23,873 research outputs found

    Light-cone sum rules for BπB \to \pi form factors revisited

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    We reconsider and update the QCD light-cone sum rules for BπB\to \pi form factors. The gluon radiative corrections to the twist-2 and twist-3 terms in the correlation functions are calculated. The MSˉ\bar{MS} bb-quark mass is employed, instead of the one-loop pole mass used in the previous analyses. The light-cone sum rule for fBπ+(q2)f^+_{B\pi}(q^2) is fitted to the measured q2q^2-distribution in BπlνlB\to \pi l \nu_l, fixing the input parameters with the largest uncertainty: the Gegenbauer moments of the pion distribution amplitude. For the BπB\to \pi vector form factor at zero momentum transfer we predict fBπ+(0)=0.260.03+0.04f^+_{B\pi}(0)= 0.26^{+0.04}_{-0.03}. Combining it with the value of the product VubfBπ+(0)|V_{ub}f^+_{B\pi}(0)| extracted from experiment, we obtain Vub=(3.5±0.4±0.2±0.1)×103|V_{ub}|=(3.5\pm 0.4\pm 0.2\pm 0.1) \times 10^{-3}. In addition, the scalar and penguin BπB\to \pi form factors fBπ0(q2)f^0_{B\pi}(q^2) and fBπT(q2)f^T_{B\pi}(q^2) are calculated.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, one figure and a few comments added, version to appear in JHE

    Analysis of B-> \phi K Decays in QCD Factorization

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    We analyze the decay BϕKB\to \phi K within the framework of QCD-improved factorization. We found that although the twist-3 kaon distribution amplitude dominates the spectator interactions, it will suppress the decay rates slightly. The weak annihilation diagrams induced by (SP)(S+P)(S-P)(S+P) penguin operators, which are formally power-suppressed by order (Λ/mb)2(\Lambda/m_b)^2, are chirally and logarithmically enhanced. Therefore, these annihilation contributions are not subject to helicity suppression and can be sizable. The predicted branching ratio of BϕKB^-\to\phi K^- is (3.8±0.6)×106(3.8\pm0.6)\times 10^{-6} in the absence of annihilation contributions and it becomes (4.31.4+3.0)×106(4.3^{+3.0}_{-1.4})\times 10^{-6} when annihilation effects are taken into account. The prediction is consistent with CLEO and BaBar data but smaller than the BELLE result.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. A major change for the presentation of branching-ratio predictions. Experimental data are update

    Incompatible sets of gradients and metastability

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    We give a mathematical analysis of a concept of metastability induced by incompatibility. The physical setting is a single parent phase, just about to undergo transformation to a product phase of lower energy density. Under certain conditions of incompatibility of the energy wells of this energy density, we show that the parent phase is metastable in a strong sense, namely it is a local minimizer of the free energy in an L1L^1 neighbourhood of its deformation. The reason behind this result is that, due to the incompatibility of the energy wells, a small nucleus of the product phase is necessarily accompanied by a stressed transition layer whose energetic cost exceeds the energy lowering capacity of the nucleus. We define and characterize incompatible sets of matrices, in terms of which the transition layer estimate at the heart of the proof of metastability is expressed. Finally we discuss connections with experiment and place this concept of metastability in the wider context of recent theoretical and experimental research on metastability and hysteresis.Comment: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, to appea

    Electromagnetic form-factor of the π\pi meson with light-cone QCD sum rules

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    In this article, we calculate the electromagnetic form-factor of the π\pi meson with the light-cone QCD sum rules. The numerical value Fπp(0)=0.999±0.001F_\pi^{p}(0) =0.999\pm 0.001 is in excellent agreement with the experimental data (extrapolated to the limit of zero momentum transfer, or the normalization condition Fπ(0)=1F_\pi(0)=1). For large momentum transfers, the values from the two sum rules are all comparable with the experimental data and theoretical estimations.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 5 versio

    Heavy-to-light transition form factors and their relations in light-cone QCD sum rules

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    The improved light-cone QCD sum rules by using chiral current correlator is systematically reviewed and applied to the calculation of all the heavy-to-light form factors, including all the semileptonic and penguin ones. By choosing suitable chiral currents, the light-cone sum rules for all the form factors are greatly simplified and depend mainly on one leading twist distribution amplitude of the light meson. As a result, relations between these form factors arise naturally. At the considered accuracy these relations reproduce the results obtained in the literature. Moreover, since the explicit dependence on the leading twist distribution amplitudes is preserved, these relations may be more useful to simulate the experimental data and extract the information on the distribution amplitude.Comment: 1+16 pages, no figure

    Leading twist contribution to color singlet χc0,2ωω\chi_{c0,2}\to\omega\omega decays

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    In this paper the leading twist contribution to χc0,2ωω\chi_{c0,2}\to\omega\omega decays in the color singlet approximation is considered. It is shown, that the predictions for \Br(\chi_0\to\omega\omega) is in a good agreement with the experimental data, while \Br(\chi_{c2}\to\omega\omega) differs from the experiment significantly.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX; minor changes, some refrences adde

    Heavy-to-Light Form Factors in the Final Hadron Large Energy Limit of QCD

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    We argue that the Large Energy Effective Theory (LEET), originally proposed by Dugan and Grinstein, is applicable to exclusive semileptonic, radiative and rare heavy-to-light transitions in the region where the energy release E is large compared to the strong interaction scale and to the mass of the final hadron, i.e. for q^2 not close to the zero-recoil point. We derive the Effective Lagrangian from the QCD one, and show that in the limit of heavy mass M for the initial hadron and large energy E for the final one, the heavy and light quark fields behave as two-component spinors. Neglecting QCD short-distance corrections, this implies that there are only three form factors describing all the pseudoscalar to pseudoscalar or vector weak current matrix elements. We argue that the dependence of these form factors with respect to M and E should be factorizable, the M-dependence (sqrt(M)) being derived from the usual heavy quark expansion while the E-dependence is controlled by the behaviour of the light-cone distribution amplitude near the end-point u=1. The usual expectation of the (1-u) behaviour leads to a 1/E^2 scaling law, that is a dipole form in q^2. We also show explicitly that in the appropriate limit, the Light-Cone Sum Rule method satisfies our general relations as well as the scaling laws in M and E of the form factors, and obtain very compact and simple expressions for the latter. Finally we note that this formalism gives theoretical support to the quark model-inspired methods existing in the literature.Comment: Latex2e, 25 pages, no figure. Slight changes in the title and the phrasing. Misprint in Eq. (25) corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Simulator for LLVM Bitcode

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    In this paper, we introduce an interactive simulator for programs in the form of LLVM bitcode. The main features of the simulator include precise control over thread scheduling, automatic checkpoints and reverse stepping, support for source-level information about functions and variables in C and C++ programs and structured heap visualisation. Additionally, the simulator is compatible with DiVM (DIVINE VM) hypercalls, which makes it possible to load, simulate and analyse counterexamples from an existing model checker