503 research outputs found

    Three study decades on irrigation performance and salt concentrations and loads in the irrigation return flows of La Violada irrigation district (Spain)

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    30 Pags., 3 Tabls., 9 Figs. The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01678809Irrigation district salt balances identify the main sources and sinks of salts and quantify salt loads in irrigation return flows. Salt balances were performed in La Violada Irrigation District during the 80s (1982–1984), 90s (1995–1998) and 00s (2006–2008) decades. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and loads in irrigation return flows were related with changes in irrigation performance and infrastructures during these decades. TDS increased linearly to increases in Irrigation Consumptive Use Coefficient (ICUC) (P 66%, and decreased exponentially for values above and below these thresholds, respectively. Therefore, the key management strategy to reduce salt discharge to downstream areas is to decrease drainage volumes by improving irrigation management.This work was sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education project AGL2006-11860/AGR, the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and the European Union project INCO CT-2005-015031.Peer reviewe

    Моделирование процессов в оборудовании при обработке тонкостенных деталей

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    Для тонкостенных деталей актуальна задача минимизации характерных технологических деформаций. Из-за особенностей процесса фрезерования тонкостенные детали представляют особую сложность в механической обработке. При обработке неизбежно возникают вибрации, обусловленные высокими силами резания при недостаточной жёсткости детали или инструмента. В следствии таких вибраций снижается точность обработанной детали и качество поверхности, вызванная недостаточной жёсткостью технологической системы.В работе рассматривается альтернативный способ снижения технологических деформаций посредством использования математического моделирования процесса фрезерования с учетом времени.Due to the characteristics of the milling process, modeling workpiece dynamics during the machining of freeform surfaces is a challenge: The relative movement between the milling tool and the workpiece leads to a variation of the excitation position, and the material removal process results in changing modal parameters of the workpiece. In this work is discussed dealing with modeling techniques for the prediction of workpiece deflections

    Developing a Medical Institution Management System through Promoting Social Accountability

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    The paper regards the implementation of social accountability principles into the system of medical institution management as the target of research. The process of personnel management is viewed as its research subject. The paper aims to develop the system of incentives for medical institution personnel based on the principles of social accountability. The research methods and tools applied in the study are analysis of content and internal enterprise documentation, staff member interviews and statistical methods of data processing. The expected research outcome is the implementation phase of the social accountability management system resulted in the development of the Code of corporate conduct. The article advocates the view, that the Code of Conduct should be based on the diagnosis of the state of corporate culture and motivate employees of the organization. The management team of medical institution can set their own social and reasonable quality management system, which will enable it to promote and involve staff in the process of improvement

    Сверточная нейронная сеть для классификации без использования дополнительных библиотек

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    В работе представляется сверточная нейронная сеть для классификации цифр на изображениях реализованная без использования дополнительных библиотек машинного обучения. Для оценки качества сегментации применяются различные метрики, такие как: ошибка по модулю и процентная точность. Проведено сравнение различных топологий нейронной сети, на выборке данных, находящейся в библиотеке машинного обучения "Scikit-learn" [1]. По полученным результатам тестирования сделан вывод о наилучшей из рассматриваемых топологий нейронной сети