1,014 research outputs found

    Quantitative Morphology of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field

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    We measure quantitative structural parameters of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) on the drizzled F814W images. Our structural parameters are based on a two-component surface brightness made up of a S\'ersic profile and an exponential profile. We compare our results to the visual classification of van den Bergh et al. (1996) and the C−AC-A classification of Abraham et al. (1996a). Our morphological analysis of the galaxies in the HDF indicates that the spheroidal galaxies, defined here as galaxies with a dominant bulge profile, make up for only a small fraction, namely 8% of the galaxy population down to mF814W(AB)_{F814W}(AB) = 26.0. We show that the larger fraction of early-type systems in the van den Bergh sample is primarily due to the difference in classification of 40% of small round galaxies with half-light radii < 0\arcsecpoint 31. Although these objects are visually classified as elliptical galaxies, we find that they are disk-dominated with bulge fractions < 0.5. Given the existing large dataset of HDF galaxies with measured spectroscopic redshifts, we are able to determine that the majority of distant galaxies (z>2z>2) from this sample are disk-dominated. Our analysis reveals a subset of HDF galaxies which have profiles flatter than a pure exponential profile.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX, 18 Postscript Figures, Tables available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~marleau/. Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Mid-Infrared Galaxy Morphology Along the Hubble Sequence

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    The mid-infrared emission from 18 nearby galaxies imaged with the IRAC instrument on Spitzer Space Telescope samples the spatial distributions of the reddening-free stellar photospheric emission and the warm dust in the ISM. These two components provide a new framework for galaxy morphological classification, in which the presence of spiral arms and their emission strength relative to the starlight can be measured directly and with high contrast. Four mid-infrared classification methods are explored, three of which are based on quantitative global parameters (colors, bulge-to-disk ratio) similar to those used in the past for optical studies; in this limited sample, all correlate well with traditional B-band classification. We suggest reasons why infrared classification may be superior to optical classification.Comment: ApJS (in press), Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue; 13 pages, LaTeX (or Latex, etc); Figure 1ab is large, color plate; full-resolution plates in .pdf format available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/irac/publications

    A New Concept of Transonic Galactic Outflows in a Cold Dark Matter Halo with a Central Super-Massive Black Hole

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    We study fundamental properties of isothermal, steady and spherically symmetric galactic outflow in the gravitational potential of a cold dark matter halo and a central super-massive black hole. We find that there are two transonic solutions having different properties: each solution is mainly produced by the dark matter halo and the super-massive black hole, respectively. Furthermore, we apply our model to the Sombrero galaxy. In this galaxy, Chandra X-ray observatory detected the diffuse hot gas as the trace of galactic outflows while the star-formation rate is low and the observed gas density distribution presumably indicates the hydrostatic equilibrium. To solve this discrepancy, we propose a solution that this galaxy has a transonic outflow, however, the transonic point forms in a very distant region from the galactic center (?∌\sim 127 kpc). In this slowly accelerated transonic outflow, the outflow velocity is less than the sound velocity for most of the galactic halo. Since the gas density distribution in this subsonic region is similar to the hydrostatic one, it is difficult to distinguish the wide subsonic region from hydrostatic state. Such galactic outflows are dfferent from the conventional supersonic outflows observed in star-forming galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in JPS Conference Proceedings. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1405.345

    Dependence of Spiral Galaxy Distribution on Viewing Angle in RC3

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    The normalized inclination distributions are presented for the spiral galaxies in RC3. The results show that, except for the bin of 81∘81^{\circ}-90∘90^{\circ}, in which the apparent minor isophotal diameters that are used to obtain the inclinations, are affected by the central bulges, the distributions for Sa, Sab, Scd and Sd are well consistent with the Monte-Carlo simulation of random inclinations within 3-σ\sigma, and Sb and Sbc almost, but Sc is different. One reason for the difference between the real distribution and the Monte-Carlo simulation of Sc may be that some quite inclined spirals, the arms of which are inherently loosely wound on the galactic plane and should be classified to Sc galaxies, have been incorrectly classified to the earlier ones, because the tightness of spiral arms which is one of the criteria of the Hubble classification in RC3 is different between on the galactic plane and on the tangent plane of the celestial sphere. Our result also implies that there might exist biases in the luminosity functions of individual Hubble types if spiral galaxies are only classified visually.Comment: 5 pages + 8 figures, LaTe

    What are S0 (0) Galaxies?

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    Among early-type galaxies with almost circular isophotes E0 and E1 galaxies are, at 99.3% significance, more luminous than face-on objects classified as S0 (0) and S(0) (1). This result supports the view that rotation and "diskiness" are more important in the outer regions of faint-early type galaxies than they are for more luminous galaxies of very early morphological type.Comment: 7 pages. 0 figures. Astrophysical Jounral Letters in pres

    The CMB Dipole and Circular Galaxy Distribution

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    The validity of Hubble's law defies the determination of the center of the big bang expansion, even if it exists. Every point in the expanding universe looks like the center from which the rest of the universe flies away. In this article, the author shows that the distribution of apparently circular galaxies is not uniform in the sky and that there exists a special direction in the universe in our neighborhood. The data is consistent with the assumption that the tidal force due to the mass distribution around the universe center causes the deformation of galactic shapes depending on its orientation and location relative to the center and our galaxy. Moreover, the cmb dipole data can also be associated with the center of the universe expansion, if the cmb dipole at the center of our supercluster is assumed to be due to Hubble flow. The location of the center is estimated from the cmb dipole data. The direction to the center from both sets of data is consistent and the distance to the center is computed from the cmb dipole data.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures (10 figure captions), 1 tabl

