8,074 research outputs found

    A polarised QCD condensate: nu p elastic scattering as a probe of U_A(1) dynamics

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    U_A(1) dynamics have the potential to induce a polarised condensate inside a nucleon. The formation of this condensate is related to the realisation of U_A(1) symmetry breaking by tunneling processes such as instantons. If it is present, the polarised condensate induces a term in g_1 which has support only at x=0. Tunneling processes then induce a net transfer of ``spin'' from finite x to x=0. The polarised condensate may be measured by comparing the flavour-singlet axial charges which are extracted from polarised deep inelastic and nu p elastic scattering experiments.Comment: 13 pages LaTeX, Section 3 improved to include discussion of the 3 flavour quark instanton interaction; to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Electron and Phonon Thermal Waves in Semiconductors: an Application to Photothermal Effects

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    The electron and phonon temperature distribution function are calculated in semiconductors. We solved the coupled one-dimensional heat-diffussion equations in the linear approximation in which the physical parameters on the sample are independent of the temperature. We also consider the heat flux at the surface of the semiconductor as a boundary condition for each electron and phonon systems instead of using a fixed temperature. From this, we obtain an expression for electron and phonon temperature respectively. The characterization of the thermal waves properties is duscussed and some practical procedures for this purpose provide us information about the electron and phonon thermal parameters.Comment: 12 pages, amstex and amssymb macro package (LaTeX2e edition

    Jet Modification in a Brick of QGP Matter

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    We have implemented the LPM effect into a microscopic transport model with partonic degrees of freedom by following the algorithm of Zapp & Wiedemann. The Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect is a quantum interference process that modifies the emission of radiation in the presence of a dense medium. In QCD this results in a quadratic length dependence for radiative energy loss. This is an important effect for the modification of jets by their passage through the QGP. We verify the leading parton energy loss in the model against the leading order Baier-Dokshitzer-Mueller-Peigne-Schiff-Zakharov (BDMPS-Z) result. We apply our model to the recent observations of the modification of di-jets at the LHC.Comment: Presented at Panic 1

    Towards an understanding of nucleon spin structure: from hard to soft scales

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    The workshop "The Helicity Structure of the Nucleon" (BNL June 5, 2006) was organized as part of the 2006 RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting to review the status of the spin problem and future directions. The presentations can be found at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/WWW/publish/caidala/UsersHelicityWorkshop2006/ . Recent data suggests small polarized glue and strangeness in the proton. Here we present a personal summary of the main results and presentations. What is new and exciting in the data, and what might this tell us about the structure of the proton ?Comment: 20 pages, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Slow imbalance relaxation and thermoelectric transport in graphene

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    We compute the electronic component of the thermal conductivity (TC) and the thermoelectric power (TEP) of monolayer graphene, within the hydrodynamic regime, taking into account the slow rate of carrier population imbalance relaxation. Interband electron-hole generation and recombination processes are inefficient due to the non-decaying nature of the relativistic energy spectrum. As a result, a population imbalance of the conduction and valence bands is generically induced upon the application of a thermal gradient. We show that the thermoelectric response of a graphene monolayer depends upon the ratio of the sample length to an intrinsic length scale l_Q, set by the imbalance relaxation rate. At the same time, we incorporate the crucial influence of the metallic contacts required for the thermopower measurement (under open circuit boundary conditions), since carrier exchange with the contacts also relaxes the imbalance. These effects are especially pronounced for clean graphene, where the thermoelectric transport is limited exclusively by intercarrier collisions. For specimens shorter than l_Q, the population imbalance extends throughout the sample; the TC and TEP asymptote toward their zero imbalance relaxation limits. In the opposite limit of a graphene slab longer than l_Q, at non-zero doping the TC and TEP approach intrinsic values characteristic of the infinite imbalance relaxation limit. Samples of intermediate (long) length in the doped (undoped) case are predicted to exhibit an inhomogeneous temperature profile, whilst the TC and TEP grow linearly with the system size. In all cases except for the shortest devices, we develop a picture of bulk electron and hole number currents that flow between thermally conductive leads, where steady-state recombination and generation processes relax the accumulating imbalance.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Sensitivity of Ag/Al Interface Specific Resistances to Interfacial Intermixing

