12 research outputs found

    Масс-спектрометрия металлопорфиринов. 2. Давление пара октаэтилпорфиринатов кобальта, никеля и меди

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    The volatility of cobalt, nickel, and copper octaethylporphyrinates was studied by the Knudsen method. Thermodynamical characteristics of sublimation of these compounds were obtained.Методом Кнудсена изучена летучесть октаэтилпорфиринатов кобальта, никеля и меди и получены термодинамические характеристики сублимации указанных соединений

    Mass spectrometry of metalloporphyrins. 2. Vapor pressure of cobalt, nickel, and copper octaethylporphyrinates

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    The volatility of cobalt, nickel, and copper octaethylporphyrinates was studied by the Knudsen method. Thermodynamical characteristics of sublimation of these compounds were obtained

    The First Copper(I)-Olefin Complexes Bearing a 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Core : Alternating-Current Electrochemical Crystallization, X-ray Experiment and DFT Study

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    By means of alternating-current electrochemical technique, four new π-complexes, namely [Cu2(C11H10N2OS)2Br1.91Cl0.09] (1), [Cu(C11H10N2OS)NO3] (2), [Cu2(C11H10N2OS)2(H2O)2](BF4)2 (3) and [Cu2(C11H10N2OS)2(H2O)2](ClO4)2 (4), were obtained using copper(II) salts and the 2-(allylthio)-5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole (C11H10N2OS) ligand. The metal and halogen centers in 1 form Cu2X2 dimers; the N-atom from the oxadiazole ring and the Cdouble bond; length as m-dashC bond of the allyl group from the same ligand complete the copper coordination environment, giving [Cu(C11H10N2OS)X]2 isolated fragments. The ligand plays the same chelating role in 2, whereas the O (NO3) atom occupies the third position in the copper atom’s equatorial plane. Two more elongated Cu–O(NO3) contacts associate the Cu(C11H10N2OS)NO3 fragments into 1D chains. The geometries of the [Cu(C11H10N2OS)]22+ cationic units in 3 and 4 are affected by the position of two water molecules in the coordination spheres of the copper atoms with respect to the plane containing the oxadiazole rings and the copper atoms. The molecular structures and Raman spectra of the compounds were computed using the DFT/B3LYP/cc-pVDZ level of theory. The results are compared with the experimental data obtained and used for vibrational band assignment.peerReviewe

    Solvated copper(I) hexafluorosilicate π-complexes based on [Cu2(amtd)2]2+ (amtd = 2-allylamino-5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole) dimer

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    [Cu2(amdt)2]SiF6·C6H6 and [Cu2(amdt)2(H2O)2]SiF6·CH3CN·2H2O (amdt = 2-allylamino-5- methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole) were obtained by alternating-current electrochemical synthesis, starting from water–acetonitrile–benzene mixtures containing 2-allylamino-5-methyl-1,3,4- thiadiazole and CuSiF6·4H2O. The electrochemical reduction of the saturated copper hexafluorosilicate water solution beneath the neatly poured layer of acetonitrile-benzene amdt solution resulted in the formation of crystalline [Cu2(amdt)2]SiF6·C6H6. The initial stirring of the same mixture before subjecting it to the electrochemical reduction resulted in the formation of [Cu2(amdt)2(H2O)2]SiF6·CH3CN·2H2O. A sluggish hydrolysis of the acetonitrile over 2 years in a closed test tube with [Cu2(amdt)2]SiF6·C6H6 crystals in a mother liquor resulted in the formation of [Cu2L2(H2O)2]SiF6·CH3CONH2·2H2O. All the compounds were studied using X-ray single-crystal diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The molecular structures and the Raman spectra of the compounds were discussed on the basis of computational modeling with the DFT/B3LYP/cc-pVDZ method.peerReviewe