    Infrared Photometry and Dust Absorption in Highly Inclined Spiral Galaxies

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    We present JHK surface photometry of 15 highly inclined, late-type (Sab-Sc) spirals and investigate the quantitative effects of dust extinction. Using the (J - H, H - K) two-color diagram, we compare the color changes along the minor axis of each galaxy to the predictions from different models of radiative transfer. Models in which scattering effects are significant and those with more than a small fraction of the light sources located near the edge of the dust distribution do not produce enough extinction to explain the observed color gradients across disk absorption features. The optical depth in dust near the plane as deduced from the color excess depends sensitively on the adopted dust geometry, ranging from tau = 4 to 15 in the visual band. This suggests that a realistic model of the dust distribution is required, even for infrared photometry, to correct for dust extinction in the bulges of nearly edge-on systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in the March 1996 AJ. LaTex source which generates 27 pages of text and tables (no figures). Complete (text + figs) compressed Postscript preprint is also available at ftp://bessel.mps.ohio-state.edu/pub/terndrup/inclined.ps.Z (854 Mbyte

    The Arecibo Dual-Beam Survey: The HI Mass Function of Galaxies

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    We use the HI-selected galaxy sample from the Arecibo Dual-Beam Survey (Rosenberg & Schneider 2000) to determine the shape of the HI mass function of galaxies in the local universe using both the step-wise maximum likelihood and the 1/V_tot methods. Our survey region spanned all 24 hours of right ascension at selected declinations between 8 and 29 degrees covering ~430 deg^2 of sky in the main beam. The survey is not as deep as some previous Arecibo surveys, but it has a larger total search volume and samples a much larger area of the sky. We conducted extensive tests on all aspects of the galaxy detection process, allowing us to empirically correct for our sensitivity limits, unlike the previous surveys. The mass function for the entire sample is quite steep, with a power-law slope of \alpha ~ -1.5. We find indications that the slope of the HI mass function is flatter near the Virgo cluster, suggesting that evolutionary effects in high density environments may alter the shape of the HI mass function. These evolutionary effects may help to explain differences in the HI mass function derived by different groups. We are sensitive to the most massive sources (log M > 5x10^10 M\solar) over most of the declination range, \~1 sr, and do not detect any massive low surface brightness galaxies. These statistics restrict the population of Malin 1-like galaxies to <5.5x10^-6 Mpc^-3.Comment: ApJ accepted, 12 page

    A Tolman Surface Brightness Test for Universal Expansion, and the Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies in Distant Clusters

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    We use the intercept of the elliptical galaxy radius--surface brightness (SB) relation at a fixed metric radius as the standard condition for the Tolman SB test of the universal expansion. We use surface photometry in the optical and near-IR of elliptical galaxies in Abell~2390 (z=0.23z=0.23) and Abell~851 (z=0.41z=0.41), and compare them to the Coma cluster at z≈0z\approx 0. The photometric data for each cluster are well-described by the Kormendy relation re∝ΣeAr_e \propto \Sigma_e^{A}, where A=−0.9A=-0.9 in the optical and A=−1.0A=-1.0 in the near-IR. The scatter about this near-IR relation is only 0.0760.076 in log⁥re\log r_e at the highest redshift, which is much smaller than at low redshifts, suggesting a remarkable homogeneity of the cluster elliptical population at z=0.41z=0.41. We use the intercept of these fixed-slope correlations at Re=1R_e = 1~kpc (assuming H0=75H_0=75~km~s−1^{-1}~Mpc−1^{-1}, Ω0=0.2\Omega_0=0.2, and Λ0=0\Lambda_0=0, where the results are only weakly dependent on the cosmology) to construct the Tolman SB test for these three clusters. The data are fully consistent with universal expansion if we assume simple models of passive evolution for elliptical galaxies, but are inconsistent with a non-expanding geometry (the tired light cosmology) at the 5 σ5 \, \sigma confidence level at z=0.41z=0.41. These results suggest luminosity evolution in the restframe KK-band of 0.36±0.140.36 \pm 0.14~mag from z=0.41z = 0.41 to the present, and are consistent with the ellipticals having formed at high redshift. The SB intercept in elliptical galaxy correlations is thus a powerful tool for investigating models of their evolution for significant lookback times.Comment: to appear in The Astrophysical Journal (Letters); 13 pages, including 3 Postscript figures and 1 table; uuencoded, compressed format; the paper is also available in various formats from http://astro.caltech.edu/~map/map.bibliography.refereed.htm

    Dependence of Galaxy Shape on Environment in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Using a sample of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 4, we study the trends relating surface brightness profile type and apparent axis ratio to the local galaxy environment. We use the SDSS parameter `fracDeV' to quantify the profile type. We find that galaxies with M_r > -18 are mostly described by exponential profiles in all environments. Galaxies with -21 < M_r < -18 mainly have exponential profiles in low density environments and de Vaucouleurs profiles in high density environments. The most luminous galaxies, with M_r < -21, are mostly described by de Vaucouleurs profiles in all environments. For galaxies with M_r < -19, the fraction of de Vaucouleurs galaxies is a monotonically increasing function of local density, while the fraction of exponential galaxies is monotonically decreasing. For a fixed surface brightness profile type, apparent axis ratio is frequently correlated with environment. As the local density of galaxies increases, we find that for -20 < M_r < -18, galaxies of all profile types become slightly rounder, on average; for -22 < M_r < -20, galaxies with exponential profiles tend to become flatter, while galaxies with de Vaucouleurs profiles become rounder; for M_r < -22, galaxies with exponential profiles become flatter, while the de Vaucouleurs galaxies become rounder in their inner regions, yet exhibit no change in their outer regions. We comment on how the observed trends relate to the merger history of galaxies.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap
