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    Compatibility fans for graphical nested complexes

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    Graph associahedra are natural generalizations of the classical associahedra. They provide polytopal realizations of the nested complex of a graph GG, defined as the simplicial complex whose vertices are the tubes (i.e. connected induced subgraphs) of GG and whose faces are the tubings (i.e. collections of pairwise nested or non-adjacent tubes) of GG. The constructions of M. Carr and S. Devadoss, of A. Postnikov, and of A. Zelevinsky for graph associahedra are all based on the nested fan which coarsens the normal fan of the permutahedron. In view of the combinatorial and geometric variety of simplicial fan realizations of the classical associahedra, it is tempting to search for alternative fans realizing graphical nested complexes. Motivated by the analogy between finite type cluster complexes and graphical nested complexes, we transpose in this paper S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky's construction of compatibility fans from the former to the latter setting. For this, we define a compatibility degree between two tubes of a graph GG. Our main result asserts that the compatibility vectors of all tubes of GG with respect to an arbitrary maximal tubing on GG support a complete simplicial fan realizing the nested complex of GG. In particular, when the graph GG is reduced to a path, our compatibility degree lies in {−1,0,1}\{-1,0,1\} and we recover F. Santos' Catalan many simplicial fan realizations of the associahedron.Comment: 51 pages, 30 figures; Version 3: corrected proof of Theorem 2

    Polytopal realizations of finite type g\mathbf{g}-vector fans

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    This paper shows the polytopality of any finite type g\mathbf{g}-vector fan, acyclic or not. In fact, for any finite Dynkin type Γ\Gamma, we construct a universal associahedron Assoun(Γ)\mathsf{Asso}_{\mathrm{un}}(\Gamma) with the property that any g\mathbf{g}-vector fan of type Γ\Gamma is the normal fan of a suitable projection of Assoun(Γ)\mathsf{Asso}_{\mathrm{un}}(\Gamma).Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures; Version 2: Minor changes in the introductio

    On the Number of Edges of Fan-Crossing Free Graphs

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    A graph drawn in the plane with n vertices is k-fan-crossing free for k > 1 if there are no k+1 edges g,e1,...ekg,e_1,...e_k, such that e1,e2,...eke_1,e_2,...e_k have a common endpoint and gg crosses all eie_i. We prove a tight bound of 4n-8 on the maximum number of edges of a 2-fan-crossing free graph, and a tight 4n-9 bound for a straight-edge drawing. For k > 2, we prove an upper bound of 3(k-1)(n-2) edges. We also discuss generalizations to monotone graph properties

    Quantum Dots with Disorder and Interactions: A Solvable Large-g Limit

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    We show that problem of interacting electrons in a quantum dot with chaotic boundary conditions is solvable in the large-g limit, where g is the dimensionless conductance of the dot. The critical point of the g=∞g=\infty theory (whose location and exponent are known exactly) that separates strong and weak-coupling phases also controls a wider fan-shaped region in the coupling-1/g plane, just as a quantum critical point controls the fan in at T>0. The weak-coupling phase is governed by the Universal Hamiltonian and the strong-coupling phase is a disordered version of the Pomeranchuk transition in a clean Fermi liquid. Predictions are made in the various regimes for the Coulomb Blockade peak spacing distributions and Fock-space delocalization (reflected in the quasiparticle width and ground state wavefunction).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
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