17 research outputs found

    Firm and household mobility in the presence of variations in regional characteristics

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    This paper examines the behavior of households and firms in the presence of variations in regional characteristics that affect their location decisions. It then determines relevant equilibrium conditions. Based on the implications of these equilibrium conditions, firm and household locations can be explained either by the dominance of firms or by the dominance of households. The results of this theory are applied to the case of 17 Arab countries

    Quality of Life Indices for Analysing Convergence in the European Union

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    GIANNIAS D., LIARGOVAS P. and MANOLAS G. (1999) Quality of life indices for analysing convergence in the European Union, Reg. Studies 33 , 27-35. This paper investigates convergence and tests it empirically across countries of the European Union between 1970 and 1990. Convergence is defined not only in terms of economic indicators, but also in terms of social and quality of life indicators. Real convergence is computed by evaluating a weighted average coefficient of variation based on economic and quality of life variables. The weights are based on an experts' opinion survey. Country rankings, based on the values of a composite quality of life index, are also constructed. The results confirm that real convergence was achieved between 1970-75 for most of the countries. Convergence stagnated between 1980-85 and then it increased. Southern European Member States did not exhibit similar patterns. GIANNIAS D., LIARGOVAS P. et MANOLAS G. (1999) L'analyse de la convergence au sein de l'Union europeenne a partir des indices de la qualite de la vie, Reg. Studies 33 , 27-35. Cet article cherche a examiner la notion de convergence et a l'evaluer empiriquement quant aux pays membres de l'Union europeenne entre 1970 et 1990. La notion de convergence s'exprime non seulement en fonction des clignotants economiques, mais aussi a partir des indices sociales et de la qualite de la vie. On calcule la convergence reelle en evaluant un coefficient de variation de la moyenne ponderee fonde sur des variables economiques et relatives a la qualite de la vie. Les ponderations proviennent d'une enque⁁te des opinions des experts. Les pays sont classes en fonction des valeurs d'une indice composee de la qualite de la vie. Les resultats confirment que la convergence reelle avait ete atteinte entre 1970 et 1975 pour la plupart des pays. La convergence stagnait entre 1980 et 1985 pour redemarrer. Les pays-membres du sud de l'Europe n'ont pas fait preuve des tendances similaires. GIANNIAS D., LIARGOVAS P. und MANOLAS G. (1999) Lebensqualitatsindexe zur Analyse der Konvergenz in der EU, Reg. Studies 33 , 27-35. Dieser Aufsatz untersucht Konvergenz und uberpruft sie empirisch in Landern der ganzen EU fur den Zeitraum 1970-1990. Konvergenz wird nicht nur unter dem Aspekt wirtschaftlicher Indikatoren, sondern auch dem der Lebensqualitat- und Sozialindikatoren definiert. Wirkliche Konvergenz wird duch Bewertung gewichteter durchschnittlicher Koeffizienten der Unterschiede berechnet, die sich wirtschaftlichen und Lebensqualitatsvariablen beruhen. Gewichtung stutzt sich auf Untersuchung von Expertenansichten. Daruberhinaus werden Landerranglisten aufgestellt, die auf Werten eines zusammengesetzten Lebensqualitatsindex beruhen. Die Ergebnisse bestatigen, dass wahre Konvergenz in den meisten Landernim Zeitraum 1970-75 erreicht wurde, im Zeitraum 1980-85 jedoch stagnierte und danach zunahm. Sudeuropaische Mitgliedstaaten weisen keine derartigen Muster auf.European Union, Convergence, Quality Of Life Indices, Union Europeenne, Convergence, Indices De La Qualite De La Vie, Eu, Konvergenz, Lebensqualitatsindexe,

    Firm and household mobility in the presence of variations in regional characteristics

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    This paper examines the behavior of households and firms in the presence of variations in regional characteristics that affect their location decisions. It then determines relevant equilibrium conditions. Based on the implications of these equilibrium conditions, firm and household locations can be explained either by the dominance of firms or by the dominance of households. The results of this theory are applied to the case of 17 Arab countries.

    Computational and experimental biomonitoring transboundary pollution for optimizing industrial effluent parameters

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    This paper deals with monitoring transboundary pollution affecting a waterbody shared by two neighboring countries. The case under examination refers to a river crossing the borders between an upstream and a downstream country (UC and DC, respectively, by considering the borders as reference point), where the source of pollution is located in the UC but the downstream environmental impacts are manifested also in the DC. A methodology is presented, under the form of an algorithmic procedure including 20 activity stages and 10 decision nodes, for quantifying environmental impact, formulating the necessary knowledge framework for maximizing joint benefit and creating the suitable background for bilateral negotiations in order to reach a satisfactory agreement for both parts. The measure of pollution we introduce is the spatio-temporal oxygen deficit given as the area between a critical dissolved oxygen value and the corresponding oxygen sag curve. Based on this measure, we have determined the basic regimes that may appear in practice and we have highlighted the limiting cases that structure the domain where a quasi-optimal solution may be found. It is worthwhile noting that the presented approach can be extended to include water quality issues, especially suitable for dealing with extreme climatic changes (drought, flood, or other impacts of global warming), as well as the introduction of new technologies for improving water utility. © 2009 American Institute of Physics