4 research outputs found

    Fonctionnement des systèmes de distribution du porc au Cameroun

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    Functioning of the Pig Distribution Systems in Cameroon. In prospect to improve the ability of animal production to satisfy the ever-increasing demand in proteins, a study was conducted in order to determine the efficiency with which services are carried and priced on the Cameroon livestock and meat market. The main results show that, despite their more or less formal aspect, the pig distribution channels are well structured to permit easy flow of the pig products, with specialized actors at each level of the chain. However, the analysis of the links between marketing margins and transaction costs revealed the inefficiency of pig distribution systems. In addition to the unstable nature of transactions, the low capital turnover resulting in the lake of adequate structural and functional organisations, stable outlets, as well as capital and insurance are apparently responsible for the bad performances of the pig market in Cameroon

    Analyse des contraintes au développement de la production porcine au Cameroun

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    Analysis of Constraints to the Development of Pig Production in Cameroon. In order to identify the major constraints to the development of pig production in Cameroon, an evaluation of socioeconomic and technical characteristics was carried out between march and september 2005 on 645 pig farms from the Northern, West Highlands and Humid Forest provinces, the main zones of pig production in Cameroon. On looking at the essential conditions to the success of this animal husbandry, the study identified the lack of technical knowledge, a sufficient feeding base and management objectives of the farmer, added to the absence of appropriate supervisory and marketing structures as the major constraints to the development of pig production in Cameroon. However, the problems of pathology, procurement of genetic material and financial resources as well as those relating to thefts or losses of animals, etc., depend upon management methods and farming techniques which still linked to the peasant way of life. The elimination of the above constraints cannot be possible without a real willpower on the part of the government and producers to resolutely engage in the development of pig husbandry by instituting adequate policy programs for defining and deciding on actions for improving pig production in Cameroon

    Etude des marges dans les circuits de commercialisation du porc au Cameroun

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    Study of Marketing Margins in Pig Marketing Channels in Cameroon. In order to provide a better knowledge of the influence of middlemen on livestock and meat prices in Cameroon, pig marketing margins were valued and compared in Yaounde, Douala and Dschang markets between September 1999 and August 2000. The main results showed that the marketing margins generated by the sale of fresh (31.97%) and roasted (31.67%) meats were significantly higher (p< 0.05), compared to pig (27.09%). The mean values of marketing margins in the different markets were higher at Yaounde (53.31%), followed by Douala (46.92%) and lastly by Dschang (33.76%). Transaction costs analysis revealed significant variations (p< 0.05) between Yaounde (115.07 ± 49.74) and the other 2 markets, Douala (51.94 ± 19.48) and Dschang (39.10 ± 18.76), while the mean values of that parameter were 119.01 ± 78.40; 53.16 ± 14.95 and 61.51 ± 21.01 respectively for fresh and roasted meats and pig. However, in linking marketing margins to transaction costs, the study revealed that, while the sale of fresh and roasted meats allows a higher (p< 0.05) trader's profit in Douala and Dschang markets, compared to pig, the profitability for the three products seems to be the same (p> 0.05) in Yaounde market