118 research outputs found

    There is room for everyone: Invasion credit cannot be inferred from the species–area relationship in fragmented forests

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    Questions: Land use change, habitat fragmentation and biological invasion represent major drivers of global change that strongly interact to alter ecosystems. Following the breaking apart of forests into smaller fragments or the afforestation of former agricultural lands, biodiversity experiences drastic changes due to species loss and turnover over time. This leads to two important outcomes, namely extinction debt and invasion (colonization) credit, which both reflect the inertia of the system's response to environmental changes. Our study investigated the following questions: Is it possible to infer invasion credit from species–area relationship (SAR) residuals both for native and alien plants? Is there any trend linked with the degree of habitat fragmentation through time?. Location: Somme, Oise and Aisne departments, northern France. Methods: We analyzed the pattern of SARs' residuals for native and alien vascular plant species separately across nine sets of forest fragments that differ by the landscape matrix they are embedded in (i.e., open field, bocage, forest), while considering plant richness, area and age of the 355 forest patches. Results: The relationship between alien and native SARs’ residuals is positive across all landscapes, suggesting a lack of invasion credit. Instead, these results support the “rich get richer” hypothesis, that is a high environmental heterogeneity allows colonization by new species, be they native or alien. Interestingly, the relationship between alien and native residuals depends upon fragment age (i.e., time since patch creation) in the most intensively managed landscapes (i.e., open fields). In the latter, recent forest patches are more prone to alien invasion, as a likely consequence of increased alien propagule pressure (i.e., more sources and vectors for alien plants), increased forest invasibility (i.e., disturbance-induced environmental heterogeneity), and decreased matrix permeability (i.e., natives are more dispersal-limited than aliens). Conclusions: Our study provides new insights into alien species ecology, by showing that (i) it is not possible to infer “invasion credit” from the SAR's residuals; (ii) the invasion rate by alien species in forest fragments increases with their native species richness, and (iii) this relationship depends upon patch age in intensively managed landscapes

    The effects of stand characteristics on the understory vegetation in Quercus petraea and Q. cerris dominated forests

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    The shelterwood system used in Hungary has many effects on the composition and structure of the herb layer. The aim of our study was to identify the main variables that affect the occurence of herbs and seedlings in Turkey oak-sessile oak (Quercus cerris and Q. petraea) stands. The study was carried out in the BĂŒkk mountains, Hungary. 122 sampling plots were established in 50-150 year old oak forests, where we studied the species composition and structure of the understorey and overstorey. The occurence of herbs was affected by canopy closure, the heterogenity and patchiness of the stand, the slope and the east-west component of the aspect. The composition of saplings was significantly explained by the ratio of the two major oak species in the stand and the proximity of the adult plants. An important result for forest management was that sessile oaks were able to regenerate almost only where they were dominant in the overstorey

    Acute Pancreatitis due to pH-Dependent Mesalazine That Occurred in the Course of Ulcerative Colitis

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    We report the case of a 26-year-old male who presented with acute pancreatitis during the course of treatment for pancolitic ulcerative colitis (UC) with a time-dependent mesalazine formulation, prednisolone and azathioprine (AZA). Despite a review of his clinical history and various tests, the cause of pancreatitis could not be determined. Since drug-induced pancreatitis was considered possible, administration of the time-dependent mesalazine preparation and AZA was discontinued, and conservative treatment for acute pancreatitis was performed. The pancreatitis promptly improved with these treatments, but drug lymphocyte stimulation test (DLST) for both the time-dependent mesalazine formulation and AZA was negative. A pH-dependent mesalazine formulation was given for maintenance therapy of UC. Subsequently, as the pancreatitis relapsed, drug-induced pancreatitis was strongly suspected. Administration of mesalazine was discontinued, and pancreatitis was smoothly in remission by conservative treatment. According to the positive DLST result for the pH-dependent mesalazine formulation and the clinical course, a diagnosis of pH-dependent mesalazine-induced pancreatitis due to this formulation was made. During the clinical course of UC, occurrence of drug-induced pancreatitis must always be considered

    Of niches and distributions: range size increases with niche breadth both globally and regionally but regional estimates poorly relate to global estimates

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    The relationship between species’ niche breadth (i.e. the range of environmental conditions under which a species can persist) and range size (i.e. the extent of its spatial distribution) has mostly been tested within geographically restricted areas but rarely at the global extent. Here, we not only tested the relationship between range size (derived from species’ distribution data) and niche breadth (derived from species’ distribution and co‐occurrence data) of 1255 plant species at the regional extent of the European Alps, but also at the global extent and across both spatial scales for a subset of 180 species. Using correlation analyses, linear models and variation partitioning, we found that species’ realized niche breadth estimated at the regional level is a weak predictor of species’ global niche breadth and range size. Against our expectations, distribution‐derived niche breadth was a better predictor for species’ range size than the co‐occurrence‐based estimate, which should, theoretically, account for more than the climatically determined niche dimensions. Our findings highlight that studies focusing on the niche breadth vs range size relationship must explicitly consider spatial mismatches that might have confounded and diminished previously reported relationships

