gibbs distribution of configurations in the Ising model, on a quantum computer. The algorithm is designed so that each run provides one configuration with a quantum probability equal to the corresponding thermodynamic weight. The partition function is thus approximated efficiently. The algorithm neither suffers from critical slowing down, nor gets stuck in local minima. The algorithm can be A linear-time algorithm is presented for the construction of the Gibbs distribution of configurations in the Ising model, on a quantum computer. The algorithm is designed so that each run provides one configuration with a quantum probability equal to the corresponding thermodynamic weight. The partition function is thus approximated efficiently. The algorithm neither suffers from critical slowing down, nor gets stuck in local minima. The algorithm can be applied in any dimension, to a class of spin-glass Ising models with a finite portion of frustrated plaquettes, diluted Ising models, and models with a magnetic field. applied in any dimension, to a class of spin-glass Ising models with a finite portion of frustrated plaquettes, diluted Ising models, and models with a magnetic field.Comment: 24 pages, 3 epsf figures, replaced with published and significantly revised version. More info available at http://www.fh.huji.ac.il/~dani/ and http://www.fiz.huji.ac.il/staff/acc/faculty/biha

    Team Learning: the Missing Construct from a Cross-Cultural Examination of Higher Education?

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    Team learning should be an important construct in organizational management research because team learning can enhance organizational learning and overall performance. However, there is limited understanding of how team learning works in different cultural contexts. Using an international comparative research approach, we developed a framework of antecedents and outcomes in the higher education context and tested it with samples from the UK and Vietnam. The results show that a common framework is applicable in the two different contexts, subject to slight modifications. However, this study does not find that team learning (measured via the proxy of “attitude towards team learning”) exhibits any statistically significant relationship as a predictor of the proposed outcomes. Other findings from this study on educational contexts are important not only to scholars in this field, but also for practicing managers, particularly those who study and operate in the extensive global market

    Acoustic emission signal processing framework to identify fracture in aluminum alloys

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    Acoustic emission (AE) is a common nondestructive evaluation tool that has been used to monitor fracture in materials and structures. The direct connection between AE events and their source, however, is difficult because of material, geometry and sensor contributions to the recorded signals. Moreover, the recorded AE activity is affected by several noise sources which further complicate the identification process. This article uses a combination of in situ experiments inside the scanning electron microscope to observe fracture in an aluminum alloy at the time and scale it occurs and a novel AE signal processing framework to identify characteristics that correlate with fracture events. Specifically, a signal processing method is designed to cluster AE activity based on the selection of a subset of features objectively identified by examining their correlation and variance. The identified clusters are then compared to both mechanical and in situ observed microstructural damage. Results from a set of nanoindentation tests as well as a carefully designed computational model are also presented to validate the conclusions drawn from signal processing

    Increased Extra-axial Cerebrospinal Fluid in High-Risk Infants Who Later Develop Autism

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    Background We previously reported that infants who developed autism spectrum disorder (ASD) had increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the subarachnoid space (i.e., extra-axial CSF) from 6 to 24 months of age. We attempted to confirm and extend this finding in a larger independent sample. Methods A longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study of infants at risk for ASD was carried out on 343 infants, who underwent neuroimaging at 6, 12, and 24 months. Of these infants, 221 were at high risk for ASD because of an older sibling with ASD, and 122 were at low risk with no family history of ASD. A total of 47 infants were diagnosed with ASD at 24 months and were compared with 174 high-risk and 122 low-risk infants without ASD. Results Infants who developed ASD had significantly greater extra-axial CSF volume at 6 months compared with both comparison groups without ASD (18% greater than high-risk infants without ASD; Cohen's d = 0.54). Extra-axial CSF volume remained elevated through 24 months (d = 0.46). Infants with more severe autism symptoms had an even greater volume of extra-axial CSF from 6 to 24 months (24% greater at 6 months, d = 0.70; 15% greater at 24 months, d = 0.70). Extra-axial CSF volume at 6 months predicted which high-risk infants would be diagnosed with ASD at 24 months with an overall accuracy of 69% and corresponding 66% sensitivity and 68% specificity, which was fully cross-validated in a separate sample. Conclusions This study confirms and extends previous findings that increased extra-axial CSF is detectable at 6 months in high-risk infants who develop ASD. Future studies will address whether this anomaly is a contributing factor to the etiology of ASD or an early risk marker for ASD

    Similar or Different? The Role of the Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Similarity Detection

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    Patients with frontal lobe syndrome can exhibit two types of abnormal behaviour when asked to place a banana and an orange in a single category: some patients categorize them at a concrete level (e.g., “both have peel”), while others continue to look for differences between these objects (e.g., “one is yellow, the other is orange”). These observations raise the question of whether abstraction and similarity detection are distinct processes involved in abstract categorization, and that depend on separate areas of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). We designed an original experimental paradigm for a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study involving healthy subjects, confirming the existence of two distinct processes relying on different prefrontal areas, and thus explaining the behavioural dissociation in frontal lesion patients. We showed that: 1) Similarity detection involves the anterior ventrolateral PFC bilaterally with a right-left asymmetry: the right anterior ventrolateral PFC is only engaged in detecting physical similarities; 2) Abstraction per se activates the left dorsolateral PFC