94 research outputs found

    NoMeplot: analysis of DNA methylation and nucleosome occupancy at the single molecule

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    Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-44597-2.We are very grateful to Peter A. Jones for sharing protocols and advice and we thank Serafin Moral for constructive and useful discussion.Recent technical advances highlight that to understand mammalian development and human disease we need to consider transcriptional and epigenetic cell-to-cell differences within cell populations. This is particularly important in key areas of biomedicine like stem cell differentiation and intratumor heterogeneity. The recently developed nucleosome occupancy and methylome (NOMe) assay facilitates the simultaneous study of DNA methylation and nucleosome positioning on the same DNA strand. NOMe-treated DNA can be sequenced by sanger (NOMe-PCR) or high throughput approaches (NOMe-seq). NOMe-PCR provides information for a single locus at the single molecule while NOMe-seq delivers genome-wide data that is usually interrogated to obtain population-averaged measures. Here, we have developed a bioinformatic tool that allow us to easily obtain locus-specific information at the single molecule using genome-wide NOMe-seq datasets obtained from bulk populations. We have used NOMePlot to study mouse embryonic stem cells and found that polycomb-repressed bivalent gene promoters coexist in two different epigenetic states, as defined by the nucleosome binding pattern detected around their transcriptional start site.This study was supported by the Spanish ministry of economy and competitiveness (SAF2013-40891-R; BFU2016-75233-P) and the andalusian regional government (PC-0246-2017). David Landeira is a Ramón y Cajal researcher of the Spanish ministry of economy and competitiveness (RYC-2012- 10019)

    NGSmethDB: a database for next-generation sequencing single-cytosine-resolution DNA methylation data

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    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) together with bisulphite conversion allows the generation of whole genome methylation maps at single-cytosine resolution. This allows studying the absence of methylation in a particular genome region over a range of tissues, the differential tissue methylation or the changes occurring along pathological conditions. However, no database exists fully addressing such requirements. We propose here NGSmethDB (http://bioinfo2.ugr.es/NGSmethDB/gbrowse/) for the storage and retrieval of methylation data derived from NGS. Two cytosine methylation contexts (CpG and CAG/CTG) are considered. Through a browser interface coupled to a MySQL backend and several data mining tools, the user can search for methylation states in a set of tissues, retrieve methylation values for a set of tissues in a given chromosomal region, or display the methylation of promoters among different tissues. NGSmethDB is currently populated with human, mouse and Arabidopsis data, but other methylomes will be incorporated through an automatic pipeline as soon as new data become available. Dump downloads for three coverage levels (1, 5 or 10 reads) are available. NGSmethDB will be useful for experimental researchers, as well as for bioinformaticians, who might use the data as input for further research


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    Background:The analysis of annotated transcripts from genome-wide expression studies data is of paramount importance to understand the molecular phenomena underlying the occurrence of complex diseases, such as systemic sclerosis (SSc).Objectives:To perform whole-blood transcriptome and pathway analysis on whole-blood (WB) RNA collected in two cohorts of European SSc patients. Via a discovery and validation strategy we aimed at characterizing the molecular pathways that differentiate SSc from controls and that are reproducible in geographically diverse populations.Methods:WB samples from 252 controls and 162 SSc patients were collected in RNA stabilizers. Patients were divided into a discovery (n=79; Southern Europe) and validation cohort (n=83; Central-Western Europe). RNA sequencing was performed by an Illumina assay. Functional annotations of Reactome pathways were performed with the FAIME algorithm. In parallel, a immunophenotyping analysis on 28 circulating cell populations was assessed. We then tested: the presence of differentially expressed genes or pathways and the correlation between absolute cell counts and RNA transcripts/FAIME scores in regression models. Results significant in both populations were considered as replicated.Results:A total of 15224 genes and 1277 related functional pathways were available for analysis. Among these, 99 genes and 225 pathways were significant in both sets. The heatmap in figure shows the relative expression of replicated pathways and the distribution of cases and controls (red and green bars). Among the significant pathways we found a deregulation in: type-I IFN, TLR-cascade and signalling, function of the tumor suppressor p53 protein, platelet degranulation and activation. Correlation analysis showed that the count of several cell subtypes is jointly associated with RNA transcripts or FAIME scores with strong differences in relation to the geographical origin of samples; neutrophils emerged as the major determinant of gene expression in SSc-whole-blood samples.Conclusion:We discovered a set of differentially expressed genes and pathways that could be validated in two independent sets of SSc patients highlighting a number of deregulated molecular processes that have relevance for the pathogenesis of autoimmunity and SSc.Acknowledgments:This work was supported by EU/EFPIA/Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking PRECISESADS grant No. 115565.Disclosure of Interests:Lorenzo Beretta Grant/research support from: Pfizer, Guillermo Barturen: None declared, Barbara Vigone: None declared, Chiara Bellocchi: None declared, Nicolas Hunzelmann: None declared, Ellen Delanghe: None declared, László Kovács: None declared, Ricard Cervera: None declared, Maria Gerosa: None declared, Rafaela Ortega Castro: None declared, Isabel Almeida: None declared, Divi Cornec: None declared, Carlo Chizzolini Consultant of: Boehringer Ingelheim, Roche, Jacques-Olivier Pers: None declared, Zuzanna Makowska Employee of: Bayer AG, Anne buttgereit Employee of: Bayer AG, Ralf Lesche Employee of: Bayer, Martin Kerick: None declared, Marta Alarcon-Riquelme: None declared, Javier Martin Ibanez: None declare

