227 research outputs found

    Migratory Movements and Mortality of Peregrine Falcons Banded in Greenland, 1972–97

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    In 1972 we initiated a long-term study of Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus in West Greenland to evaluate population status and describe general breeding ecology. The study area encompassed approximately 6050 km2, spanning the area from the edge of the inland ice cap westward to the coast. From 1972 to 1997, we banded 1896 peregrines (1771 nestlings, 125 adults). Encounters of banded peregrines (n = 114) outside the study area occurred at locations from Greenland to Uruguay. In contrast to the equal sex ratio recorded in broods at banding, the sex ratio of nestling encounters was significantly skewed toward females. The majority (54%) of encounters involved capture and release by other falcon researchers, particularly those operating banding stations along the Eastern Seaboard and in southern Texas. Peregrines from Greenland appeared to reach wintering areas by late October or early November. Although male peregrines wintered significantly farther south than females, there was no significant difference in the mean date of capture along the East Coast of the United States in the hatch year (mean = 9 October ± 2.5 days for males and 9 October ± 1 day for females). Spring migration appeared to commence in early April, with breeding birds back on the study area by late May or early June. Despite the extensive recent use of satellite telemetry, long-term banding continues to play an important role in studies of peregrine migration, natal dispersal, and survival.En 1972, nous avons entrepris l’étude à long terme des faucons pèlerins Falco peregrinus dans l’ouest du Groenland dans le but d’évaluer l’état de la population et de décrire l’écologie générale de la reproduction. L’aire visée par l’étude comptait environ 6 050 km2, s’étendant ainsi du bord de la calotte glaciaire de l’arrière-pays jusqu’à la côte ouest. Entre 1972 et 1997, nous avons bagué 1 896 faucons pèlerins (1 771 oisillons, 125 adultes). Des faucons pèlerins bagués (n = 114) ont été repérés à l’extérieur de l’aire visée par l’étude, dans des endroits allant du Groenland jusqu’en Uruguay. En contraste avec la proportion égale des sexes enregistrée dans les nichées au moment du baguage, la proportion des sexes chez les oisillons repérés tendait considérablement plus du côté des femelles. La majorité (54 %) des repérages ont fait l’objet de captures et libérations de la part d’autres chercheurs spécialisés dans les faucons, surtout ceux situés aux postes de baguage du littoral est et du sud du Texas. Les faucons pèlerins du Groenland semblaient atteindre les aires d’hivernage vers la fin d’octobre ou le début de novembre. Même si les mâles hivernaient beaucoup plus au sud que les femelles, aucune différence importante n’a été relevée dans la date moyenne de capture sur le littoral est des États-Unis pendant l’année de l’éclosion (moyenne = 9 octobre ± 2,5 jours chez les mâles et 9 octobre ± 1 jour chez les femelles). La migration printanière semblait commencer vers le début d’avril, les oiseaux reproducteurs étant de retour dans l’aire visée par l’étude vers la fin de mai ou le début de juin. Malgré l’utilisation récente et fréquente de la télémétrie satellitaire, le baguage à long terme continue du jouer un rôle important dans l’étude de la migration, de la dispersion natale et de la survie du faucon pèlerin.В 1972 мы начали программу мониторинга сокола-сапсана Falco peregrinus в западной Гренландии с целью оценить состояние популяции и описать экологию размножения вида. Район исследований составил примерно 6050 кв. км от края ледникового щита до западного побережья. С 1972 по 1997 год мы окольцевали 1896 птиц (1771 птенцов и 125 взрослых особей). Эти птицы были встречены от Гренландии до Уругвая (n = 114). По сравнению с сбалансированным соотношением самцов и самок при кольцевании, на гнездовьях впоследствии отмечались преимущественно самки. 54% находок были отловлены и отпущены на станциях вдоль восточного побережья Северной Америки и в южном Техасе. Сапсаны из Гренландии достигают зимовок к концу октября или началу ноября. Хотя самцы сапсана отмечались на зимовках существенно южнее самок, мы не отметили достоверной разницы в средней дате их появления вдоль восточного побережья США в их год вылупления (в среднем 9 октября ± 2,5 дня для самцов и 9 октября ± 1 день для самок). Весенний перелет начинается в раннем апреле и птицы появляются в местах гнездования в конце мая или начале июня. Несмотря на широкое использование спутниковой телеметрии, многолетние наблюдения окольцованных птиц остается одним из главных методов отслеживания миграции, разлета и выживания соколов-сапсанов

    Duplication of clostridial binding domains for enhanced macromolecular delivery into neurons

