139 research outputs found

    The effects of pre-slaughter selection of reindeer bulls (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) on technological and sensory meat quality, blood metabolites and abomasal lesions

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    Thirty reindeer bulls (age 1 1/2 years) were subjected to different pre-slaughter treatments to study the effects on ultimate pH values, muscle glycogen content, blood metabolites and abomasal lesions. Gathering and herding into a grazing corral were followed by various selection procedures. Before starting these, a control group of 10 reindeer were captured by lasso and slaughtered outside the grazing corral. Ten reindeer were then selected by hand from a small group of animals (100-150 head) in a small selection corral. Another 10 reindeer were selected from a large herd of about 1000-2000 animals, by the traditional technique of using a lasso. During a 6-hour selection, animals were captured and slaughtered after 1.5 hours (n = 2), 3-5 hours (n = 2), 5 hours (n = 3) and 6 hours (n=3) respectively. The results showed the technique of using a lasso to be stressful and glycogen-depleting, as the two lasso captured groups (the control group and the reindeer exposed to the protracted lasso selection) had the highest ultimate pH values and lowest muscle glycogen values measured. By contrast, the selection procedure where reindeer were captured by hand, was not found to be detrimental to glycogen content and ultimate pH values. Nevertheless, both selection techniques expose the reindeer to acute stress during the capture and manual restraint, which in the present study was reflected in high plasma Cortisol values in all treatment groups. The frequency of abomasal lesions was highest in the group of reindeer subjected to the prolonged selection procedure. No connection between technological and sensory meat quality was found in this study. The technique of selecting animals by hand ought to be further developed so that existing practical problems can be solved. The technique could then be recommended for wider use

    Pre-slaughter handling of reindeer bulls {Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) — effects on technological and sensory meat quality, blood metabolites and muscular and abomasal lesions

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    Forty-one reindeer bulls (age 1 1/2 years) were subjected to different pre-slaughter treatments: herding for a short distance to a grazing corral, selection by use of a lasso, lorry transport and helicopter herding for 1, 2 and 3 days respectively. As control, 9 reindeer were shot without previous handling (in the mountains). The results indicated the traditional selection technique of using a lasso to be the most stressful and glycogen-depleting handling procedure so far studied. In the lasso-selected reindeer the lowest glycogen values and the highest ultimate pH values in the meat were measured. The values of the measured parameters indicating stress (aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT), urea, Cortisol and abomasal lesions) were also highest in these reindeer. By contrast, the modern method of herding by helicopter was not found to be detrimental to glycogen content, ultimate pH, the measured blood metabolites, or the frequency of abomasal lesions. In all treatment groups degenerative lesions were observed in the skeletal muscles. No relarionship between technological and sensory meat quality characteristics and skeletal muscle lesions in reindeer could, however, be found in this study. The study confirmed an earlier finding that a 'stress-flavour' could develop in reindeer meat after intensive pre-slaughter handling of the animals. Further study of when and how such "stress-flavour" develops ought to be undertaken

    Ultimate pH values in reindeer meat with particular regard to animal sex and age, muscle and transport distance

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    The distribution of ultimate pH values and the frequency of high pH values in three reindeer muscles (AL longissimus, M. biceps femoris and M. triceps brachii) from bulls, cows and calves after short and long distance transport were studied. About 3400 reindeer carcasses from 12 different herds were included in this study. The post mortem processes in reindeer meat seemed to develop very rapidly, and therefore an early measurement (approx. 15h post mortem) of ultimate pH can be done without electrical stimulation of the carcasses. In a comparison between muscles, M. triceps brachii had a higher ultimate pH value than M. longissimus and M. biceps femoris. Meat from reindeer calves had higher ultimate pH values than meat from adult animals, indicating that calves are more susceptible to stress than adult animals and hence deplete their energy stores more readily. Road transport by lorry did not cause any increase in ultimate pH values in bulls and calves. Reindeer cows, however, did have an increase in ultimate pH, while more borderline cases of DFD (5.80<pH<6.20) were observed when cows were transported over more than 500 km. The physical condition and energy balance of the animals before transport were suggested to determine their ability to tolerate transport stress

    Ultimate pH values and bacteriological condition of meat and stress metabolites in blood of transported reindeer bulls