    Pyrazoleamide compounds are potent antimalarials that target Na+ homeostasis in intraerythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum

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    The quest for new antimalarial drugs, especially those with novel modes of action, is essential in the face of emerging drug-resistant parasites. Here we describe a new chemical class of molecules, pyrazoleamides, with potent activity against human malaria parasites and showing remarkably rapid parasite clearance in an in vivo model. Investigations involving pyrazoleamide-resistant parasites, whole-genome sequencing and gene transfers reveal that mutations in two proteins, a calcium-dependent protein kinase (PfCDPK5) and a P-type cation-ATPase (PfATP4), are necessary to impart full resistance to these compounds. A pyrazoleamide compound causes a rapid disruption of Na+ regulation in blood-stage Plasmodium falciparum parasites. Similar effect on Na+ homeostasis was recently reported for spiroindolones, which are antimalarials of a chemical class quite distinct from pyrazoleamides. Our results reveal that disruption of Na+ homeostasis in malaria parasites is a promising mode of antimalarial action mediated by at least two distinct chemical classes

    Bibliometric analysis of climate change research: Education in water use

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    Introduction. The population has the right to receive information about the resources it consumes. Given the increase in environmental pollution, there is a need to educate everyone about the use of water. This will make it possible to demand its quality and contribute to the adaptation caused by climate change. Aim. The study aims to carry out a bibliometric analysis of water use in the context of climate change. Methodology and research methods. The PRISMA method was used for this study. The Scopus database was selected because of its multidisciplinary nature. The search term was checked against the UNESCO Thesaurus. The data were analysed using the R-studio software and the Biblioshiny interface. Results. A total of 1738 documents were analysed and it was verified that the research topic quadrupled its scientific production since 2012. It was found that the highest scientific production is 18 documents per author; with Swiss journals located in Scopus Q1 are the most prominent and prioritising the research topic. It also highlights that the common themes of the papers are water supply, water use efficiency, and water management. In the same vein, the conclusion is that it is necessary to question the unjustified use of water; otherwise, the resource could disappear. Practical significance. This study demonstrates the need for the population to learn the meaning of responsible water use, which is why it is recommended that education on water use be implemented to counteract the effects of climate change.Введение. Население имеет право получать информацию о потребляемых им ресурсах. Учитывая рост загрязнения окружающей среды, необходимо информировать всех об использовании воды. Это позволит требовать улучшения её качества и будет способствовать адаптации, вызванной изменением климата. Цель исследования – проведение библиометрического анализа водопользования в контексте изменения климата. Методология, методы и методики. Для этого исследования использовался метод PRISMA. База данных Scopus была выбрана из-за ее междисциплинарного характера. Поисковый термин проверен по тезаурусу ЮНЕСКО. Данные проанализированы с использованием программного обеспечения R-studio и интерфейса Biblioshiny. Результаты. Авторами проанализировано в общей сложности 1738 документов и подтверждено, что с 2012 года объем научных исследований увеличился в четыре раза. Было установлено, что наивысшая научная продукция составляет 18 документов на одного автора, причем швейцарские журналы, расположенные в Scopus Q1, являются наиболее заметными и приоритетными для темы исследования. Также подчеркивается, что общими темами документов являются водоснабжение, эффективность водопользования и управление водными ресурсами. Сделан вывод о необходимости поставить под сомнение неоправданное использование воды, иначе ресурс может исчезнуть. Практическая значимость. Это исследование свидетельствует о необходимости усвоения населением значения ответственного водопользования, поэтому рекомендуется проводить просветительскую работу по вопросам водопользования в целях противодействия последствиям изменения климата

