19,923 research outputs found

    Modeling of Hydrogen Storage Materials: A Reactive Force Field for NaH

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    Parameterization of a reactive force field for NaH is done using ab initio derived data. The parameterized force field(ReaxFFNaH) is used to study the dynamics governing hydrogen desorption in NaH. During the abstraction process of surface molecular hydrogen charge transfer is found to be well described by the parameterized force field. To gain more insight into the mechanism governing structural transformation of NaH during thermal decomposition a heating run in a molecular dynamics simulation is done. The result shows that a clear signature of hydrogen desorption is the fall in potential energy surface during heating

    Radiative Contributions to the Effective Action of Self-Interacting Scalar Field on a Manifold with Boundary

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    The effect of quantum corrections to a conformally invariant field theory for a self-interacting scalar field on a curved manifold with boundary is considered. The analysis is most easily performed in a space of constant curvature the boundary of which is characterised by constant extrinsic curvature. An extension of the spherical formulation in the presence of a boundary is attained through use of the method of images. Contrary to the consolidated vanishing effect in maximally symmetric space-times the contribution of the massless "tadpole" diagram no longer vanishes in dimensional regularisation. As a result, conformal invariance is broken due to boundary-related vacuum contributions. The evaluation of one-loop contributions to the two-point function suggests an extension, in the presence of matter couplings, of the simultaneous volume and boundary renormalisation in the effective action.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. Additional references and minor elucidating remarks added. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    On Shear-Free perturbations of FLRW Universes

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    A surprising exact result for the Einstein Field Equations is that if pressure-free matter is moving in a shear-free way, then it must be either expansion-free or rotation-free. It has been suggested this result is also true for any barotropic perfect fluid, but a proof has remained elusive. We consider the case of barotropic perfect fluid solutions linearized about a Robertson-Walker geometry, and prove that the result remains true except for the case of a specific highly non-linear equation of state. We argue that this equation of state is non-physical, and hence the result is true in the linearized case for all physically realistic barotropic perfect fluids. This result, which is not true in Newtonian cosmology, demonstrates that the linearized solutions, believed to result in standard local Newtonian theory, do not always give the usual behaviour of Newtonian solutions

    Sorghum Silage as a Source of Vitamin A for Dairy Cows.

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    12 p
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