346 research outputs found

    Polarons in the harmonic lattice. I. Standing polaron

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    We obtain analytical expressions for the large- and small-radius polarons on the one-dimensional lattice in the TBA approximation. The equations of motion for this model are treated classically for the oscillator subsystem, while a quantum description is used for the electron. The electron-phonon interaction is considered in the linear Su--Schrieffer--Heeger approximation. Good agreement between analytical formulae and accurate numerical simulation is obtained. The dynamics of polaron formation from different initial conditions is considered. Some features of the wave function evolution, governed by the finite lattice length, are elucidated.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    "Ping-pong" electron transfer. I. First reflection of the Loschmidt echo

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    Quantum dynamics of the electron wave function on one-dimensional lattice is considered. The lattice consists of NN equal sites and one impurity site. The impurity site differs from other sites by the on-site electron energy EE and the hopping integral CC. The wave function is located on the impurity site at t=0t = 0. The wave packet is formed which travels along the lattice, and reflects from its end. Reflections happen many times (Loschmidt echo) and this phenomenon is considered in the second part of the paper. Analytical expressions for the wave packet front propagation at different values EE and CC are derived, and they are in excellent agreement with the numerical simulation. The obtained results can help in interpretation of recent experiments on highly efficient charge transport in synthetic olygonucleotides.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    "Ping-pong" electron transfer. II. Multiple reflections of the Loschmidt echo and the wave function trapping by an acceptor

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    This paper continues the preceding paper on the problem of quantum dynamics on the lattice. Firstly we consider the multiple reflections of the wave function (Loschmidt echo). The phenomenon of wave function concentration on the impurity site after reflections is found. The solution representing the total amplitude a(t)a(t) is obtained as the series in terms of partial amplitudes ak(t)a_k(t). The contribution of kkth partial amplitude becomes dominant only after kkth reflection from the lattice end. An excellent agreement between analytical and accurate numerical results is obtained. Next problem, -- wave packet trapping by defects, is solved by numerical simulation. Analytical expressions are derived in few cases allowing to estimate the quantum efficiency of charge transfer. Obtained results can qualitatively explain recent experiments on the highly efficient charge transport in olygonucleotides and polypeptides.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Heat conductivity in the beta-FPU lattice. Solitons and breathers as energy carriers

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    This paper consists of two parts. The first part proposes a new methodological framework within which the heat conductivity in 1D lattices can be studied. The total process of heat conductivity is decomposed into two contributions where the first one is the equilibrium process at equal temperatures T of both lattice ends and the second -- non-equilibrium process with the temperature \Delta T of one end and zero temperature of the other. The heat conductivity in the limit \Delta T \to 0 is reduced to the heat conductivity of harmonic lattice. A threshold temperature T_{thr} scales T_{thr}(N) \sim N^{-3} with the lattice size N. Some unusual properties of heat conductivity can be exhibited on nanoscales at low temperatures. The thermodynamics of the \beta-FPU lattice can be adequately approximated by the harmonic lattice. The second part testifies in the favor of the soliton and breather contribution to the heat conductivity in contrast to [N. Li, B. Li, S. Flach, PRL 105 (2010) 054102]. In the continuum limit the \beta-FPU lattice is reduced to the modified Korteweg - de Vries equation with soliton and breather solutions. Numerical simulations demonstrate their high stability. New method for the visualization of moving solitons and breathers is suggested. An accurate expression for the dependence of the sound velocity on temperature is also obtained. Our results support the conjecture on the solitons and breathers contribution to the heat conductivity.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figure

    Polarons on one-dimensional lattice. II. Moving polaron

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    In the present study we revise the possible polaron contribution to the charge and energy transfer over long distances in biomolecules like DNA. The harmonic and the simple inharmonic (U(x)=x2/2−βx3/3U(x) = x^2/2 - \beta x^3/3) lattices are considered. The systems of PDEs are derived in the continuum approximation. The PDEs have the one-soliton solution for polarons on the harmonic lattice. It describes a moving polaron, the polaron velocity lies in the region from zero to the sound velocity and depends on the polaron amplitude. The PDEs describing polarons on the inharmonic lattice also have the one-soliton solution only in the case of special relation between parameters (parameter of inharmonicity β\beta and parameter of electron-phonon interaction α\alpha). Polaron dynamics is numerically investigated in the wide range of parameters, where the analytical solutions are not available. Supersonic polarons are observed on inharmonic lattice with high inharmonicity. There is the range of parameters α\alpha and β\beta where exists a family of unusual stable moving polarons with the envelope consisting of several peaks (polarobreather solution). The results are in qualitative agreement with recent experiments on the charge transport in DNA.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Heat conductance in nonlinear lattices at small temperature gradients