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    Neurological diseases constitute a quarter of global disease burden and are expected to rise worldwide with the ageing of human populations. There is an increasing need to develop new molecular systems which can deliver drugs specifically into neurons, non-dividing cells meant to last a human lifetime. Neuronal drug delivery must rely on agents which can recognise neurons with high specificity and affinity. Here we used a recently introduced ‘stapling’ system to prepare macromolecules carrying duplicated binding domains from the clostridial family of neurotoxins. We engineered individual parts of clostridial neurotoxins separately and combined them using a strong alpha-helical bundle. We show that combining two identical binding domains of tetanus and botulinum type D neurotoxins, in a sterically defined way by protein stapling, allows enhanced intracellular delivery of molecules into neurons. We also engineered a botulinum neurotoxin type C variant with a duplicated binding domain which increased enzymatic delivery compared to the native type C toxin. We conclude that duplication of the binding parts of tetanus or botulinum neurotoxins will allow production of high avidity agents which could deliver imaging reagents and large therapeutic enzymes into neurons with superior efficiency

    New in vitro approaches to evaluate antioxidant activity of food and their application to real samples

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    Several epidemiological studies have shown that the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) contributes to the risk factors for chronic pathological conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes [1]. A diet that includes foods rich in antioxidant compounds, in combination with a correct lifestyle, represents a possible approach to counteract the negative effects of the oxidative stress. On these bases, several studies have been focused on the determination of antioxidant properties of food; the methods used to assess the antioxidant activity differ from each other in terms of chemical bases and reaction conditions. Considering the chemical diversity of the different classes of molecules, a single assay cannot accurately reflect their antioxidant activity. The aim of this study was to set up and apply different in vitro approaches for a fast screening of the antioxidant activity of different foods/food supplements, including wine. The methods included: 1) Folin-Ciocalteu\u2019s assay for the quantification of total polyphenol content [2]; 2) DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) spectrophotometric assay; 3) Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) spectrophotometric assay for measuring the capacity of the samples to scavenge ABTS radical [3]. Two novel approaches were also used in parallel: 1) High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) for the semi-quantitative measure of antioxidant activity associated with wine and its specific compounds; 2) detection by an electrochemical biosensor, an analytical device that includes a biological detector coupled to a chemical transducer. Although the method based on biosensor needs further improvement, the first results indicate that this approach could be suitable for a fast measure of antioxidant activity. In conclusion, all approaches used in this research show some limitations, but when integrated they could represent a useful tool to assess antioxidant properties of foodstuff, reflecting at least in part the potential in vivo protecting activity

    Phenolic profile and biological activity of table grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Table grapes are largely produced and consumed in the Mediterranean area. Furthermore, in the last years, the commercial interest in table grapes and other non-alcoholic grape products has notably increased worldwide. In addition to the nutritional aspects, polyphenol compounds in fresh grapes could exert positive effects on human health. The aim of this study was the characterization of the phenolic pattern of sixteen grape varieties and the evaluation of the associated antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory activity at gastric level. The methods used were: 1) Folin-Cocalteau\u2019s assay for the quantification of total polyphenol content; 2) High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) coupled with Diode-Array Detector (DAD) to perform the quantitative analysis of grapes phenolic fraction 3) DPPH (1,1,-diphenil-2-picrylhydrazyl) spectrophotometric assay for the assessment of radical scavenging activity; 4) assessment of IL-8 release from human gastric epithelial cells to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of grape extracts. Some grapes, including seedless varieties, showed that the phenolic pattern was highly correlated with the biological activities, and, in particular, with peel and seeds portion. These results suggest that selected grape varieties could represent, also for consumers who do not drink wine, a source of healthy compounds potentially able to counteract oxidative stress and gastric inflammation

    Beneficial effects of non-alcoholic grape-derived products on human health: a literature review

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    Vine is widely cultivated due to the economic value of wine and other grape derivatives. The grape berry is characterized by the presence of a wide variety of flavonoids, which have been investigated for their health promoting properties. Several epidemiological studies have shown that a moderate consumption of wine is associated with a J-shaped effect on some risk factors for chronic diseases. On the other hand, the wine market has shown a decreasing trend due to the frequent abuse of alcoholic beverages also by young people, as denounced by WHO. Accordingly, the scientific research in the field of non-alcoholic grape products has been further stimulated. The aim of this paper was a preliminary collection of data on human studies supporting the beneficial properties of unfermented grape products. The most convincing positive effects, observed in humans, consisted in the reduction of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension and oxidative stress. Other human trials have been published in the area of: immune system, diabetes, cognitive functions, oral health, and cancer. Generally speaking, the findings listed in this review support the use of nonalcoholic grape derivatives, as a source of beneficial compounds for the human diet, even though further studies are necessar

