335 research outputs found

    Precise Model for Small-Body Thermal Radiation Pressure Acting on Spacecraft

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    A precise representation of small-body surface thermal radiation pressure effects acting on orbiting spacecraft is discussed. The proposed framework takes advantage of a general Fourier series expansion to compute small-body surface thermal radiation pressure. Fourier series expansion has been used before for the precise representation of solar radiation pressure effects on spacecraft orbiting small bodies. This framework takes into account the geometric relationship of orbiting spacecraft with the small-body surface, surface thermal parameters of the small body, and the shape and surface properties of spacecraft allowing for the computation of thermal radiation pressure, which may also be used for the generation of precise orbit determination solutions. After presenting the general model, an example application of the model for the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft in orbit about Asteroid (101955) Bennu is provided. Simulation studies were used to evaluate the effect of mismodeling of thermal radiation pressure on the spacecraft and study the use of the proposed method for generating precise orbit determination solutions

    Realistic Covariance Generation for the GPM Spacecraft

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    A covariance realism process for NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) spacecraft is detailed. The GPM spacecraft is in a low earth orbit, and performs collision avoidance maneuvers few times a year. Currently GPM is below the International Space Station (ISS). So, in addition to cataloged debris objects, GPM must contend with smallsat/cubesat objects that are deployed from the ISS. Both operational scenarios require complete knowledge of the expected GPM prediction errors as a function of time. In this study, we present a method for generating realistic predicted covariance that uses linear propagation of the covariance with the addition of process noise. Further analyses are presented for the process noise ''tuning'' that generates an inflation factor based on the observed error statistics of the predictive satellite trajectories when compared to the definitive ones. Different tuning strategies are considered and compared via a Goodness-of-Fit testing for the Gaussian properties of the scaled covariance. SpaceNav's realistic covariance generation approach takes into account the contribution of predicted maneuver errors in the increased propagation uncertainty. Corresponding maneuver uncertainty is injected into the state uncertainty, and is used within the collision avoidance process to determine the collision risk for close approach events that follow a maneuver. This is a critical step in the maneuver planning process that provides the satellite operator with an accurate quantification of the collision probability for planned maneuvers. Using this information, an informed decision can be made to proceed with a maneuver if the collision risk is acceptable. This approach is validated by Monte-Carlo simulations and results are presented

    Strained layer InP/InGaAs quantum well laser

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    Strained layer single or multiple quantum well lasers include an InP substrate, a pair of lattice-matched InGaAsP quarternary layers epitaxially grown on the substrate surrounding a pair of lattice matched In.sub.0.53 Ga.sub.0.47 As ternary layers surrounding one or more strained active layers of epitaxially grown, lattice-mismatched In.sub.0.75 Ga.sub.0.25 As. The level of strain is selected to control the bandgap energy to produce laser output having a wavelength in the range of 1.6 to 2.5 .mu.m. The multiple quantum well structure uses between each active layer. Diethyl zinc is used for p-type dopant in an InP cladding layer at a concentration level in the range of about 5.times.10.sup.17 /cm.sup.3 to about 2.times.10.sup.18 /cm.sup.3. Hydrogen sulfide is used for n-type dopant in the substrate

    Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of Gamma-Type Stirling Engine to Produce Electricity from Biomass for the Micro-CHP System

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    With consideration of the biomass energy potential, a gamma type Stirling engine with 220cc swept volume and 580cc total volume was designed, optimized and manufactured. The engine was tested with helium. Working characteristics of the engine were obtained within the range of heat source temperature 370- 410ËšC and charge pressure 10 bar for biomass resources and heat source temperature 540- 560 ËšC and range of charge pressure 1-12 bar with 1 bar increments at each stage for gases. By using of thermodynamic and heat transfer design methods, the key parameters of the designed Stirling engine like required surfaces for heat transfer were calculated (hot side 307 and the cold side 243 squares of centimeters). For analysis of fluid flow, two-dimensional flow analysis method was performed by the software CFD methods. The principles of thermodynamics as well as Schmidt theory were adapted to use for modeling the engine and then pressure - volume diagrams of the thermodynamic and Schmidt analysis were compared. During the test, the temperature is monitored by thermocouples and the pressure of the working fluid helium is monitored by pressure sensors. Indicated power, friction power and brake power were measured and maximum brake power output was obtained with helium at 550ËšC heat source temperature and 10 bar charge pressure at 700 rpm as 96.7 W. Electrical energy produced from biomass sources.Sugarcane bagasse, wood, wheat straw, poplar wood and sawdust as fuel system were selected. Most power be obtained from the sawdust (46 watt) and pruning of trees for wood for low power (21 watts), respectively. Minimum ignition time of the Sawdust (4 min) and the most time flammable wood from pruned trees (10 min) was measured. At maximum power, the internal thermal efficiency of the engine was measured as 16%. The test results confirm the fact that Stirling engines driven by temperature of biomass gases are able to achieve a valuable output power. Results of the present work encouraged initiating design of a single cylinder, gamma type Stirling engine of 1 kWe capacity for rural electrification

    An assessment on potential long-term health effects caused by antibiotic resistance marker genes in genetically modified organisms based on antibiotic usage and resistance patterns in Norway.

