81 research outputs found

    Degradable Polyhydroxyalkanoates as Herbicide Carriers

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    The biodegradable polymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) has been used to design experimental sustained-release formulations of the herbicide Zellek Super in the form of films and microgranules. The kinetics of polymer degradation and the dynamics of herbicide release show that the rate and extent of herbicide release from the polymer matrix into the soil depends on the geometry of the carrier and the proportion of the pesticide loaded into it (polymer/pesticide mass ratio). Experiments with the creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) show that the formulations of the herbicide Zellek Super constructed as microgranules and films can be successfully used to suppress the growth of grasses. This study is the first to demonstrate that biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoates can be used effectively to construct environmentally friendly sustained-release PHA-herbicide systems that can be placed into the soil together with seeds.Russia (Federation) (Agreement 11.G34.31.0013

    Neurotrophic and antioxidant potential of neuropeptides and trace elements

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    Neurotrophic therapy with brain extract-based drugs has been performed for decades. The basis for their neurotrophic activity is amino acids and neuropeptides. However, incomplete information on the composition of these drugs precludes a detailed description of mechanisms through which their pharmacological effects occur. The review considers the results of the most recent molecular pharmacological investigations and the mechanisms of therapeutic action of cerebrolysin

    Cytoprotective effect of fullerene C<inf>60</inf> derivatives with different structures

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    Transmembrane potential of mitochondria is a sensitive biomarker of metabolic activity of cells. Here, we studied mitochondrial potential Ψm in Yarrowia lipolytica yeast cells treated with two fullerene C60 derivatives: bis-nitroxide methanofullerene and 3-phospho-pentafullerene acid. Transmembrane mitochondrial potential was measured by vital ratiometric cationic fluorochrome JC-1 using flow cytometry. The fullerene C60 derivatives tested in a concentration of 10 μg/ml developed cytoprotective effect in the yeast cells challenged either with non-ionic detergent tween-80, or Tris-buffer, pH 9.0. Treatment with bis-nitroxide methanofullerene resulted in a 6-fold increase in proportion of cells with high Ψm, while 3-phospho-pentafullerene acid evoked a 1,5-fold increase in this subset compared to the stressed cells. Hence, both fullerene derivatives counteract Ψm dissipation in challenged cells


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    Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease characterized by the development of chronic immune inflammation and formation of granulomas. It is important to know clinical, morphological and immunologic variants of the course of this disease in order to investigate the pathomorphologic parameters of the granuloma.Of late negative trends have been observed in the changes of sarcoidosis pathomorphology. Due to the above it is important to investigate predictors for the course of this disease, including specific parameters of granulematous inflammatory process in various clinical variants not only from the point of view of diagnostics but further management tactics for those suffering from this disease

    Binase penetration into alveolar epithelial cells does not induce cell death

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    Microbial ribonucleases possess a broad spectrum of biological activities, which demonstrate stimulating properties at low concentrations and cytotoxicity and genotoxicity at high concentrations. Mechanisms of their penetration into the cells still remain unclear. In this study penetration of Bacillus intermedius RNase (binase) in alveolar lung epithelial cells, type II (ATII) pneumocytes, has been investigated. Using immunofluorescence analysis we have shown for the first time internalization of binase by primary non-differentiated pneumocytes ATII. The enzyme did not penetrate in MLE-12 (Murine Lung Epithelial-12 cells). However, binase was cytotoxic towards tumor MLE-12 cells, but not ATII cells. These results clearly indicate higher sensitivity of tumor cells to binase compared to normal cells; they also demonstrate that penetration of the enzyme into alveolar epithelial cells is not directly associated with their death. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Комплексная оценка неврологического статуса и метаболических эффектов витаминно-минерального комплекса Теравит Антистресс и его компонентов

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    In the experimental study, the effect of the vitamin-mineral complex Teravit Antistress and its individual components: Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba on the orientation-research behavior, resistance to stress and the course of metabolic processes in laboratory rats were studied.В экспериментальном исследовании изучили влияние витаминно-минерального комплекса Теравит Антистресс и его отдельных компонентов: женьшеня и гинкго билоба на ориентировочно-исследовательское поведение, устойчивость к стрессовым воздействиям и течение метаболических процессов у лабораторных кры

    Оценка эффективности витаминно-минерального комплекса магния лактата и пиридоксина как средства коррекции отклонений элементного гомеостаза у молодых людей, проживающих на территории Ивановской области

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    Resume. The study of the elemental status of young people aged 19 to 25 years living in the Ivanovo region, an estimate of the prevalence of premorbid forms of health disorders and the possibility of its correction with the help of a vitamin-mineral complex containing magnesium lactate and pyridoxine.Проведено исследование элементного статуса молодых людей в возрасте от 19 до 25 лет, проживающих на территории Ивановской области, дана оценка распространённости преморбидных форм нарушения здоровья и установлена возможность его коррекции с помощью витаминно-минерального комплекса, содержащего магния лактат и пиридоксин

    Нейропротекторное и противосудорожное действие Церебролизина в эксперименте

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    Purpose of the study. Assess anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects of Cerebrolysin in rats. Material and methods. The study was carried out on 30 white male rats, who received a course of Cerebrolysin. The model of primary-generalized convulsions was reproduced by a single administration of thiosemicarbazide. Results and conclusion. Preliminary introduction of Cerebrolysin reduces the severity and duration of seizures caused by thiosemicarbazide, increases the survival rate of animals. The test drug has a neuroprotective effect on the cells of the cerebral cortex under conditions of ischemia.Цель исследования. Оценить противосудорожное и нейропротективное действия препарата Церебролизин у крыс. Материал и методы. Исследование проведено на 30 белых крысах-самцах, которые получали курсовое введение препарата Церебролизин. Модель первично-генерализованных судорог воспроизводилась однократным введением тиосемикарбазида. Результаты и заключение. Предварительное введение Церебролизина уменьшает тяжесть и длительность судорог, вызванных тиосемикарбазидом, увеличивает выживаемость животных. Исследуемый препарат оказывает нейропротективный эффект на клетки коры головного мозга в условиях ишемии

    Изучение эффектов магния оротата на модели первично-генерализованных судорог у крыс

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    The effect of magnesium orotate on the model of primary generalized convulsions in the experiment was studied. The course of administration of magnesium orotate (preparation Magneter) at a dose of 0,06 g / kg of weight reduces the severity and duration of seizures caused by thiosemicarbazide, increases the survival of animals, has a neuroprotective effect, affecting various morphological structures. The drug Magnerot - the donor of magnesium, replenishing in the body the deficit caused by the convulsant.Исследовано действие магния оротата на модели первично-генерализованных судорог в эксперименте. Курсовое введение магния оротата (препарат Магнерот) в дозе 0,06 г/кг массы тела уменьшает тяжесть и длительность судорог, вызванных тиосемикарбазидом, увеличивает выживаемость животных, оказывает нейропротективный эффект, влияя на различные морфологические структуры. Препарат Магнерот - донатор магния, восполняющий в организме дефицит, вызванный конвульсантом