9,883 research outputs found

    Scattering of magnetic edge states

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    We consider a charged particle following the boundary of a two-dimensional domain because a homogeneous magnetic field is applied. We develop the basic scattering theory for the corresponding quantum mechanical edge states. The scattering phase attains a limit for large magnetic fields which we interpret in terms of classical trajectories.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figure

    The heat kernel expansion for the electromagnetic field in a cavity

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    We derive the first six coefficients of the heat kernel expansion for the electromagnetic field in a cavity by relating it to the expansion for the Laplace operator acting on forms. As an application we verify that the electromagnetic Casimir energy is finite.Comment: 12 page

    A general resonance theory based on Mourre's inequality

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    We study the perturbation of bound states embedded in the continuous spectrum which are unstable by the Fermi Golden Rule. The approach to resonance theory based on spectral deformation is extended to a more general class of quantum systems characterized by Mourre's inequality and smoothness of the resolvent. Within the framework of perturbation theory it is still possible to give a definite meaning to the notion of complex resonance energies and of corresponding metastable states. The main result is a quasi-exponential decay estimate up to a controlled error of higher order in perturbation theory.Comment: 17 page

    Comparison of quantization of charge transport in periodic and open pumps

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    We compare the charges transported in two systems, a spatially periodic and an open quantum pump, both depending periodically and adiabatically on time. The charge transported in a cycle was computed by Thouless, respectively by Buttiker et al. in the two cases. We show that the results agree in the limit where the two physical situations become the same, i.e., that of a large open pump.Comment: 7 page

    Reply to [arXiv:1201.5347] "Comment on 'Vortex-assisted photon counts and their magnetic field dependence in single-photon superconducting detectors'"

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    We argue that cutoff in the London model cannot be settled without use of the microscopic theory
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