605 research outputs found

    A characterization of balanced episturmian sequences

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    It is well known that Sturmian sequences are the aperiodic sequences that are balanced over a 2-letter alphabet. They are also characterized by their complexity: they have exactly (n+1)(n+1) factors of length nn. One possible generalization of Sturmian sequences is the set of infinite sequences over a kk-letter alphabet, k≥3k \geq 3, which are closed under reversal and have at most one right special factor for each length. This is the set of episturmian sequences. These are not necessarily balanced over a kk-letter alphabet, nor are they necessarily aperiodic. In this paper, we characterize balanced episturmian sequences, periodic or not, and prove Fraenkel's conjecture for the class of episturmian sequences. This conjecture was first introduced in number theory and has remained unsolved for more than 30 years. It states that for a fixed k>2k> 2, there is only one way to cover Z\Z by kk Beatty sequences. The problem can be translated to combinatorics on words: for a kk-letter alphabet, there exists only one balanced sequence up to letter permutation that has different letter frequencies

    A nonlinear transformation of the dispersive long wave equations in (2+1) dimensions and its applications

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    A nonlinear transformation of the dispersive long wave equations in (2+1) dimensions is derived by using the homogeneous balance method. With the aid of the transformation given here, exact solutions of the equations are obtained

    Paramètres gouvernant la prolifération bactérienne dans les réseaux de distribution