    MethylExtract: High-Quality methylation maps and SNV calling from whole genome bisulfite sequencing data

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    [v2; ref status: indexed, http://f1000r.es/301]Whole genome methylation profiling at a single cytosine resolution is now feasible due to the advent of high-throughput sequencing techniques together with bisulfite treatment of the DNA. To obtain the methylation value of each individual cytosine, the bisulfite-treated sequence reads are first aligned to a reference genome, and then the profiling of the methylation levels is done from the alignments. A huge effort has been made to quickly and correctly align the reads and many different algorithms and programs to do this have been created. However, the second step is just as crucial and non-trivial, but much less attention has been paid to the final inference of the methylation states. Important error sources do exist, such as sequencing errors, bisulfite failure, clonal reads, and single nucleotide variants. We developed MethylExtract, a user friendly tool to: i) generate high quality, whole genome methylation maps and ii) detect sequence variation within the same sample preparation. The program is implemented into a single script and takes into account all major error sources. MethylExtract detects variation (SNVs – Single Nucleotide Variants) in a similar way to VarScan, a very sensitive method extensively used in SNV and genotype calling based on non-bisulfite-treated reads. The usefulness of MethylExtract is shown by means of extensive benchmarking based on artificial bisulfite-treated reads and a comparison to a recently published method, called Bis-SNP. MethylExtract is able to detect SNVs within High-Throughput Sequencing experiments of bisulfite treated DNA at the same time as it generates high quality methylation maps. This simultaneous detection of DNA methylation and sequence variation is crucial for many downstream analyses, for example when deciphering the impact of SNVs on differential methylation. An exclusive feature of MethylExtract, in comparison with existing software, is the possibility to assess the bisulfite failure in a statistical way. The source code, tutorial and artificial bisulfite datasets are available at http://bioinfo2.ugr.es/MethylExtract/ and http://sourceforge.net/projects/methylextract/, and also permanently accessible from 10.5281/zenodo.7144.This work was supported by the Spanish Government [BIO2008-01353 to JLO and BIO2010-20219 to MH], and Basque country 'AE' grant (GB)

    Characterization of Novel Antimalarial Compound ACT-451840: Preclinical Assessment of Activity and Dose-Efficacy Modeling.

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    BACKGROUND: Artemisinin resistance observed in Southeast Asia threatens the continued use of artemisinin-based combination therapy in endemic countries. Additionally, the diversity of chemical mode of action in the global portfolio of marketed antimalarials is extremely limited. Addressing the urgent need for the development of new antimalarials, a chemical class of potent antimalarial compounds with a novel mode of action was recently identified. Herein, the preclinical characterization of one of these compounds, ACT-451840, conducted in partnership with academic and industrial groups is presented. METHOD AND FINDINGS: The properties of ACT-451840 are described, including its spectrum of activities against multiple life cycle stages of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (asexual and sexual) and Plasmodium vivax (asexual) as well as oral in vivo efficacies in two murine malaria models that permit infection with the human and the rodent parasites P. falciparum and Plasmodium berghei, respectively. In vitro, ACT-451840 showed a 50% inhibition concentration of 0.4 nM (standard deviation [SD]: ± 0.0 nM) against the drug-sensitive P. falciparum NF54 strain. The 90% effective doses in the in vivo efficacy models were 3.7 mg/kg against P. falciparum (95% confidence interval: 3.3-4.9 mg/kg) and 13 mg/kg against P. berghei (95% confidence interval: 11-16 mg/kg). ACT-451840 potently prevented male gamete formation from the gametocyte stage with a 50% inhibition concentration of 5.89 nM (SD: ± 1.80 nM) and dose-dependently blocked oocyst development in the mosquito with a 50% inhibitory concentration of 30 nM (range: 23-39). The compound's preclinical safety profile is presented and is in line with the published results of the first-in-man study in healthy male participants, in whom ACT-451840 was well tolerated. Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) modeling was applied using efficacy in the murine models (defined either as antimalarial activity or as survival) in relation to area under the concentration versus time curve (AUC), maximum observed plasma concentration (Cmax), and time above a threshold concentration. The determination of the dose-efficacy relationship of ACT-451840 under curative conditions in rodent malaria models allowed prediction of the human efficacious exposure. CONCLUSION: The dual activity of ACT-451840 against asexual and sexual stages of P. falciparum and the activity on P. vivax have the potential to meet the specific profile of a target compound that could replace the fast-acting artemisinin component and harbor additional gametocytocidal activity and, thereby, transmission-blocking properties. The fast parasite reduction ratio (PRR) and gametocytocidal effect of ACT-451840 were recently also confirmed in a clinical proof-of-concept (POC) study

