7,523 research outputs found

    Charge specific baryon mass relations with deformed SU_q(3) flavor symmetry

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    The quantum group SUq(3)=Uq(su(3))SU_q(3)=U_q(su(3)) is taken as a baryon flavor symmetry. Accounting for electromagnetic contributions to baryons masses to zeroth order, new charge specific qq-deformed octet and decuplet baryon mass formulas are obtained. These new mass relations have errors of only 0.02\% and 0.08\% respectively; a factor of 20 reduction compared to the standard Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formulas. A new relation between the octet and decuplet baryon masses that is accurate to 1.2\% is derived. An explicit formula for the Cabibbo angle, taken to be π14\frac{\pi}{14}, in terms of the deformation parameter qq and spin parity JPJ^P of the baryons is obtained.Comment: 14 page

    Deformations of spacetime and internal symmetries

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    Algebraic deformations provide a systematic approach to generalizing the symmetries of a physical theory through the introduction of new fundamental constants. The applications of deformations of Lie algebras and Hopf algebras to both spacetime and internal symmetries are discussed. As a specific example we demonstrate how deforming the classical flavor group SU(3)SU(3) to the quantum group SUq(3)≡Uq(su(3))SU_q(3)\equiv U_q(su(3)) (a Hopf algebra) and taking into account electromagnetic mass splitting within isospin multiplets leads to new and exceptionally accurate baryon mass sum rules that agree perfectly with experimental data.Comment: 5th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Crete, Greece, July 6-14, 201
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