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    L'étude a permis de suivre l'évolution des caractéristiques physico-chimiques et microbiologiques des eaux dans un réseau de distribution expérimental de taille industrielle, afin de comparer d'une part l'effet du chlore et de la monochloramine sur la biomasse présente dans le système à l'équilibre et d'autre part d'établir des relations quantitatives entre prolifération bactérienne, oxydant et matière organique biodégradable.Dès les premières heures de transit dans le réseau, une consommation des oxydants est constatée, avec toutefois une plus grande stabilité de la monochloramine (vitesse de consommation de 0,05 mgCl2 l-1h-1 et 0,02 mgCl2 l-1h-1 respectivement pour le chlore et la monochloramine).Même en présence d'un désinfectant résiduel, il est possible de noter une accumulation de bactéries-à ta surface des tuyaux de distribution (105 à 106 cellules. cm-2, dont environ 1 % est cultivable sur gélose) qui augmente avec la diminution de concentration du désinfectant résiduel. Les relations logarithmiques entre densité cellulaire (phase eau ou biofilm) et oxydant résiduel montrent d'une part que pour inactiver totalement les bactéries en suspension dans l'eau il convient de maintenir une chloration en continu avec un résiduel constant supérieur ou égal à 0,5 mgCl2 l-1 et, d'autre part que les chloramines sont au moins 2,5 fois moins efficaces que le chlore, même vis-à-vis des bactéries fixées.La présence de matière organique biodégradable dans les eaux explique la prolifération des bactéries dans le système de distribution. Ainsi une concentration additionnelle de 100 µg.l-1 de carbone organique dissous biodégradable (CODB) dans l'eau entrant dans le réseau de distribution occasionne en 24 heures et à 20°C une augmentation du nombre de bactéries fixées (+7,5.105 cellules.cm-2) ou en suspension (+ 4.104 cellules.ml-1) dans le réseau de distribution, à l'équilibre, déjà largement colonisé par des micro-organismes.Ainsi le contrôle de la fraction biodégradable de la matière organique apparaît toujours comme un objectif primordial.This study was carried out in order to evaluate the variations in the physicochemical characteristics of the water in an experimental distribution system.The primary objectives of the study were :- to compare the disinfectant efficiency of chlorine and monochloramine- to establish quantitative correlations among bacterial density, concentration of residual disinfectant, and concentration of biodegradable organic matter.The finished waters were obtained from a water treatment pilot plant characterized by : prechlorination (average treatment rate : 1.4 mgCl2 l-1 and residual alter sand filtration : 0.08 mgCl2 l-1), coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation (FeCl3 treatment rate : 30 to 60 mg l-1 adjusted to the raw water turbidity below 0.3 NTU), sand filtration (filtration rate : 6 h-1) and post-disinfection with chloramine (average treatment rate : 1.8 mgCl2 l-1) or chloramine (average treatment rate : 1.66 mgCl2 l-1). The concentrations of post-disinfectant used were chosen in order to maintain chlorine at 0.2 to 0.5 mgCl2 l-1 and monochloramine at 1 mgC2 l-1 after the first 24 hours residence time in the experimental distribution system.The experimental distribution system is composed of three parallel loops connected in series (31 m length, 100 mm diameter, cement lined cast iron, water velocity : 1m s-1). The configuration and operation of the system permitted a residence time of 24 hours in each loop (that is 72 hours for the whole system). Appropriate sample tap locations facilitated removal of bulk water samples. Special sampling parts also permitted sampling of cement coupons for determination of attached biofilm.The measured parameters were : residual oxidant (DPD method), DOC, BDOC (28 days of incubation at 28 °C with a bacterial inoculum), cell density in the bulk water phase (CFU ml-1) and in the biofilm (CFU cm-2) after 15 days of incubation at 20-22 °C. Total cells were enumerated using the epifluorescence direct count technique.For each experiment, all the sampling sequences were carried out on each of three days, after quasi steady-state was achieved in the system (4 to 6 weeks after starting each experiment). The data were analysed in order to characterize the treated and distributed waters; the results discussed here are based on the averages of the measured parameters tram the water samples and biofilm samples taken after the system achieved quasi steady-state.Characteristics of the treated watersThe treated waters were characterized by important variations at the DOC, BDOC and cell density. For example, the concentrations of DOC showed a seasonal variation ranging from 0.8 to 1.3 mg Cl-1 in winter to 1.6 to 2.6 mg Cl-1 in summer.The treated waters contained approximately the same concentrations of residual disinfectant, averaging 1.6 mgCl2 l-1 for chlorine and 1.5 mgCl2 l-1 for monochloramine.However, a significant difference cell density was found between the two post-disinfectants. Cell densities by the epifluorescence direct count technic were 1.6 x 103 ml-1 (0.3 % of CFU ml-1) with chlorine and 6.3 x 104 ml-1 (0.03 % of CFU ml-1) with monochloramine. The difference on cell density between the post-chlorination and the post-chloramination treatments has been observed systematically, and may be explained either as cellular lysis with chlorine or an interference when using epifluorescence counting for chlorinated waters.Characteristics of the distributed watersWhatever the season, depletion of oxidant (chlorine or monochloramine), and elimination of dissolved organic matter (DOC, BDOC) occured during the first hours of circulation of water in the distribution system. The net result was an increase in bacterial cell density.During the first hours of circulation of the waters in the distribution system, depletion of the disinfectant occured. Depletion was more rapid for chlorine (-0.05 mgCl2 l-1 h-1) titan for monochloramine (-0.02 mgCl2 l-1 h-1), winch is considered more stable titan chlorine.Even in the presence of a residual disinfectant in the distribution system, microorganisms are present in the water phase (104 to 106 cells ml-1 by epifluorescence direct count; 1 % CFU ml-1 after 15 days of incubation at 20-22 °C) and in the biofilm (105 to 106 cells cm-2 by epifluorescence direct count; 1 % CFU ml-1 after 15 days of incubation at 20-22 °C). The bacterial density increased white the disinfectant residual decreased. The apparent growth rate of the attached biomass (µfix) in loop 2 of the chlorinated distribution system (equivalent to 48 hours detention), was close to the µfix calculated for loop 2 of the chloraminated distribution system : the values were 0.0043 h-1 and 0.005 h-1 respectively.In addition, the change in the organic matter (expressed as DOC) occured in two steps :- a slight increase in DOC during the 24 first hours of residence time (loop 1), when increased residual disinfectant were present.- a bacterial consumption of DOC after 24 hours of residence time (loops 2 and 3), even in the presence of small concentrations of disinfectants.In loop 2 (48 hours residence time of the water in the system; chlorine : 0.01 mgCl2 l-1, chloramine : 0.3 mgCl2 l-1 h-1), the rates of DOC elimination averaged 13 mgCl2 l-1 h-1 and 0.42, mgCl2 l-1 h-1, respectively in the chlorinated and chloraminated distribution systems. This decrease in DOC concentrations was related to the increase in bacterial density.Relationships between cell density, oxidant and organic matterLinear relationships between the concentration of residual oxidant (chlorine or monochloramine) and the cell density in the water phase or in the biofilm show that :- whichever oxidant was used, the pipe loop sections without residual disinfectants were characterized by about 5 x 106 attached cells per cm2 (4 to 10% were able to grow on agar medium in 15 days at 20-22 °C) and by 4 x 105 planktonic cells per ml (1 % CFU ml-1);- consistently, in the sections of the system with a residual disinfectant, the bacteria (CFU and epilluorescence counting) in the water phase were more sensitive to the residual disinfectant (chlorine or monochloramine) than the bacteria attached to the pipe walls (biofilm).However, there was a difference in effectiveness between the two disinfectants; chlorine was more efficient in controlling planktonic bacteria and biofilm bacteria than was monochloramine.For example, to achieve complete inactivation of the planktonic bacteria (CFU ml-1) a constant chlorine residual of 0.5 mgCl2 l-1 was required throughout the whole distribution system, compared to 2.5 times more chloramine to achieve the same efficiency.Finally, with equivalent concentrations of residual disinfectant, the microbiological quality of the chlorinated distribution waters was better than that of the chloraminated distribution waters.From loop to loop, linear relationships between ∆DOC and cell density pointed out that the presence of biodegradable organic matter can explain the bacterial proliferation in the distribution system. For example, a concentration of BDOC as low as 0.1 mgC l-1 resulted in an increase in the cell density : an additional accumulation of 7.5 x 105 attached cells cm-2 and 4 x 104 planktonic cells ml-1 was observed in the experimental distribution system at quasi steady-state.Consequently, the control of the biodegradable organic carbon remains one of the prime objectives in order to achieve biologically stable distribution waters

