17 research outputs found

    Anxiety and depressive disorders in patients with Parkinson's disease in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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    Depression and increased anxiety often accompany the main, motor, manifestations of Parkinson's disease (PD). The severity and range of anxiety and depressive symptoms in this disease varies widely. In our study shows that the clinical picture of depression in PD is dominated by somatic symptoms, and the least characteristic of suicidal thoughts and feelings of guilt. Men were significantly more common ’subdepression" and women - 'severe depression*. Revealed that, in general, with increasing severity of the disease, patients have more severe manifestations of depression and anxiety at the same time softer appearance. The presence of clinically diagnosed depression in PD patients increases the risk of high anxiety.Депрессия и повышенная тревожность часто сопутствуют основным, двигательным, проявлениям болезни Паркинсона. Выраженность и спектр тревожно-депрессивных проявлений при этом заболевании широко варьирует. В нашем исследовании показано, что в клинической картине депрессии при БП доминируют соматические симптомы, а наименее характерны суицидальные мысли и чувство вины. У мужчин достоверно чаще встречается «субдепрессия», а у женщин - «тяжелая депрессия». Выявлено, что, в целом, с увеличением тяжести заболевания у пациентов отмечаются более выраженные проявления депрессии и одновременно более мягкие тревожные проявления

    Diagnosis and management of low back pain: what is the evidence, what is reality

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    This article describes the diagnostic criteria for nonspecific pain in the lower back and analyzes approaches to the diagnosis of this condition in our university hospital.В данном материале описаны диагностические критерии неспецифических болей в нижней части спины и результаты анализа подходов к диагностике данного состояния в нашей университетской клинике

    Discogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy. Recommendations of the Russian Association for the Study of Pain (RSSP).

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    Discogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy. Recommendations of the Russian Association for the Study of Pain (RSSP)

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    Refractory status epilepticus syndrome FIRES (febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome) + NORSE (new-onset refractory status epilepticus): description of a rare clinical case

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    The paper describes a clinical case of the rare status epilepticus syndrome FIRES (febrile infection responsive encephalopathy) + NORSE (new-onset refractory status epilepticus). The difficulty of diagnosing this condition is due to the fact that it occurs extremely rarely and the laboratory and instrumental findings are nonspecific. The disease is characterized by acute onset, fever, and subsequent development of status epilepticus, cognitive impairment, and pharmacotherapy-resistant epilepsy. The paper describes a 19-year-old male patient who was observed to have a favorable course of FIRES + NORSE syndrome without pharmacotherapy-resistant epilepsy, motor deficiency, and with the preservation of self-care skills