420 research outputs found
Peningkatan Kemampuan Baca-tulis Permulaan Melalui Penggunaan Media Wayang Abjad Kontekstual
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menjelaskan pelaksanaan kegiatan bermain dengan media wayang abjad kontekstual untuk meningkatkan kemampuan baca-tulis permulaan. Penelitian dilakukan di TK Dwi jaya Marga, Tabanan-Bali siswa kelompok B. Literasi diperlukan agar anak dapat memberikan gambaran yang ada dalam pikirannya. Metode usedin penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan yang dikembangkan oleh Kemmis dan Tanggart. Tindakan yang diambil dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa siklus, setiap siklus terdiri dari enam perlakuan. Untuk setiap siklus pada tahap perencanaan, tindakan, monitoring dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian adalah anak TK B2 Dwijaya Marga, Tabanan-Bali, mencapai 29 anak. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif . Analisis data kuantitatif yang diperoleh berdasarkan pada peningkatan kemampuan baca-tulis anak dari pra-intervensi dengan siklus kedua, sebesar 23,69 %. Hsil ini melebihi kesepakatan antara peneliti dan kolaborator sebesar 20%. Berdasarkan peningkatan persentase memperoleh hypothesisis aksi diterima. Analisis data kualitatif didasarkan pada model analisis Miles dan Huberman dengan langkah-langkah: (1) reduksi data, (2) menampilkan data, dan (3) verifikasi oleh observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi selama penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media wayang abjad kontekstual dapat meningkatkan kemampuan baca-tulis permulaan anak. Anak dalam menguasai semua aspek literasi dini menggunakan media wayang abjad kontekstual akan mengarah pada akuisisi keaksaraan awal
Pengaruh Model Concept Sentence terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Narasi di Sekolah Dasar
The research problem of this research is there any effect of applying concept sentence model to the students writing skill in narrative text on the fifth grade students of SDN 36 Pontianak Kota. The purpose of this research is to describe the effect of concept sentence model to the students writing skill in narrative text on the fifth grade students. This research used experiment method with quasi experiment design form of non equivalent control group design. The population is all of the students of two classes with 49 students in total, the sample used is simple random sampling. Technique of data collecting is direct observation technique and measuring, tools of data collecting is written test. Based on data analysis, the mean score of post test in experiment class is 75,17, and the mean score of post test in control class is 64,24. This showed the significant difference of mean score of writing skill in narrative text on the fifth grade students between experimental class and control class. After done the t-test with dk 47 on 5% significant level as know as table t=2,01 obtained count (table t =2,01). It showed that Ha is accepted. It means that concept sentence model gave the significant effect to the students writing skill in narrative text. Based on the result of effect size it has, been goten ES is 1,00 which is meant it is (high criteria). Based on that result, can be concluded that learning by using concept sentence model gave the high (effect) to the students writing skill in narrative text
Tinjauan Ulang (Riview) Mekanisme Toleransi Dan Metode Seleksi Tumbuhan Yang Tahan Terhadap Cekam an Kekering an [Mechanism of Tolerance and Methods to Select Drought Resistance Plants]
Water is the main parameter to determine whether the yield potential of a plant is obtained or not. Water deficit on the tissue causes the disruption of all chemical process in the plant metabolism resulted in the plant growth impediment.In order to acquire the drought tolerance variety, various efforts have been conducted. Among others, in addition to the selection and characterization of the available germ plasma along with its cross-breeding, the development of the drought tolerance plant is conducted through somaclonal varitype induction. In the cultivation of the drought tolerance plant, beside physiological mechanism and biochemistry related to the plant tolerant to drought, the procedure of the selective and optimal selection should be managed.Hence,the mastery of the optimum selection techniques, in a relatively short time, the new drought tolerance lines could be obtained
Peranan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Dalam Perbanyakan Tanaman Melalui Kultur Jaringan
The Role of Growth Regulator in Tissue Culture PlantPropagation. Endang G. Lestari. In plant tissue culture,growth regulator has significant roles such as to control rootand shoot development in the plant formation and callusinduction. Cytokinin and auxin are two prominent growthregulator. Cytokinin consists of BA (benzil adenin), kinetin(furfuril amino purin), 2-Ip (dimethyl allyl amino purin), andzeatin. While auksin covers IAA (indone acetic acid), NAA(napthalene acetic acid), IBA (indole butiric acid) 2.4-D (2.4-dicholophenoxy acetic acid), dicamba (3,6 dicloro-O-anisicacid), and picloram (4-amino 3,5,6-tricloropicolinic acid).The emphasis of plant growth purposes decide the use ofgrowth regulator. Cytokinin is applied mainly for the purposeof shoot, while auxin is mainly used for the purpose of rootand callus. The application of growth regulator application isvaried, depending on the genotype and physiologicalcondition of the plant. The existence of a certain growthregulating substances can enhance growth regulator activityof other substances. The type and concentration of theappropriate growth regulators for each plant is not the samebecause it depends on the genotype and physiologicalcondition of plant tissue. However so often both arefrequently required depend on the ratio/ratio of auxincytokines or vice versa. The existence of a certain growthregulating substances can enhance growth regulator activityof other substances. The type and concentration of theappropriate growth regulators for each plant is not the samebecause it depends on the genotype and physiologicalcondition of plant tissue. For the propagation, multiple andadventive shoots along with embriosomatic formation couldbe applied. The seedling is obtained from one somatic cell.Here, strong auxin, such as dicamba and picloram 2.4-D, isutilized for callus production. For this reason, seedling Perunit could be produced more than that of organogenesis
Effects of Oxytocin Massage on Labor Duration and Uterine Involution at Independent Midwivery Practice Sri Hastuti Surabaya
BACKGROUND: Prolonged labor may cause poor infant clinical condition. Lengthening uterine involution may cause postpartum hemorrhage. Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the neurons of the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary in mammals. Theoretically, oxytocin stimulates contraction of uterine smooth muscle by increasing the sodium permeability of uterine myofibrils. High estrogen concentrations lower the threshold for uterine response to oxytocin. Uterine response to oxytocin increases with the duration of pregnancy. This study aimed to determine effect of oxytocin massage on labor duration and uterine involution.
SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was an experimental study, using post test only design with a control group. It was conducted at Independent Midwivery Practice (BPM) Sri Hastutik, Surabaya, East Java. A sample of 32 pregnant mothers was monitored during the delivery and post partum processes. The dependent variables were phase I labor duration and uterine involution. The independent variable was oxytocin massage. The data was analyzed by McNemar test.
RESULTS: Pregnant mothers who received intra-partum oxytocin massage were 6.60 times more likely to have rapid labor than those who did not receive oxytocin massage (OR=6.60; 95%CI= 1.40 to 31.05; p=0.013). Pregnant mothers who received intra-partum oxytocin massage were 9.53 times more likely to have rapid uterine involution than those who did not receive oxytocin massage (OR=9.53; 95%CI= 1.85 to 49.20; p=0.004).
CONCLUSION: Oxytocin massage is effective to shorten labor duration and uterine involution.
Keywords: oxytocin massage, phase I labor duration, uterine involutio
Blockchain-based Decentralized Distribution Management in E-Journals
The application of blockchain in the context of E-Journal distribution to journalists is aimed at making the management paper adequately distributed and not misused. The security system in the distribution or management paper process of an open journal system is currently considered to be very lacking because one can duplicate the journal in an open journal system easily. Furthermore, it can be transferred to anyone who is not responsible. The security system in the distribution of an open journal system and the management of the management paper process is currently considered to be very lacking because one can duplicate the journal in an open journal system easily. Furthermore, it can be transferred to anyone who is not responsible. With the implementation of this blockchain technology, there are 3 (three) benefits, namely (1) The distribution of E-Journal in the Open Journal System is more targeted, and there are no errors. (2) The reputation of the Open Journal System becomes better with a sense of trust. This research will be implemented in an E-Journal in an Open Journal System using blockchain technology. (3) The management paper processing in the open journal system runs according to the procedure so that in the management process the distribution of soft copies and hard copies of the journal is protected from hacker threats, and this blockchain is used to guarantee its security
Pengaruh Komunikasi Internal dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Industri Media PT. Riau Media Televisi (Rtv) Pekanbaru
This study uses 3 variables of internal communication, work motivation and employee performance. In internal communication variables have 5 dimensions of downward communication, upward communication, horizontal communication, diagonal communication, and informal communication process. In the variable of work motivation have 3 dimension that is motive, expectation, and incentive. In the variable Employee Performance has 3 dimensions of quantity, quality, and timeliness. Objects in this study are employees of PT. Riau Media Television (Rtv) Pekanbaru which amounted to 63 employees. The analysis used in this research is Validity Test, Reliability Test, Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Determination Test (R2), Individual Significant Test (t test) and Significant Test (F test).The results showed the Influence of Internal Communication And Work Motivation Against Employee Performance. The better Internal Communication that occurs within the organization and employee work motivation in the company is increasing, the better level of Employee Performance in the company. So also with the motivation of work, the more we motivate employees the better the performance of the company. Results Data from the results of further questionnaires processed and tested with statistics through the help of SPSS program. The calculation results are known R Square is the coefficient of determination. And obtained R Square value of 0.350. The meaning is that the contribution of the variable of Internal Communication, Work Motivation to Employee Performance variable is 35.00%
Pengelolaan Sistem Transportasi oleh Dinas Perhubungan Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2013-2015
This research is based on the Regulations of the regional city of Pekanbaru number 02 of 2009 about Traffic And Road Transport that the Department of transportation the city of Pekanbaru has the authority as a service to manage transportation in General. Problems occurred at the existing highway transportation in the city of Pekanbaru in between Oplet, City Bus and Metro Trans because of the low level of mobility and accessibility in transportation such as the operating system, the frequency of arrival on the uncertain transportation, the operation of urban transport is still the old already as Oplet and City Bus, and not of route diversion transport routes new oplet intersecting route Trans Metro Pekanbaru.A common purpose is to research described by the management of transportation department of transportation Pekanbaru. This is cityhe methodology, qualitative study data collection techniques used is, documentation, interviews and observation. While data analysis was descriptive.This study looked at the management of municipal Pekanbaru on mobility and accessibility on transportation and setting route study conducted transportation department on Oplet, City Bus and Trans Metro Pekanbaru.The result of this research suggests transportation system management done transportation department on the implementation of the route diversion on oplet and city bus with not been undertaken effectively and efficiently, as evidenced by at present well intersecting with the route Trans Metro Pekanbaru.While in the development of Trans Metro corridor can be done effectively and efficient, evidenced by 2 corridor and in 2015 to 8 corridor
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