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    Twenty-three reindeer bulls, aged 2-3 years, fed during two winter months at the Vuolda reindeer research station in Arjeplog, Sweden, were used in the study. The first group of eight reindeer was moved from their feeding corral to a selection corral, captured by lasso and stunned with a captive bolt outside the selection corral. The second group of seven reindeer was moved to the selection corral, captured by lasso and restrained, after which they were loaded onto a lorry- and transported for 1 hour and then slaughtered. The third group of eight reindeer was moved to the selection corral and herded directly onto the lorry, without any manual handling. They were transported for 5 h and then slaughtered. In both transport groups, four reindeer were fitted with pre-programmed automatic blood sampling equipment (ABSE). ABSE sampled blood at predetermined times via a jugular vein catheter. Ultimate pH-values in three muscles (Mm. longissimus, triceps brachii and biceps femoris) were significantly lower in the group carefully handled and transported for 5 h compared with the other two groups. The physiological mechanisms behind these results are discussed. Samples from M. semimembranosus were collected at slaughter and after 2, 6 and 10 days of refrigerated storage (+4 °C). The samples were analysed for total counts of aerobic bacteria (pour-plated in Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar, Difco, incubated at 20 °C and 30 °C, respectively for 72 h), coliform bacteria 37 °C (pour-plated in Violet Red Bile Agar, Oxoid, incubated at 37 °C for 24 h), Enterococci (surface-plated onto Slantez and Bartley Agar, Oxoid, incubated at 44 °C for 48 h) and Bacillus cereus (surface-plated onto Blood Agar Plates (Blood Agar Base, Difco, supplemented with 5% defibrinated horse blood) 30 °C for 24 h). All samples fell in the range 'fit for consumption'. At slaughter, there was no difference in ASAT activity, urea and Cortisol concentrations between the two transported groups. However, the plasma ASAT activity and urea concentrations at slaughter were significantly lower in the non-transported group. In both transport groups, the plasma Cortisol concentrations increased during loading onto and unloading from the lorry. Abomasal lesions were observed in all treatment groups. It was concluded that reindeer showed an acute stress response to manual handling and transport

    Proteolytic enzyme and inhibitor levels in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) vs. bovine longissimus muscle, as they relate to ageing rate and response

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    Eight reindeer bulls (age 1.5 years) and six Friesian bulls (age 1.5 years) were included in the study for comparison of tenderness. The reindeer were slaughtered at a commercial reindeer slaughter plant in northern Sweden and the Friesian bulls at a commercial slaughter plant in The Netherlands. Samples for determination of calpain/calpastatin activity were taken from the M. longtssimus (LO) within 1 h post mortem (p.m.), and at various times p.m. pH and temperature were registered in LO; ultimate pH values were measured at 24 h p.m. for beef and at 35 h p.m. for reindeer. At day 1 p.m., samples of LO from both carcass sides were excised, divided in two parts, vacuum packaged and stored at 0-2 °C. One part of each muscle was randomly sampled at 1, 3, 7 and 14 days p.m. for determination of shear force, proteolytic enzyme activity, myofibrillar protein degradation, collagen content and heat solubility. pH and temperature fall was faster in reindeer than in beef. Collagen content in reindeer muscle was found to be low but collagen was 4 times less soluble as compared with beef. Reindeer LO was found to be extremely tender, at 3 days p.m. shear force values were only 2-3 kg/cm2 (8-12 kg/cm2 for beef LO). In reindeer meat, the jJ.-calpain levels dropped to about 55% within 3 days. Troponin T and 30 kDa values were not related to changes in tenderness in reindeer meat. Cathepsin activities in reindeer were up to ten times higher than in beef. As in beef, cathepsin B+L levels in reindeer increased during storage, which is probably associated with a decrease in cystatin-like inhibitor levels

    Ultimate pH values in reindeer meat with particular regard to animal sex and age, muscle and transport distance

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    The distribution of ultimate pH values and the frequency of high pH values in three reindeer muscles (AL longissimus, M. biceps femoris and M. triceps brachii) from bulls, cows and calves after short and long distance transport were studied. About 3400 reindeer carcasses from 12 different herds were included in this study. The post mortem processes in reindeer meat seemed to develop very rapidly, and therefore an early measurement (approx. 15h post mortem) of ultimate pH can be done without electrical stimulation of the carcasses. In a comparison between muscles, M. triceps brachii had a higher ultimate pH value than M. longissimus and M. biceps femoris. Meat from reindeer calves had higher ultimate pH values than meat from adult animals, indicating that calves are more susceptible to stress than adult animals and hence deplete their energy stores more readily. Road transport by lorry did not cause any increase in ultimate pH values in bulls and calves. Reindeer cows, however, did have an increase in ultimate pH, while more borderline cases of DFD (5.80<pH<6.20) were observed when cows were transported over more than 500 km. The physical condition and energy balance of the animals before transport were suggested to determine their ability to tolerate transport stress
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