    Functional response of soil microbial communities to tillage, cover crops and nitrogen fertilization

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V.Agricultural practices such as tillage, cover crops, and nitrogen (N) fertilization affect physico-chemical and biological soil parameters. However, these factors were often studied separately and their combined effects remain unclear, especially with respect to soil microbial functional diversity and carbon (C) and N content. Thereafter, we aim to assess the links between cropping systems and functional response of microbial communities by using a large range of soil chemical and biological measurements. A 5-yr field experiment was conducted in Northern France using a combination of three factors: i) no-till (NT) vs. conventional tillage (CT); ii) with or without winter cover crops (bare fallow; cover crops with a low prevalence of legumes; cover crop with a high prevalence of legumes); and iii) with or without N fertilization. C and N inputs from cover crops and crop residues, C and N content, enzyme activities, and microbial functional diversity in the topsoil (0–10 cm) were measured over an industrial crop rotation: wheat, pea, corn, wheat, flax. No-till combined with any of the cover crops was characterized by increased total soil organic C and N contents by more than 20% between 2010 and 2015. Dehydrogenase and urease activities were significantly greatest under NT, irrespective of the presence of cover crops. Cover crops without N fertilization under no-till led to higher microbial functional activity (faster carbohydrate and phenolic compound degradation) and diversity. Bare fallow had lower soil microbial functional diversity and C and N contents compared with soil under NT and cover crops. On the other hand, NT associated with cover crops allowed to maintain the soil in both C and N, and to promote microbial activities without N fertilization. In conclusion, winter cover crops and/or NT are sustainable agricultural practices resulting in a greater soil quality index. These results demonstrate that NT and use of standard cover crops or cover crops with legumes for 5 years under a low biomass return in industrial crop production have a positive effect on: i) upper soil C content and microbial enzymes, irrespective of N fertilization regime; ii) soil microbial functional diversity in the absence of N fertilization

    Buffering effects of soil seed banks on plant community composition in response to land use and climate

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    Aim Climate and land use are key determinants of biodiversity, with past and ongoing changes posing serious threats to global ecosystems. Unlike most other organism groups, plant species can possess dormant life‐history stages such as soil seed banks, which may help plant communities to resist or at least postpone the detrimental impact of global changes. This study investigates the potential for soil seed banks to achieve this. Location Europe. Time period 1978–2014. Major taxa studied Flowering plants. Methods Using a space‐for‐time/warming approach, we study plant species richness and composition in the herb layer and the soil seed bank in 2,796 community plots from 54 datasets in managed grasslands, forests and intermediate, successional habitats across a climate gradient. Results Soil seed banks held more species than the herb layer, being compositionally similar across habitats. Species richness was lower in forests and successional habitats compared to grasslands, with annual temperature range more important than mean annual temperature for determining richness. Climate and land‐use effects were generally less pronounced when plant community richness included seed bank species richness, while there was no clear effect of land use and climate on compositional similarity between the seed bank and the herb layer. Main conclusions High seed bank diversity and compositional similarity between the herb layer and seed bank plant communities may provide a potentially important functional buffer against the impact of ongoing environmental changes on plant communities. This capacity could, however, be threatened by climate warming. Dormant life‐history stages can therefore be important sources of diversity in changing environments, potentially underpinning already observed time‐lags in plant community responses to global change. However, as soil seed banks themselves appear, albeit less, vulnerable to the same changes, their potential to buffer change can only be temporary, and major community shifts may still be expected

    Habitat properties are key drivers of Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) prevalence in Ixodes ricinus populations of deciduous forest fragments

