478 research outputs found

    How universal is the one-particle Green's function of a Luttinger liquid?

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    The one-particle Green's function of the Tomonaga-Luttinger model for one-dimensional interacting Fermions is discussed. Far away from the origin of the plane of space-time coordinates the function falls off like a power law. The exponent depends on the direction within the plane. For a certain form of the interaction potential or within an approximated cut-off procedure the different exponents only depend on the strength of the interaction at zero momentum and can be expressed in terms of the Luttinger liquid parameters KρK_{\rho} and KσK_{\sigma} of the model at hand. For a more general interaction and directions which are determined by the charge velocity vρv_{\rho} and spin velocity vσv_{\sigma} the exponents also depend on the smoothness of the interaction at zero momentum and the asymptotic behavior of the Green's function is not given by the Luttinger liquid parameters alone. This shows that the physics of large space-time distances in Luttinger liquids is less universal than is widely believed.Comment: 5 pages with 2 figure

    Interpretation of Photoemission Spectra of (TaSe4)2I as Evidence of Charge Density Wave Fluctuations

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    The competition between different and unusual effects in quasi-one-dimensional conductors makes the direct interpretation of experimental measurements of these materials both difficult and interesting. We consider evidence for the existence of large charge-density-wave fluctuations in the conducting phase of the Peierls insulator (TaSe4)2I, by comparing the predictions of a simple Lee, Rice and Anderson theory for such a system with recent angle-resolved photoemission spectra. The agreement obtained suggests that many of the unusual features of these spectra may be explained in this way. This view of the system is contrasted with the behaviour expected of a Luttinger liquid.Comment: Archive copy of published paper. 19 pages, 12 figures, uses IOP macro

    Non-fermi-liquid single particle lineshape of the quasi-one-dimensional non-CDW metal Li_{0.9}Mo_{6}O_{17} : comparison to the Luttinger liquid

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    We report the detailed non-Fermi liquid (NFL) lineshape of the dispersing excitation which defines the Fermi surface (FS) for quasi-one-dimensional Li_{0.9}Mo_{6}O_{17}. The properties of Li_{0.9}Mo_{6}O_{17} strongly suggest that the NFL behavior has a purely electronic origin. Relative to the theoretical Luttinger liquid lineshape, we identify significant similarities, but also important differences.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figure

    Spectral function of the 1D Hubbard model in the U+U\to +\infty limit

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    We show that the one-particle spectral functions of the one-dimensional Hubbard model diverge at the Fermi energy like ωεF3/8|\omega-\varepsilon_F|^{-3/8} in the U+U\to +\infty limit. The Luttinger liquid behaviour ωεFα|\omega-\varepsilon_F|^\alpha, where α1/8\alpha \to 1/8 as U+U\to +\infty , should be limited to ωεFt2/U|\omega-\varepsilon_F| \sim t^2/U (for UU large but finite), which shrinks to a single point, ω=εF\omega=\varepsilon_F,in that limit. The consequences for the observation of the Luttinger liquid behaviour in photoemission and inverse photoemission experiments are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures on reques

    Crossover from Luttinger- to Fermi-liquid behavior in strongly anisotropic systems in large dimensions

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    We consider the low-energy region of an array of Luttinger liquids coupled by a weak interchain hopping. The leading logarithmic divergences can be re-summed to all orders within a self-consistent perturbative expansion in the hopping, in the large-dimension limit. The anomalous exponent scales to zero below the one-particle crossover temperature. As a consequence, coherent quasiparticles with finite weight appear along the whole Fermi surface. Extending the expansion self-consistently to all orders turns out to be crucial in order to restore the correct Fermi-liquid behavior.Comment: Shortened version to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Phase diagram of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model with attractive and/or repulsive interactions at quarter filling

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    We study the phase diagram of the one dimensional (1D) UVU-V model at quarter filling in the most general case where the on-site and first-neighbour interactions UU and VV can be both attractive and repulsive. The results have been obtained using exact diagonalization of small clusters and variational techniques, as well as exact results in various limits. We have analyzed four properties of the groundstate: i)~whether it is insulating or metallic; \hbox{ii)~whether} it is homogenous or phase separated; iii)~whether it has a spin gap; iv)~whether it has dominant superconducting fluctuations. With eight phases, the resulting phase diagram is unexpectedly rich. The four phases not found in the weak coupling limit are: i) an insulating phase when UU and VV are large enough; ii) a region of phase separation when VV is attractive; iii) another region of phase separation when VV is large enough and UU small; iv) a region with dominant superconducting fluctuations when VV is intermediate and UU small. The actual nature of this last phase, which has pairs but no spin gap, is not fully clear yet.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX (4 postscript figures attached to the end

    Many-body Effects in Angle-resolved Photoemission: Quasiparticle Energy and Lifetime of a Mo(110) Surface State

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    In a high-resolution photoemission study of a Mo(110) surface state various contributions to the measured width and energy of the quasiparticle peak are investigated. Electron-phonon coupling, electron-electron interactions and scattering from defects are all identified mechanisms responsible for the finite lifetime of a valence photo-hole. The electron-phonon induced mass enhancement and rapid change of the photo-hole lifetime near the Fermi level are observed for the first time.Comment: RevTEX, 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in PR

    Hall effect and conduction anisotropy in the organic conductor TMTSF2PF6

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    Long missing basic experiments in the normal phase of the anisotropic electron system of TMTSF2PF6 were performed. Both the Hall effect and the ab'-plane conduction anisotropy are directly addressing the unconventional electrical properties of this Bechgaard salt. We found that the dramatic reduction of the carrier density deduced from recent optical data is not reflected in an enhanced Hall-resistance. The pressure- and temperature dependence of the b'-direction resitivity reveal isotropic relaxation time and do not require explanations beyond the Fermi liquid theory. Our results allow a coherent-diffusive transition in the interchain carrier propagation, however the possible crossover to Luttinger liquid behavior is placed to an energy scale above room temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Generalized Spectral Signatures of Electron Fractionalization in Quasi-One and -Two Dimensional Molybdenum Bronzes and Superconducting Cuprates

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    We establish the quasi-one-dimensional Li purple bronze as a photoemission paradigm of Luttinger liquid behavior. We also show that generalized signatures of electron fractionalization are present in the angle resolved photoemission spectra for quasi-two-dimensional purple bronzes and certain cuprates. An important component of our analysis for the quasi-two-dimensional systems is the proposal of a ``melted holon'' scenario for the k-independent background that accompanies but does not interact with the peaks that disperse to define the Fermi surface.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure