5,893 research outputs found

    Beyond Fashoda: Anglo-French security cooperation in Africa since St-Malo

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    Traditionally divided on security matters, France and Britain broke new ground when they signed the 1998 Saint-Malo agreement, promising to collaborate on defence and security, and pledging to cooperate bilaterally and in a ‘bi-multi’ fashion on Africa. This Anglo-French collaboration is the focus of this article, which begins by setting out the lack of UK–French security cooperation in Africa from the colonial to the early post-Cold War era. It then shows how there has been a degree of institutionalization of Anglo-French relations, alongside greater cooperation in terms of ESDP missions and the training of African peacekeepers. Next, this study explains the recent evolution of UK–French security relations in terms of neo-classical realist theory. Finally, it assesses the likelihood of closer Anglo-French security collaboration in the future

    Adaptive confidence balls

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    Adaptive confidence balls are constructed for individual resolution levels as well as the entire mean vector in a multiresolution framework. Finite sample lower bounds are given for the minimum expected squared radius for confidence balls with a prespecified confidence level. The confidence balls are centered on adaptive estimators based on special local block thresholding rules. The radius is derived from an analysis of the loss of this adaptive estimator. In addition adaptive honest confidence balls are constructed which have guaranteed coverage probability over all of RN\mathbb{R}^N and expected squared radius adapting over a maximum range of Besov bodies.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000146 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Hidden Variables or Positive Probabilities?

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    Despite claims that Bell's inequalities are based on the Einstein locality condition, or equivalent, all derivations make an identical mathematical assumption: that local hidden-variable theories produce a set of positive-definite probabilities for detecting a particle with a given spin orientation. The standard argument is that because quantum mechanics assumes that particles are emitted in a superposition of states the theory cannot produce such a set of probabilities. We examine a paper by Eberhard, and several similar papers, which claim to show that a generalized Bell inequality, the CHSH inequality, can be derived solely on the basis of the locality condition, without recourse to hidden variables. We point out that these authors nonetheless assumes a set of positive-definite probabilities, which supports the claim that hidden variables or "locality" is not at issue here, positive-definite probabilities are. We demonstrate that quantum mechanics does predict a set of probabilities that violate the CHSH inequality; however these probabilities are not positive-definite. Nevertheless, they are physically meaningful in that they give the usual quantum-mechanical predictions in physical situations. We discuss in what sense our results are related to the Wigner distribution.Comment: 19 pages, 2 ps files This is a second replacement. In this version we include an analysis of yet another version of Bell's theorem which has been brought to our attention. We also discuss in what sense our results are related to the Wigner distributio

    Nonparametric estimation over shrinking neighborhoods: Superefficiency and adaptation

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    A theory of superefficiency and adaptation is developed under flexible performance measures which give a multiresolution view of risk and bridge the gap between pointwise and global estimation. This theory provides a useful benchmark for the evaluation of spatially adaptive estimators and shows that the possible degree of superefficiency for minimax rate optimal estimators critically depends on the size of the neighborhood over which the risk is measured. Wavelet procedures are given which adapt rate optimally for given shrinking neighborhoods including the extreme cases of mean squared error at a point and mean integrated squared error over the whole interval. These adaptive procedures are based on a new wavelet block thresholding scheme which combines both the commonly used horizontal blocking of wavelet coefficients (at the same resolution level) and vertical blocking of coefficients (across different resolution levels).Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053604000000832 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Automatically linking MEDLINE abstracts to the Gene Ontology

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    Much has been written recently about the need for effective tools and methods for mining the wealth of information present in biomedical literature (Mack and Hehenberger, 2002; Blagosklonny and Pardee, 2001; Rindflesch et al., 2002)—the activity of conceptual biology. Keyword search engines operating over large electronic document stores (such as PubMed and the PNAS) offer some help, but there are fundamental obstacles that limit their effectiveness. In the first instance, there is no general consensus among scientists about the vernacular to be used when describing research about genes, proteins, drugs, diseases, tissues and therapies, making it very difficult to formulate a search query that retrieves the right documents. Secondly, finding relevant articles is just one aspect of the investigative process. A more fundamental goal is to establish links and relationships between facts existing in published literature in order to “validate current hypotheses or to generate new ones” (Barnes and Robertson, 2002)—something keyword search engines do little to support

    On adaptive estimation of linear functionals

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    Adaptive estimation of linear functionals over a collection of parameter spaces is considered. A between-class modulus of continuity, a geometric quantity, is shown to be instrumental in characterizing the degree of adaptability over two parameter spaces in the same way that the usual modulus of continuity captures the minimax difficulty of estimation over a single parameter space. A general construction of optimally adaptive estimators based on an ordered modulus of continuity is given. The results are complemented by several illustrative examples.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000633 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Nonquadratic estimators of a quadratic functional

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    Estimation of a quadratic functional over parameter spaces that are not quadratically convex is considered. It is shown, in contrast to the theory for quadratically convex parameter spaces, that optimal quadratic rules are often rate suboptimal. In such cases minimax rate optimal procedures are constructed based on local thresholding. These nonquadratic procedures are sometimes fully efficient even when optimal quadratic rules have slow rates of convergence. Moreover, it is shown that when estimating a quadratic functional nonquadratic procedures may exhibit different elbow phenomena than quadratic procedures.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000147 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Coexistence of different scaling laws for the entanglement entropy in a periodically driven system

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    The out-of-equilibrium dynamics of many body systems has recently received a burst of interest, also due to experimental implementations. The dynamics of both observables, such as magnetization and susceptibilities, and quantum information related quantities, such as concurrence and entanglement entropy, have been investigated under different protocols bringing the system out of equilibrium. In this paper we focus on the entanglement entropy dynamics under a sinusoidal drive of the transverse magnetic field in the 1D quantum Ising model. We find that the area and the volume law of the entanglement entropy coexist under periodic drive for an initial non-critical ground state. Furthermore, starting from a critical ground state, the entanglement entropy exhibits finite size scaling even under such a periodic drive. This critical-like behaviour of the out-of-equilibrium driven state can persist for arbitrarily long time, provided that the entanglement entropy is evaluated on increasingly subsystem sizes, whereas for smaller sizes a volume law holds. Finally, we give an interpretation of the simultaneous occurrence of critical and non-critical behaviour in terms of the propagation of Floquet quasi-particles.Comment: contribution to the 11th Italian Quantum Information Science conference (IQIS), September 17th-20th, 2018 - Catania, Italy, 4 page

    Optimal adaptive estimation of a quadratic functional

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    Adaptive estimation of a quadratic functional over both Besov and LpL_p balls is considered. A collection of nonquadratic estimators are developed which have useful bias and variance properties over individual Besov and LpL_p balls. An adaptive procedure is then constructed based on penalized maximization over this collection of nonquadratic estimators. This procedure is shown to be optimally rate adaptive over the entire range of Besov and LpL_p balls in the sense that it attains certain constrained risk bounds.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000849 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org