12 research outputs found

    The complex X-ray spectrum of NGC 4507

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    XMM-Newton and Chandra/HETG spectra of the Compton-thin (NH 4x10^{23} cm^{-2}) Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 4507, are analyzed and discussed. The main results are: a) the soft X-ray emission is rich in emission lines; an (at least) two--zone photoionization region is required to explain the large range of ionization states. b) The 6.4 keV iron line is likely emitted from Compton-thick matter, implying the presence of two circumnuclear cold regions, one Compton-thick (the emitter), one Compton-thin (the cold absorber). c) Evidence of an Fe xxv absorption line is found in the Chandra/HETG spectrum. The column density of the ionized absorber is estimated to be a few x10^{22} cm^{-2}.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Effects of commercially produced almond by-products on chemotherapy-induced mucositis in rats

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    Aim: To determine if almond extracts reduce the severity of chemotherapy-induced mucositis as determined through biochemical, histological and behavioural markers. Methods: Intestinal mucositis is a debilitating condition characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa experienced by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Certain bioactive plant products have shown promise in accelerating mucosal repair and alleviating clinical symptoms. This study evaluated almond extracts for their potential to reduce the severity of chemotherapy-induced mucositis in Dark Agouti rats. Female Dark Agouti rats were gavaged (days 3-11) with either PBS, almond hull or almond blanched water extract at two doses, and were injected intraperitoneally with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU-150 mg/kg) or saline on day 9 to induce mucositis. Burrowing behavior, histological parameters and myeloperoxidase activity were assessed. Results: Bodyweight was significantly reduced in rats that received 5-FU compared to saline-treated controls (P < 0.05). Rats administered 5-FU significantly increased jejunal and ileal MPO levels (1048%; P < 0.001 and 409%; P < 0.001), compared to healthy controls. Almond hull extract caused a pro-inflammatory response in rats with mucositis as evidenced by increased myeloperoxidase activity in the jejunum when compared to 5-FU alone (rise 50%, 1088 ± 96 U/g vs 723 ± 135 U/g, P = 0.02). Other extract-related effects on inflammatory activity were minimal. 5-FU significantly increased histological severity score compared to healthy controls confirming the presence of mucositis (median of 9.75 vs 0; P < 0.001). The extracts had no ameliorating effect on histological severity score in the jejunum or ileum. Burrowing behavior was significantly reduced in all chemotherapy-treated groups (P = 0.001). The extracts failed to normalize burrowing activity to baseline levels. Conclusion: Almond extracts at these dosages offer little beneficial effect on mucositis severity. Burrowing provides a novel measure of affective state in studies of chemotherapy-induced mucositis.Alexandra L Whittaker, Ying Zhu, Gordon S Howarth, Chi S Loung, Susan EP Bastian, Michelle G Wirthensoh

    Synthesis of new trimeric lignin model compounds containing 5-5' and b-O-4' substructures, and their characterization by 1D and 2D NMR Techniques

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    Trimeric lignin model compounds containing biphenyl (5-5') and beta-aryl ether (beta-O-4') were synthesized from dehydrodivanillin derivatives and alpha-bromo acetovanillone derivatives via Williamson's reaction. The ¹H and 13C NMR characteristics of the resulting trimers were studied using corresponding ¹H and 13C NMR spectra as well as homo- and heteronuclear 2D NMR techniques. The results are discussed in terms of signal assignment and conformation of the molecules