23 research outputs found

    Improvement of the Epidemiological Surveillance over Brucellosis Using GIS-Technologies

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    Put forward is the method of usage of Arc GIS 10 software product for epidemiological surveillance over brucellosis in the Stavropol region (SR). Designed is the structure of databases on epidemiology and epizootiology of brucellosis in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Constructed are two databases (Epidemiology of brucellosis in the SR and Epizootiology of brucellosis in the SR) compatible with Arc GIS 10. Carried out is the zoning of the SR territories based on assessment of the risk of infecting with brucellosis, using Arc GIS computer program

    Nonsoluble and non-p-soluble length of finite groups

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    Every finite group G has a normal series each of whose factors either is soluble or is a direct product of nonabelian simple groups. We define the nonsoluble length λ(G) as the number of nonsoluble factors in a shortest series of this kind. Upper bounds for λ(G) appear in the study of various problems on finite, residually finite, and profinite groups. We prove that λ(G) is bounded in terms of the maximum 2-length of soluble subgroups of G, and that λ(G) is bounded by the maximum Fitting height of soluble subgroups. For an odd prime p, the non-p-soluble length λ p (G) is introduced, and it is proved that λ p (G) does not exceed the maximum p-length of p-soluble subgroups. We conjecture that for a given prime p and a given proper group variety V the non-p-soluble length λ p (G) of finite groups G whose Sylow p-subgroups belong to V is bounded. In this paper we prove this conjecture for any variety that is a product of several soluble varieties and varieties of finite exponent. As an application of the results obtained, an error is corrected in the proof of the main result of the second author’s paper Multilinear commutators in residually finite groups, Israel Journal of Mathematics 189 (2012), 207–224

    Epidemiological Welfare Provision in the Republic of Dagestan in View of Travel Industry Boost

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    Sustainable growth of touristic economy sector in the Republic of Dagestan exposes the need for well-timed and adequate response to epidemic and ecological hazards. In this connection investigated have been several peculiarities specific to economic activity and medical services of the republic, which precondition a threat to epidemiological welfare of the population and make possible dissemination of infections over the boundaries of republic’s natural foci

    Anthrax in the Territory of Dagestan

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    The aim of the study is to investigate anthrax epizootiologic and epidemiologic situation in the Republic of Dagestan over the period of 1944–2010. Anthrax morbidity has been registered in 38 regions and Makhachkala. All in all 1001 anthrax cases and 3128 sick rural animals have been registered. Determined are 420 anthrax specified potentially hazardous areas (SPHA), the majority of them (77.4 %) have formed before 1969. Regions of the republic have been checked against the level of risk connected with anthrax infecting over the last 40 years. Therewith, they have been classified into three groups: with low, medium, and high epizootiological-and-epidemiological potential. 15 regions with high epizootiological-and-epidemiological potential have been marked as potentially hazardous on a regular basis. These regions occupy 31 % of the republic`s territory and 52.5 % of the SPHA territory. 84 % of patients and 88 % of fallen animals have been registered there for the past 40 years


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    Светоиндуцированная модуляция рельефа используется для записи оптической информации, для созда-ния термооптических управляемых дефлекторов. В данной работе теоретически исследовано термозеркало на основе тонкой полимерной пленки. При облучении пучком излучения c синусоидальным пространствен-ным распределением интенсивности нагрев пленки приводит к образованию соответствующего рельефа на ее поверхности. Предложена модель явления, в которой светоиндуцированное расширение тонкой пленки приводит к соответствующей ее деформации. На основе решения двумерной нестационарной тепловой за-дачи проанализированы пространственно-временные характеристики коэффициента рельефной нелинейно-сти, обусловленной тепловым расширением среды. Тепловая задача решается в предположении, что тепло-отвод от поверхности пленки конвективный и теплопередача вдоль пленки пренебрежимо мала. Предложено использовать термозеркало для компенсации тепловой линзы в тонкослойных жидкофазных нелинейно-оп-тических элементах. A light induced relief modulation is used to record optical information and to create the managed thermooptical defl ectors. In this paper it was investigated theoretically a thermo-mirror based on a thin polymer fi lm. When exposed to a beam of radiation with sinusoidal spatial distribution of intensity the fi lm heating leads to the formation of appropriate relief on its surface. The model of the phenomenon was proposed, in which light induced thin fi lm extension leads to its appropriate deformation. It were analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of the relief nonlinearity using the decision of the two-dimensional thermal task of the thermal expansion of the fi lm. The heat task is done under the assumption that the heat sink from the surface fi lm is convective and heat transfer along the fi lm is negligible. It was suggested to use a thermo-mirror for compensation of thermal lenses in thin-layer liquidphase nonlinear-optical elements. Keywords: dynamic holography, relief holograms, the thermal expansion of the medium, phase conjugation Различные механизмы оптической не-линейности на поверхности раздела сред широко используются в динамической го-лографии для хранения и обработки опти-ческой информации В одной из первых экспериментальных работ по записи поверхностных динамиче-ских голограмм было использовано тепло-вое расширение среды Целью данной работы является ис-следование пространственно-временной зависимости коэффициента рельефной не-линейности, обусловленной тепловым рас-ширением слоя среды. Независимо от природы «поверхност-ной» нелинейности, ее можно описать, используя зависимость комплексног