16 research outputs found

    Business Intelligence Competency Centers

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    Evaluation of customer expectations-based new product and service development process: An analysis for the Turkish banking sector

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    This chapter analyzed customer expectations-based new product and service development process in banking sector for the Turkish banking sector. In-depth interview technique was used. Four dimensions (finance, technology, customer and personnel, and physical conditions) were determined for measuring the efficiency of this process, and 12 criteria were determined for these dimensions. Questions were prepared by considering the literature and these dimensions and criteria. The 26 questions were asked to 12 different personnel working in Turkish banks. Those employees in the private and foreign banks did not indicate any negativity regarding the new product and service development process, but did report deficiencies in terms of personnel and physical conditions in relation to the new product and service development process

    Strategic approach to business intelligence and its impacts on organizational performance

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    Organizational structures have changed as a result of the widespread use of information technology, as well as the development of software programs and its daily use in all departments. When such technologies became more widespread throughout every sector, enterprises began to understand its effectiveness and have established information technology department requirements in their organizations. With time, these requirements have become integrated into whole organizations, thereby increasing the importance of business intelligence. Competitors, increasing uncertainties, and risks of the sector have resulted in the further development of the concept of business intelligence to support organizations and senior management wishing to achieve a competitive advantage and make strategic decisions. In other words, analyzing data and sharing it among the departments within the organization became significantly important as senior management use this information to make strategic decisions