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    Source at https://vkm.no/Usage of antibiotics selects for resistant bacteria, resulting in reduced treatment options, and increased morbidity and mortality from microbial infections. Development of resistance in susceptible bacteria can occur through spontaneous mutation or horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Our current understanding of resistance development in bacterial pathogens is more descriptive than predictive in nature. That is, whereas the acquisition or development of new resistance determinants in bacteria can be retrospectively described relatively easily at the molecular, species and geographical distribution levels, the initial horizontal transfer events, the resistance gene donor, and the environmental location and conditions that produced the first generation of the resistant bacteria remain largely unknown. Without this latter knowledge and without a clear understanding of directional selection and genetic drift in natural bacterial populations, it is impossible to predict accurately further resistance development occurring through HGT. Some of the antibiotic resistance marker (ARM) genes used in the production of genetically modified organisms (GMO) encode resistance to antibiotics in clinical and veterinary use. Thus, concerns have been raised that the large-scale release of such genes in commercialized GMOs may increase the rate of, and broaden the locations where, bacteria horizontally acquire resistance genes

    Optimization of a novel large field of view distortion phantom for MR-only treatment planning

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    PURPOSE: MR-only treatment planning requires images of high geometric fidelity, particularly for large fields of view (FOV). However, the availability of large FOV distortion phantoms with analysis software is currently limited. This work sought to optimize a modular distortion phantom to accommodate multiple bore configurations and implement distortion characterization in a widely implementable solution. METHOD AND MATERIALS: To determine candidate materials, 1.0 T MR and CT images were acquired of twelve urethane foam samples of various densities and strengths. Samples were precision-machined to accommodate 6 mm diameter paintballs used as landmarks. Final material candidates were selected by balancing strength, machinability, weight, and cost. Bore sizes and minimum aperture width resulting from couch position were tabulated from the literature (14 systems, 5 vendors). Bore geometry and couch position were simulated using MATLAB to generate machine-specific models to optimize the phantom build. Previously developed software for distortion characterization was modified for several magnet geometries (1.0 T, 1.5 T, 3.0 T), compared against previously published 1.0 T results, and integrated into the 3D Slicer application platform. RESULTS: All foam samples provided sufficient MR image contrast with paintball landmarks. Urethane foam (compressive strength ∼1000 psi, density ~20 lb/ft3 ) was selected for its accurate machinability and weight characteristics. For smaller bores, a phantom version with the following parameters was used: 15 foam plates, 55 × 55 × 37.5 cm3 (L×W×H), 5,082 landmarks, and weight ~30 kg. To accommodate \u3e 70 cm wide bores, an extended build used 20 plates spanning 55 × 55 × 50 cm3 with 7,497 landmarks and weight ~44 kg. Distortion characterization software was implemented as an external module into 3D Slicer\u27s plugin framework and results agreed with the literature. CONCLUSION: The design and implementation of a modular, extendable distortion phantom was optimized for several bore configurations. The phantom and analysis software will be available for multi-institutional collaborations and cross-validation trials to support MR-only planning

    A Novel Approach for Ellipsoidal Outer-Approximation of the Intersection Region of Ellipses in the Plane

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    In this paper, a novel technique for tight outer-approximation of the intersection region of a finite number of ellipses in 2-dimensional (2D) space is proposed. First, the vertices of a tight polygon that contains the convex intersection of the ellipses are found in an efficient manner. To do so, the intersection points of the ellipses that fall on the boundary of the intersection region are determined, and a set of points is generated on the elliptic arcs connecting every two neighbouring intersection points. By finding the tangent lines to the ellipses at the extended set of points, a set of half-planes is obtained, whose intersection forms a polygon. To find the polygon more efficiently, the points are given an order and the intersection of the half-planes corresponding to every two neighbouring points is calculated. If the polygon is convex and bounded, these calculated points together with the initially obtained intersection points will form its vertices. If the polygon is non-convex or unbounded, we can detect this situation and then generate additional discrete points only on the elliptical arc segment causing the issue, and restart the algorithm to obtain a bounded and convex polygon. Finally, the smallest area ellipse that contains the vertices of the polygon is obtained by solving a convex optimization problem. Through numerical experiments, it is illustrated that the proposed technique returns a tighter outer-approximation of the intersection of multiple ellipses, compared to conventional techniques, with only slightly higher computational cost

    Single-mode 2.65 µm InGaAsSb/AlInGaAsSb laterally coupled distributed-feedback diode lasers for atmospheric gas detection.

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    We demonstrate index-coupled distributed-feedback diode lasers at 2.65 µm that are capable of tuning across strong absorption lines of HDO and other isotopologues of H2O. The lasers employ InGaAsSb/AlInGaAsSb multi-quantum-well structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaSb, and single-mode emission is generated using laterally coupled second-order Bragg gratings etched alongside narrow ridge waveguides. We verify near-critical coupling of the gratings by analyzing the modal characteristics of lasers of different length. With an emission facet anti-reflection coating, 2-mm-long lasers exhibit a typical current threshold of 150 mA at 20 °C and are capable of emitting more than 25 mW in a single longitudinal mode, which is significantly higher than the output power reported for loss-coupled distributed-feedback lasers operating at similar wavelengths
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