1,957 research outputs found

    Electro-optic measurement of carrier mobility in an organic thin-film transistor

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    We have used an electro-optic technique to measure the position-dependent infrared absorption of holes injected into a thin crystal of the organic semiconductor, 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)-pentacene incorporated in a field-effect transistor. By applying square-wave voltages of variable frequency to the gate or drain, one can measure the time it takes for charges to accumulate on the surface, and therefore determine their mobility.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Applied Physics Letter

    Dynamics of Charge Flow in the Channel of a Thin-Film Field-Effect Transistor

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    The local conductivity in the channel of a thin-film field-effect transistor is proportional to the charge density induced by the local gate voltage. We show how this determines the frequency- and position-dependence of the charge induced in the channel for the case of "zero applied current": zero drain-source voltage with charge induced by a square-wave voltage applied to the gate, assuming constant mobility and negligible contact impedances. An approximate expression for the frequency dependence of the induced charge in the center of the channel can be conveniently used to determine the charge mobility. Fits of electro-optic measurements of the induced charge in organic transistors are used as examples.Comment: 9 pages including table + 3 figures; submitted to Jnl. Appl. Phy

    The isolation of gravitational instantons: Flat tori V flat R^4

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    The role of topology in the perturbative solution of the Euclidean Einstein equations about flat instantons is examined.Comment: 15 pages, ICN-UNAM 94-1

    Tuning electronic structures via epitaxial strain in Sr2IrO4 thin films

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    We have synthesized epitaxial Sr2IrO4 thin-films on various substrates and studied their electronic structures as a function of lattice-strains. Under tensile (compressive) strains, increased (decreased) Ir-O-Ir bond-angles are expected to result in increased (decreased) electronic bandwidths. However, we have observed that the two optical absorption peaks near 0.5 eV and 1.0 eV are shifted to higher (lower) energies under tensile (compressive) strains, indicating that the electronic-correlation energy is also affected by in-plane lattice-strains. The effective tuning of electronic structures under lattice-modification provides an important insight into the physics driven by the coexisting strong spin-orbit coupling and electronic correlation.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Asymptotic Behaviour of the Proper Length and Volume of the Schwarzschild Singularity

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    Though popular presentations give the Schwarzschild singularity as a point it is known that it is spacelike and not timelike. Thus it has a "length" and is not a "point". In fact, its length must necessarily be infinite. It has been proved that the proper length of the Qadir-Wheeler suture model goes to infinity [1], while its proper volume shrinks to zero, and the asymptotic behaviour of the length and volume have been calculated. That model consists of two Friedmann sections connected by a Schwarzschild "suture". The question arises whether a similar analysis could provide the asymptotic behaviour of the Schwarzschild black hole near the singularity. It is proved here that, unlike the behaviour for the suture model, for the Schwarzschild essential singularity Δs\Delta s \thicksim K1/3lnKK^{1/3}\ln K and VV\thicksim K1lnKK^{-1}\ln K, where KK is the mean extrinsic curvature, or the York time.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Black Holes and Wormholes in 2+1 Dimensions

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    A large variety of spacetimes---including the BTZ black holes---can be obtained by identifying points in 2+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space by means of a discrete group of isometries. We consider all such spacetimes that can be obtained under a restriction to time symmetric initial data and one asymptotic region only. The resulting spacetimes are non-eternal black holes with collapsing wormhole topologies. Our approach is geometrical, and we discuss in detail: The allowed topologies, the shape of the event horizons, topological censorship and trapped curves.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 11 figure

    On the initial value problem for second order scalar fluctuations in Einstein static

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    We consider fluctuations in a perfect irrotational fluid coupled to gravity in an Einstein static universe background. We show that the homogeneous linear perturbations of the scalar and metric fluctuations in the Einstein static universe must be present if the second order constraint equations are to be integrable. I.e., the 'linearization stability' constraint forces the presence of these homogeneous modes. Since these linear homogeneous scalar modes are well known to be exponentially unstable, the tactic of neglecting these modes to create a long-lived, almost Einstein universe does not work, even if all higher order (L >> 1) modes are dynamically stable.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, changes made to the presentation throughout to emphasize the linear nature of the analysis and the treatment of the irrotational perfect fluid. Conclusions unchanged. Submitted to PR

    Gravitational Geons Revisited

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    A careful analysis of the gravitational geon solution found by Brill and Hartle is made. The gravitational wave expansion they used is shown to be consistent and to result in a gauge invariant wave equation. It also results in a gauge invariant effective stress-energy tensor for the gravitational waves provided that a generalized definition of a gauge transformation is used. To leading order this gauge transformation is the same as the usual one for gravitational waves. It is shown that the geon solution is a self-consistent solution to Einstein's equations and that, to leading order, the equations describing the geometry of the gravitational geon are identical to those derived by Wheeler for the electromagnetic geon. An appendix provides an existence proof for geon solutions to these equations.Comment: 18 pages, ReVTeX. To appear in Physical Review D. Significant changes include more details in the derivations of certain key equations and the addition of an appendix containing a proof of the existence of a geon solution to the equations derived by Wheeler. Also a reference has been added and various minor changes have been mad

    Particle Production and Positive Energy Theorems for Charged Black Holes in deSitter

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    We study quantum mechanical and classical stability properties of Reissner-Nordstrom deSitter spacetimes, which describe black holes with mass MM and charge QQ in a background with cosmological constant Λ0\Lambda \ge 0. There are two sources of particle production in these spacetimes; the black hole horizon and the cosmological horizon. A scattering calculation is done to compute the Hawking radiation in these spacetimes. We find that the flux from the black hole horizon equals the flux from the cosmological horizon, if and only if Q=M|Q|=M, indicating that this is a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. The spectrum, however, is not thermal. We also show that spacetimes containing a number of charge equal to mass black holes with Λ0\Lambda \ge 0, have supercovariantly constant spinors, suggesting that they may be minimum energy states in a positive energy construction. As a first step in this direction, we present a positive energy construction for asymptotically deSitter spacetimes with vanishing charge. Because the construction depends only on a spatial slice, our result also holds for spacetimes which are asymptotically Robertson-Walker.Comment: 11 pages (1 figure not included), UMHEP-39