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    We have measured an Ag/Al interface specific resistance, 2AR(Ag/Al)(111) = 1.4 fOhm-m^2, that is twice that predicted for a perfect interface, 50% larger than for a 2 ML 50%-50% alloy, and even larger than our newly predicted 1.3 fOhmm^2 for a 4 ML 50%-50% alloy. Such a large value of 2ARAg/Al(111) confirms a predicted sensitivity to interfacial disorder and suggests an interface greater than or equal to 4 ML thick. From our calculations, a predicted anisotropy ratio, 2AR(Ag/Al)(001)/2AR(Ag/Al)(111), of more then 4 for a perfect interface, should be reduced to less than 2 for a 4 ML interface, making it harder to detect any such anisotropy.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. In Press: Journal of Applied Physic

    Beat-wave generation of plasmons in semiconductor plasmas

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    It is shown that in semiconductor plasmas, it is possible to generate large amplitude plasma waves by the beating of two laser beams with frequency difference close to the plasma frequency. For narrow gap semiconductors (for example n-type InSb), the system can simulate the physics underlying beat wave generation in relativistic gaseous plasmas.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, no figures, no macro

    The Tower Building Challenge: Introducing Stakeholder Management to MBA Students

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    The ability to consider and analyze different stakeholder interests is a skill required of today’s business students. This paper describes a 35-minute experiential exercise using Tinkertoys® or Legos® to demonstrate and reinforce the concept of stakeholder management. The exercise, the Tower Building Challenge (TBC), is targeted toward classes in business ethics, strategy, or decision-making and requires students to work in groups to build a tower with the underpinning challenge that each group member has a different interest in how the tower should be built. Student feedback reflects on the difficulty of satisfying all stakeholders when making business decisions, the importance of making the interests of stakeholders transparent to enhance cooperation and the effectiveness of the decision-making process, and the need for stakeholder management when considering business decisions that impact stakeholders. Following this experiential exercise, students’ preliminary understanding presents an opportunity for a deeper discussion of stakeholder management. Specifically, students are prompted to consider stakeholder interests as joint, rather than opposed, when engaged in stakeholder management

    Particle and light fragment emission in peripheral heavy ion collisions at Fermi energies

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    A systematic investigation of the average multiplicities of light charged particles and intermediate mass fragments emitted in peripheral and semiperipheral collisions is presented as a function of the beam energy, violence of the collision and mass of the system. The data have been collected with the "Fiasco" setup in the reactions 93Nb+93Nb at 17, 23, 30, 38AMeV and 116Sn+116Sn at 30, 38AMeV. The midvelocity emission has been separated from the emission of the projectile-like fragment. This last component appears to be compatible with an evaporation from an equilibrated source at normal density, as described by the statistical code Gemini at the appropriate excitation energy. On the contrary, the midvelocity emission presents remarkable differences for what concerns both the dependence of the multiplicities on the energy deposited in the midvelocity region and the isotopic composition of the emitted light charged particles.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, Revtex

    Quantum and Boltzmann transport in the quasi-one-dimensional wire with rough edges

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    We study quantum transport in Q1D wires made of a 2D conductor of width W and length L>>W. Our aim is to compare an impurity-free wire with rough edges with a smooth wire with impurity disorder. We calculate the electron transmission through the wires by the scattering-matrix method, and we find the Landauer conductance for a large ensemble of disordered wires. We study the impurity-free wire whose edges have a roughness correlation length comparable with the Fermi wave length. The mean resistance and inverse mean conductance 1/ are evaluated in dependence on L. For L -> 0 we observe the quasi-ballistic dependence 1/ = = 1/N_c + \rho_{qb} L/W, where 1/N_c is the fundamental contact resistance and \rho_{qb} is the quasi-ballistic resistivity. As L increases, we observe crossover to the diffusive dependence 1/ = = 1/N^{eff}_c + \rho_{dif} L/W, where \rho_{dif} is the resistivity and 1/N^{eff}_c is the effective contact resistance corresponding to the N^{eff}_c open channels. We find the universal results \rho_{qb}/\rho_{dif} = 0.6N_c and N^{eff}_c = 6 for N_c >> 1. As L exceeds the localization length \xi, the resistance shows onset of localization while the conductance shows the diffusive dependence 1/ = 1/N^{eff}_c + \rho_{dif} L/W up to L = 2\xi and the localization for L > 2\xi only. On the contrary, for the impurity disorder we find a standard diffusive behavior, namely 1/ = = 1/N_c + \rho_{dif} L/W for L < \xi. We also derive the wire conductivity from the semiclassical Boltzmann equation, and we compare the semiclassical electron mean-free path with the mean free path obtained from the quantum resistivity \rho_{dif}. They coincide for the impurity disorder, however, for the edge roughness they strongly differ, i.e., the diffusive transport is not semiclassical. It becomes semiclassical for the edge roughness with large correlation length