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    This paper proposes a new methodological framework within which the heat conductance in 1D lattices can be studied. The total process of heat conductance is separated into two parts where the first one is the equilibrium process at equal temperatures TT of both ends and the second one -- non-equilibrium with the temperature ΔT\Delta T of one end and zero temperature of the other. This approach allows significant decrease of computational time at ΔT→0\Delta T \to 0. The threshold temperature TthrT_{\rm thr} is found which scales Tthr(N)∼N−3T_{\rm thr}(N) \sim N^{-3} with the lattice size NN and by convention separates two mechanisms of heat conductance: phonon mechanism dominates at TTthrT T_{\rm thr}. Solitons and breathers are directly visualized in numerical experiments. The problem of heat conductance in non-linear lattices in the limit ΔT→0\Delta T \to 0 can be reduced to the heat conductance of harmonic lattice with time-dependent stochastic rigidities determined by the equilibrium process at temperature TT. The detailed analysis is done for the β\beta-FPU lattice though main results are valid for one-dimensional lattices with arbitrary potentials.Comment: 29 pages, 17 figure

    Software correlator for Radioastron mission

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    In this paper we discuss the characteristics and operation of Astro Space Center (ASC) software FX correlator that is an important component of space-ground interferometer for Radioastron project. This project performs joint observations of compact radio sources using 10 meter space radio telescope (SRT) together with ground radio telescopes at 92, 18, 6 and 1.3 cm wavelengths. In this paper we describe the main features of space-ground VLBI data processing of Radioastron project using ASC correlator. Quality of implemented fringe search procedure provides positive results without significant losses in correlated amplitude. ASC Correlator has a computational power close to real time operation. The correlator has a number of processing modes: "Continuum", "Spectral Line", "Pulsars", "Giant Pulses","Coherent". Special attention is paid to peculiarities of Radioastron space-ground VLBI data processing. The algorithms of time delay and delay rate calculation are also discussed, which is a matter of principle for data correlation of space-ground interferometers. During 5 years of Radioastron space radio telescope (SRT) successful operation, ASC correlator showed high potential of satisfying steady growing needs of current and future ground and space VLBI science. Results of ASC software correlator operation are demonstrated.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figure

    Deformation effects in low-momentum distributions of heavy nuclei

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    Momentum distributions (MD) of deep hole proton states in 238^{238}U are studied paying particular attention to the influence of deformation. Two essentially different mean-field models, Woods-Saxon (WS) and Skyrme-Hartree-Fock with the SkM∗^* force, are used. Noticeable deviations between the WS and SkM∗^* results are found. They are mainly due to the difference in effective nucleon mass. In particular, SkM∗^* gives much weaker deformation effects at low momenta than WS. It is shown that, in spite of the deformation mixing, MD at low momenta can serve for identification of Kπ=1/2+K^{\pi}=1/2^+ hole states originating from s1/2s_{1/2} spherical sub-shells. Moreover, following the WS calculations, the deformation results in additional Kπ=1/2+K^{\pi}=1/2^+ states with strong l=0l=0 contributions. A possibility to probe such states in knock-out experiments is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. In the replaced version the figures were optimized without changing their conten

    High-Resolution X-Ray Studies of the Direct Spin Contact of EuO with Silicon

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    Ferromagnetic semiconductor europium monoxide (EuO) is believed to be an effective spin injector when directly integrated with silicon. Injection through spin-selective ohmic contact requires superb structural quality of the interface EuO/Si. Recent breakthrough in manufacturing free-of-buffer-layer EuO/Si junctions calls for structural studies of the interface between the semiconductors. Ex situ high-resolution X-ray diffraction and reflectivity accompanied by in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction reveal direct coupling at the interface. A combined analysis of XRD and XRR data provides a common structural model. The structural quality of the EuO/Si spin contact by far exceeds that of previous reports and thus makes a step forward to the ultimate goals of spintronics

    Vibrational resonances in 1D Morse and FPU lattices

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    In the present paper the resonances of vibrational modes in one-dimensional random Morse lattice are found and analyzed. The resonance energy exchange is observed at some values of elongation. Resonance 2ω1=ω22 \omega_1 = \omega_2 is investigated in details. The interacting modes are inequivalent: the higher-frequency mode is much more stable in the excited state, i.e. its life-time is larger than the life-time of lower-frequency mode under the resonance conditions. Simple model of two nonlinearly coupled harmonic oscillators is also considered. It allows to get analytical description and to investigate the kinetics and the energy exchange degree vs. such parameters as the resonance detuning and specific energy. The very similar behavior is found in the Morse and the two-oscillatory models, and an excellent agreement between analytical and numerical results is obtained. Analogous resonance phenomena are also found in the random Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice under contraction.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
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