5 research outputs found

    Reakcja polskich odmian uprawych soi (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) na stosowanie brasinosteroidu

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    In the present study, we evaluated the effects of exogenously applied 24- -epibrassinolide – one of the brassinosteroids – on the seed yield, seed chemical composition (content of soluble proteins, phytoestrogens, carbohydrates, minerals) and resistance to drought of soybean cultivated in Poland (cv. Aldana and Augusta). Quantitative and qualitative analysis of brassinosteroid content was made in seeds of plants treated with 24-epibrassinolide. Experiments were performed in the field and in greenhouse. Brassinosteroid was applied via presowing seed soaking (0,25 mg·dm-3) and spraying of plants (1 mg·dm-3). 24-epibrassinolide affected the increase of the weight of seeds per one plant (27-73%) depending on the cultivar as well as growth conditions (occurrence or lack of drought factor at the stage of seed setting). In the seeds, 24- -epibrassinolide did not change content of proteins or soluble carbohydrates, but increased phytoestrogen genistein content in cultivar Aldana and decreased level of potassium in cultivar Augusta and calcium level in cultivar Aldana. In soybean seeds, the presence of brassinolide and castasterone was found. 24-epibrassinolide applied exogenously to plants was not accumulated in newly formed seeds. In drought-stressed soybean brassinosteroid showed protective effect on net photosynthesis and photosystem II efficiency.Badano oddziaływanie brasinosteroidu – 24-epibrasinolidu – na plonowanie, skład chemiczny nasion (zawartość białek, cukrów, fitoestrogenów i składników mineralnych) oraz odporność na suszę uprawianej w Polsce soi odmian Aldana i Augusta. Przeprowadzono ilościową i jakościową analizę zawartości brasinosteroidów w nasionach roślin traktowanych 24-epibrasinolidem. Eksperymenty wykonano w warunkach poletkowych oraz w szklarni. Brasinosteroid aplikowano poprzez przedsiewne moczenie nasion (0,25 mg·dm-3) i oprysk roślin (1 mg·dm-3). 24-Epibrasinolid wpływał na wzrost masy nasion w przeliczeniu na jedną roślinę (od 27-73%) w zależności od odmiany oraz warunków wegetacji (wystąpienie lub brak czynnika suszy w okresie zawiązywania nasion). Nie oddziaływał na poziom białek i cukrów rozpuszczalnych w nasionach, ale zwiększał zawartość fitoestrogenu genisteiny (odmiany Aldana) oraz zmniejszał poziom potasu (odmiany Augusta) i wapnia (odmiany Aldana). W nasionach soi stwierdzono obecność dwóch ważnych brasinosteroidów: brasinolidu i kastasteronu. 24-Epibrasinolid, którym traktowano rośliny, nie był akumulowany w nasionach. Wykazywał natomiast działanie ochronne na proces fotosyntezy u soi rosnącej w warunkach suszy

    Using the moss data to calculate Europena wide maps on atmospheric depositions of CD, PB and N

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    The ICP Vegetation is an international programme that reports on the effects of air pollutants on natural vegetation and crops [1]. It reports to the Working Group on Effects (WGE) of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP). In particular, the ICP Vegetation focuses on the following air pollution problems: quantifying the risks to vegetation posed by ozone pollution and the atmospheric deposition of heavy metals and nitrogen to vegetation. In addition, the ICP Vegetation is taking into consideration impacts of nitrogen on vegetation (including interactions with ozone), consequences for biodiversity and the interactions between air pollutants and climate change. At the 23rd Task Force Meeting we will report on the achievements of the ICP Vegetation in 2009, in particular regarding progress made with items to be reported to the WGE in 2010 [2]: • Ozone biomonitoring experiment with bean in 2009; • Ozone impacts in Mediterranean areas; • Ozone flux modelling methods and their application to different climatic regions; • Outcome of workshop on ‘Flux-based assessment of ozone effects for air pollution policy’; • Progress with European heavy metals and nitrogen in mosses survey 2010/11; • Relationship between heavy metal concentration in mosses and EMEP modelled deposition. In addition, we will discuss the contribution of ICP Vegetation to the common workplan items of the WGE for 2010 [2]. Apart from looking back to our achievements in 2009, throughout the Task Force Meeting we will be discussing our future plans, in particular the medium-term workplan of the ICP Vegetation (2011 – 2012)

    European wide analysis of factors influencing the spatial variation of metal and nitrogen concentrations in mosses

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    The ICP Vegetation is an international programme that reports on the effects of air pollutants on natural vegetation and crops [1]. It reports to the Working Group on Effects (WGE) of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP). In particular, the ICP Vegetation focuses on the following air pollution problems: quantifying the risks to vegetation posed by ozone pollution and the atmospheric deposition of heavy metals and nitrogen to vegetation. In addition, the ICP Vegetation is taking into consideration impacts of nitrogen on vegetation (including interactions with ozone), consequences for biodiversity and the interactions between air pollutants and climate change. At the 23rd Task Force Meeting we will report on the achievements of the ICP Vegetation in 2009, in particular regarding progress made with items to be reported to the WGE in 2010 [2]: • Ozone biomonitoring experiment with bean in 2009; • Ozone impacts in Mediterranean areas; • Ozone flux modelling methods and their application to different climatic regions; • Outcome of workshop on ‘Flux-based assessment of ozone effects for air pollution policy’; • Progress with European heavy metals and nitrogen in mosses survey 2010/11; • Relationship between heavy metal concentration in mosses and EMEP modelled deposition. In addition, we will discuss the contribution of ICP Vegetation to the common workplan items of the WGE for 2010 [2]. Apart from looking back to our achievements in 2009, throughout the Task Force Meeting we will be discussing our future plans, in particular the medium-term workplan of the ICP Vegetation (2011 – 2012)