    Changes in circulating microRNA levels can be identified as early as day 8 of pregnancy in cattle

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    <div><p>Poor reproductive performance remains a major issue in the dairy industry, with low conception rates having a significant impact on milk production through extended calving intervals. A major limiting factor is the lack of reliable methods for early pregnancy diagnosis. Identification of animals within a herd that fail to conceive within 3 weeks after insemination would allow early re-insemination and shorten calving intervals. In a previous study, we found an increase in plasma miR-26a levels in Day 16-pregnant relative to non-pregnant heifers, however changes in miRNA levels that early during pregnancy were very small which likely prevented the identification of robust biomarkers. In this study, we extended our analyses to a wider interval during pregnancy (Days 8 to 60, n = 11 heifers) with the rationale that this may facilitate the identification of additional early pregnancy miRNA biomarkers. Using small RNA sequencing we identified a total of 77 miRNAs that were differentially expressed on Day 60 relative to Day 0 of pregnancy. We selected 14 miRNAs for validation by RT-qPCR and confirmed significant differences in the expression of let-7f, let-7c, miR-30c, miR-101, miR-26a, miR-205 and miR-143 between Days 0 and 60. RT-qPCR profiling throughout Days 0, 8, 16 and 60 of pregnancy showed a distinct increase in circulating levels of miR-26a (3.1-fold, P = 0.046) as early as Day 8 of pregnancy. In summary, in contrast to earlier stages of pregnancy (≤ Day 24), marked differences in the levels of multiple miRNAs can be detected in circulation by Day 60 in cattle. Retrospective analyses showed miR-26a levels to be increased in circulation as early as Day 8, sooner than previously reported in any species, suggesting a biological role for this miRNA in the very early events of pregnancy.</p></div

    Genomic and phenotypic insights from an atlas of genetic effects on DNA methylation.

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    Characterizing genetic influences on DNA methylation (DNAm) provides an opportunity to understand mechanisms underpinning gene regulation and disease. In the present study, we describe results of DNAm quantitative trait locus (mQTL) analyses on 32,851 participants, identifying genetic variants associated with DNAm at 420,509 DNAm sites in blood. We present a database of >270,000 independent mQTLs, of which 8.5% comprise long-range (trans) associations. Identified mQTL associations explain 15–17% of the additive genetic variance of DNAm. We show that the genetic architecture of DNAm levels is highly polygenic. Using shared genetic control between distal DNAm sites, we constructed networks, identifying 405 discrete genomic communities enriched for genomic annotations and complex traits. Shared genetic variants are associated with both DNAm levels and complex diseases, but only in a minority of cases do these associations reflect causal relationships from DNAm to trait or vice versa, indicating a more complex genotype–phenotype map than previously anticipated.C.L.R., G.D.S., G.S., J.L.M., K.B., M. Suderman, T.G.R. and T.R.G. are supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol (MC_UU_00011/1, MC_UU_00011/4, MC_UU_00011/5). C.L.R. receives support from a Cancer Research UK Programme grant (no. C18281/A191169). G.H. is funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (208806/Z/17/Z). E.H. and J.M. were supported by MRC project grants (nos. MR/K013807/1 and MR/R005176/1 to J.M.) and an MRC Clinical Infrastructure award (no. MR/M008924/1 to J.M.). B.T.H. is supported by the Netherlands CardioVascular Research Initiative (the Dutch Heart Foundation, Dutch Federation of University Medical Centres, the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development, and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences) for the GENIUS project ‘Generating the best evidence-based pharmaceutical targets for atherosclerosis’ (CVON2011-19, CVON2017-20). J.T.B. was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (grant no. ES/N000404/1). The present study was also supported by JPI HDHL-funded DIMENSION project (administered by the BBSRC UK, grant no. BB/S020845/1 to J.T.B., and by ZonMW the Netherlands, grant no. 529051021 to B.T.H). A.D.B. has been supported by a Wellcome Trust PhD Training Fellowship for Clinicians and the Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track programme (204979/Z/16/Z). J. Klughammer was supported by a DOC fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Cohort-specific acknowledgements and funding are presented in the Supplementary Note