    Conveying personality traits trough product design for a symbolic product

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    Product design, through its sensory attributes, plays a major role in product perceptions and its understanding by consumers. It conveys rich symbolic associations and contributes to shape brand image and its personality traits. A flower is a singular product, expressive and particularly evocative through its design. We postulate that flowers can be considered as brands possessing human-like traits. An experiment being run on two flowers\u27 varieties (tulips and roses) with 509 French participants shows how shape (pointed or rounded petals) and brightness (pink for the light color or purple for the dark color) influence the perceived flower\u27s personality, with gender as a moderating variable. The findings confirm the power of design to shape consumers\u27 perceptions, especially for symbolic products such as flowers

    Prenatal maternal stress was not associated with birthweight or gestational age at birth during COVID-19 restrictions in Australia : the BITTOC longitudinal cohort study

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    Background: Various forms of prenatal maternal stress (PNMS) have been reported to increase risk for preterm birth and low birthweight. However, the associations between specific components of stress – namely objective hardship and subjective distress - and birth outcomes are not well understood. Aims: Here, we aimed to determine the relationship between birthweight and gestational age at birth and specific prenatal factors (infant gender and COVID-19 pandemic-related objective hardship, subjective distress, change in diet), and to determine whether effects of hardship are moderated by maternal subjective distress, change in diet, or infant gender. Materials and methods: As part of the Birth in the Time of COVID (BITTOC study), women (N = 2285) who delivered in Australia during the pandemic were recruited online between August 2020 and February 2021. We assessed objective hardship and subjective distress related to the COVID pandemic and restrictions, and birth outcomes through questionnaires that were completed at recruitment and two months post-partum. Analyses included hierarchical multiple regressions. Results: No associations between maternal objective hardship or subjective distress and gestational age at birth or birthweight were identified. Lower birthweight was significantly associated with female gender (adjusted β = 0.083, P < 0.001) and with self-reported improvement in maternal diet (adjusted β = 0.059, P = 0.015). Conclusions: In a socioeconomically advantaged sample, neither objective hardship nor subjective distress related to COVID-19 were associated with birth outcomes. Further research is warranted to understand how other individual factors influence susceptibility to PNMS and how these findings are applicable to women with lower socioeconomic status

    ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH Influence of Resident Salmonella on Contamination of Broiler Flocks

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    ABSTRACT An epidemiological survey was made of 5329 samples from 10 poultry operations to determine the relationship between total poultry farm environment and incidences of Salmonella contamination of broiler flocks. Samples were analyzed from walls, drinkers, feeders, litter, insects, water, chicks, broilers, and feed to determine the effect of common sanitary practices on Salmonella contamination of flocks

    Hunger Artists: Yeast Adapted to Carbon Limitation Show Trade-Offs under Carbon Sufficiency

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    As organisms adaptively evolve to a new environment, selection results in the improvement of certain traits, bringing about an increase in fitness. Trade-offs may result from this process if function in other traits is reduced in alternative environments either by the adaptive mutations themselves or by the accumulation of neutral mutations elsewhere in the genome. Though the cost of adaptation has long been a fundamental premise in evolutionary biology, the existence of and molecular basis for trade-offs in alternative environments are not well-established. Here, we show that yeast evolved under aerobic glucose limitation show surprisingly few trade-offs when cultured in other carbon-limited environments, under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. However, while adaptive clones consistently outperform their common ancestor under carbon limiting conditions, in some cases they perform less well than their ancestor in aerobic, carbon-rich environments, indicating that trade-offs can appear when resources are non-limiting. To more deeply understand how adaptation to one condition affects performance in others, we determined steady-state transcript abundance of adaptive clones grown under diverse conditions and performed whole-genome sequencing to identify mutations that distinguish them from one another and from their common ancestor. We identified mutations in genes involved in glucose sensing, signaling, and transport, which, when considered in the context of the expression data, help explain their adaptation to carbon poor environments. However, different sets of mutations in each independently evolved clone indicate that multiple mutational paths lead to the adaptive phenotype. We conclude that yeasts that evolve high fitness under one resource-limiting condition also become more fit under other resource-limiting conditions, but may pay a fitness cost when those same resources are abundant

    Incidence of premature battery depletion in subcutaneous cardioverter-defibrillator patients: insights from a multicenter registry.

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    BACKGROUND The subcutaneous ICD established its role in the prevention of sudden cardiac death in recent years. The occurrence of premature battery depletion in a large subset of potentially affected devices has been a cause of concern. The incidence of premature battery depletion has not been studied systematically beyond manufacturer-reported data. METHODS Retrospective data and the most recent follow-up data on S-ICD devices from fourteen centers in Europe, the US, and Canada was studied. The incidence of generator removal or failure was reported to investigate the incidence of premature S-ICD battery depletion, defined as battery failure within 60 months or less. RESULTS Data from 1054 devices was analyzed. Premature battery depletion occurred in 3.5% of potentially affected devices over an observation period of 49 months. CONCLUSIONS The incidence of premature battery depletion of S-ICD potentially affected by a battery advisory was around 3.5% after 4 years in this study. Premature depletion occurred exclusively in devices under advisory. This is in line with the most recently published reports from the manufacturer. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04767516
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