8 research outputs found

    Formulation and Evaluation of Herbo-Mineral Facial Scrub

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    The main objective of present study was to prepare a herbo-mineral facial scrub. Majorly facial skin comes in direct contact of dirt, pollution, dust particles and having large number of dead cells. In order to remove the dead cells and make the skin healthy, cleaned and nourished, some facial preparations required. The prepared scrub contains various natural ingredients which are safer for use and having fewer side effects and also they possess antiseptic, anti-infective, antioxidant, anti-aging and humectant properties. The scrub was prepared by using simple mixing method using various ingredients such as poppy seeds, neem extract, tulsi extract, aloe vera gel, almond oil, mixed in carbopol 934, rest of ingredients such as glycerin, triethanolamine, preservatives and perfuming agent were also added to this preparation with homogeneous mixing. The formulated scrub was evaluated for various parameters such as physical appearance, color, texture, odor, pH, viscosity, irritability, washability, homogeneity, extrudability, spreadability and found fruitful results for all the parameter tested. Thus the prepared formulation can be used effectively as it shows good scrubbing properties and it can be used to make a healthy, clean and glowing skin. Keywords: Facial scrub, antiseptic, anti-aging, herbal, poppy seeds etc