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    Background: The tick Ixodes ricinus has considerable impact on the health of humans and other terrestrial animals because it transmits several tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) such as B. burgdorferi (sensu lato), which causes Lyme borreliosis (LB). Small forest patches of agricultural landscapes provide many ecosystem services and also the disservice of LB risk. Biotic interactions and environmental filtering shape tick host communities distinctively between specific regions of Europe, which makes evaluating the dilution effect hypothesis and its influence across various scales challenging. Latitude, macroclimate, landscape and habitat properties drive both hosts and ticks and are comparable metrics across Europe. Therefore, we instead assess these environmental drivers as indicators and determine their respective roles for the prevalence of B. burgdorferi in I. ricinus. Methods: We sampled I. ricinus and measured environmental properties of macroclimate, landscape and habitat quality of forest patches in agricultural landscapes along a European macroclimatic gradient. We used linear mixed models to determine significant drivers and their relative importance for nymphal and adult B. burgdorferi prevalence. We suggest a new prevalence index, which is pool-size independent. Results: During summer months, our prevalence index varied between 0 and 0.4 per forest patch, indicating a low to moderate disservice. Habitat properties exerted a fourfold larger influence on B. burgdorferi prevalence than macroclimate and landscape properties combined. Increasingly available ecotone habitat of focal forest patches diluted and edge density at landscape scale amplified B. burgdorferi prevalence. Indicators of habitat attractiveness for tick hosts (food resources and shelter) were the most important predictors within habitat patches. More diverse and abundant macro- and microhabitat had a diluting effect, as it presumably diversifies the niches for tick-hosts and decreases the probability of contact between ticks and their hosts and hence the transmission likelihood.[br/] Conclusions: Diluting effects of more diverse habitat patches would pose another reason to maintain or restore high biodiversity in forest patches of rural landscapes. We suggest classifying habitat patches by their regulating services as dilution and amplification habitat, which predominantly either decrease or increase B. burgdorferi prevalence at local and landscape scale and hence LB risk. Particular emphasis on promoting LB-diluting properties should be put on the management of those habitats that are frequently used by humans. In the light of these findings, climate change may be of little concern for LB risk at local scales, but this should be evaluated further

    Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming

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    Around the globe, climate warming is increasing the dominance of warm-adapted species—a process described as “thermophilization.” However, thermophilization often lags behind warming of the climate itself, with some recent studies showing no response at all. Using a unique database of more than 1,400 resurveyed vegetation plots in forests across Europe and North America, we document significant thermophilization of understory vegetation. However, the response to macroclimate warming was attenuated in forests whose canopies have become denser. This microclimatic effect likely reflects cooler forest-floor temperatures via increased shading during the growing season in denser forests. Because standing stocks of trees have increased in many temperate forests in recent decades, microclimate may commonly buffer understory plant responses to macroclimate warming

    More warm‐adapted species in soil seed banks than in herb layer plant communities across Europe

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    Responses to climate change have often been found to lag behind the rate of warming that has occurred. In addition to dispersal limitation potentially restricting spread at leading range margins, the persistence of species in new and unsuitable conditions is thought to be responsible for apparent time-lags. Soil seed banks can allow plant communities to temporarily buffer unsuitable environmental conditions, but their potential to slow responses to long-term climate change is largely unknown. As local forest cover can also buffer the effects of a warming climate, it is important to understand how seed banks might interact with land cover to mediate community responses to climate change. We first related species-level seed bank persistence and distribution-derived climatic niches for 840 plant species. We then used a database of plant community data from grasslands, forests and intermediate successional habitats from across Europe to investigate relationships between seed banks and their corresponding herb layers in 2763 plots in the context of climate and land cover. We found that species from warmer climates and with broader distributions are more likely to have a higher seed bank persistence, resulting in seed banks that are composed of species with warmer and broader climatic distributions than their corresponding herb layers. This was consistent across our climatic extent, with larger differences (seed banks from even warmer climates relative to vegetation) found in grasslands. Synthesis. Seed banks have been shown to buffer plant communities through periods of environmental variability, and in a period of climate change might be expected to contain species reflecting past, cooler conditions. Here, we show that persistent seed banks often contain species with relatively warm climatic niches and those with wide climatic ranges. Although these patterns may not be primarily driven by species' climatic adaptations, the prominence of such species in seed banks might still facilitate climate-driven community shifts. Additionally, seed banks may be related to ongoing trends regarding the spread of widespread generalist species into natural habitats, while cool-associated species may be at risk from both short- and long-term climatic variability and change

    Forest biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services

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    Forests are critical habitats for biodiversity and they are also essential for the provision of a wide range of ecosystem services that are important to human well-being. There is increasing evidence that biodiversity contributes to forest ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services. Here we provide a review of forest ecosystem services including biomass production, habitat provisioning services, pollination, seed dispersal, resistance to wind storms, fire regulation and mitigation, pest regulation of native and invading insects, carbon sequestration, and cultural ecosystem services, in relation to forest type, structure and diversity. We also consider relationships between forest biodiversity and multifunctionality, and trade-offs among ecosystem services. We compare the concepts of ecosystem processes, functions and services to clarify their definitions. Our review of published studies indicates a lack of empirical studies that establish quantitative and causal relationships between forest biodiversity and many important ecosystem services. The literature is highly skewed; studies on provisioning of nutrition and energy, and on cultural services, delivered by mixed-species forests are under-represented. Planted forests offer ample opportunity for optimising their composition and diversity because replanting after harvesting is a recurring process. Planting mixed-species forests should be given more consideration as they are likely to provide a wider range of ecosystem services within the forest and for adjacent land uses. This review also serves as the introduction to this special issue of Biodiversity and Conservation on various aspects of forest biodiversity and ecosystem services
