2 research outputs found

    Poetics of Magical Realism in Sarah Ruhl’s сomedy “The Clean House”

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    The article examines the features of magical realism as a direction of literature, as well as some of the characteristic features of American drama. The history of performances of the play “The Clean House” by the American playwright Sarah Ruhl is presented in the paper, and also a brief overview of critical articles about these theatrical performances is offered. The study proves that the play "The Clean House" can be viewed in the context of magical realism, based on a number of characteristic features, such as metaphysics, conventionality, rejection of psychological explanations of the characters’ actions, the presence of two realities, distortion of space and time, existential problems. It is noted that these features are manifested at the level of compositional construction, speech organization of the play, chronotope, content. It is shown that a metaphysically closed space is materially open, and time in the play is leveled, stopped and determined by the subjective experiences of the characters. Laughter is nominated as the key concept of the play, linking the spatio-temporal organization of the text with its ontological content since through laughter the idea of the immortality of the heroes’ love, which acquires a sacred meaning is affirmed in the play. It is emphasized that the poetics of the “magical” makes it possible to realize the ontological or existential meaning of the play, to show the coexistence of the miraculous and the ordinary

    Bodily Transformations as a Sign of Personal Identity Loss of Heroes of World Literature Works of Second Half of XX — early XXI Centuries

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    The question of the self-identity crisis of the heroes of literary works at the turn of the century is considered. Particular attention is paid to the bodily transformations of characters as a sign of the loss of personal identity. The relevance of the study is due to the need to fill the existing lacunes in modern literary criticism on the problem of bodily metamorphosis, considered in the designated context. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that previously unexplored works of art by individual writers are analyzed. The authors offer an analysis of the most representative novels of the second half of the 20th — early 21st centuries: “The Last Dream of Reason” by D. Lipskerov, “Second Body” by M. Pavich, “Box Man” and “Alien Face” by Kobo Abe. An analysis of works through the prism of V. Podoroga’s phenomenological theory of corporeality is presented in the paper; special attention is paid to the concepts of “body without skin” and “body outside the norm”. The idea of physicality and identity of J. Baudrillard is also reflected in the work. It is proved that in the novels there are several ways of bodily modifications: moving to another body or object, changes in the functions of internal organs, fusion with an object, which is interpreted by the authors as a sign of the loss and fruitless search for the personal identity of the heroes