    Raisins in human health : a review

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    In the last years, the scientific research in the field of non-alcoholic grape products has increased significantly. Raisins are often evaluated negatively from the nutritional point of view, mainly for their high sugar content. On the other hand, some in vitro and in vivo studies have suggested that raisins could have healthy effects due to their positive phytochemical profile. The aim of this work was the collection of scientific studies performed in humans to assess critically the health-promoting effects of raisins, as a part of the normal/Mediterranean diet. In most cases, the beneficial effects of raisins have been assessed in intervention studies focused on cardiovascular area, diabetes and oral health, where a decrease in postprandial glycemia and insulinemia both in diabetic and healthy subjects has been observed. The positive effects were generally evident after a short-term consumption of about 70 g/die of raisins in comparison to a similar quantity of snacks or glucose solution. Surprisingly, some positive findings were shown in oral health. On these bases several findings support the suitability of raisins as a source of healthy compounds for human diet, but limits in the data published till now clearly support the need of new specifically designed trials

    Further experimental data supporting the safety of potassium polyaspartate used as a food additive in wine stabilization

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    Potassium polyaspartate (KPPA) is a food additive used for wine stabilization. KPAA was included in the list of additives allowed in EU, with the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1399, having received a positive opinion by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) in 2016. KPAA is rich in negative charges, which are essential for its enological function consisting in binding positive ions in order to reduce wine instability. Concerns were raised on the fact that the same binding properties could be responsible for a reduction of microelement bioavailability in humans. For this reason and for the protection of consumers' health, the binding properties of potassium polyaspartate versus three minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium) was assayed using the Size-Exclusion Chromatography (SEC). Aliquots obtained by SEC were analysed for their content in polyaspartate (by microbiuret method) and bound minerals (by ICP-OES method). The results obtained by this research shows that, when potassium polyaspartate is added to wine, the negative charges of the additive are saturated, as expected by the specific role of KPAA in tartaric stabilization. In conclusions, the effect on mineral bioavailability must be considered negligible

    Identification and Quantification of Thujone in a Case of Poisoning Due to Repeated Ingestion of an Infusion of Artemisia Vulgaris L

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    Abstract: Plants of the Artemisia genus are used worldwide as ingredients of botanical preparations. This paper describes the case of a 49-year-old man admitted to the emergency room at a Zurich hospital in a manic state after the ingestion of 1 L of an infusion of Artemisia vulgaris. Two monoterpenic ketones, \u3b1- and \u3b2-thujone, are present in various concentrations in Artemisia spp., but adverse effects have previously been associated only with essential oil from Artemisia absinthium and attributed to the inhibition of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors, with consequent excitation and convulsions. The aim of this work was to examine and quantify the possible presence of thujone in the patient's serum and urine. A High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method with isocratic separation and fluorescence detection (FLD) was set up and validated. Serum thujone concentrations were found to be 27.7\ua0\ub1\ua03.48 \u3bcg/mL at day 0 and 24.1\ua0\ub1\ua00.15 \u3bcg/mL on day 1. Results were confirmed by a gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (FID). Poisoning due to thujone was thus confirmed, suggesting four possible scenarios: (1) an unusually high concentration of thujone in the A. vulgaris ingested; (2) chronic exposure as the cause of the poisoning; (3) low metabolic efficiency of the patient; (4) contamination or adulteration of the plant material with other Artemisia spp., for example, A. absinthium. Practical Application: These results could aid research in the field of adverse effects of botanicals, lead to better understanding and management of similar cases of poisoning, and promote more informed use of natural products

    The PlantLIBRA consumer survey: Findings on the use of plant food supplements in Italy

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    Background Food supplements, and in particular those containing botanicals (plant food supplements, PFS), have in recent decades been of great interest both to consumers and to food/pharmaceutical industries. Objectives The aim of this paper is to examine replies by Italian consumers to the PlantLIBRA consumers' survey in order to: 1) assess the behaviour of an Italian population with respect to the use of PFS, and to compare it with that of other 5 countries involved in the whole survey; 2) identify different habits in the 4 Italian cities selected according to their geographical distribution; 3) collect independent information on the actual intake of PFS and consumers' behaviour. Subjects/setting 397 Italian consumers enrolled, 187 males (49.5%) and 191 female (50.5%). The distribution of subjects among the 4 cities included was: Milan 99; Venice 90; Rome 96 and Catania 96. Results The interest in PFS in Italy is high, the prevalence of "regular" consumers being 22.7%. Some differences were observed between the 4 cities involved: the pattern of use during the year was specific to each city; consumers in Milan reported reasons to use PFS significantly different from those in the whole Italian sample and did not indicate supermarkets as an important place of purchase; respondents from Rome and Catania more frequently used family doctors and pharmacists as a source of recommendation. Some significant difference among cities, sex and age groups were observed when the most frequently used botanicals were ranked. Conclusions The results provide new insights on the socio-economic characteristics and lifestyle of Italian PFS consumers, on their reasons for and pattern of use, and on their behaviour and expectations. The value of this information is not restricted to the specific country (Italy) but allows for a more general evaluation of the pattern of use, according to habits and geographical area