29 research outputs found

    Novel Medical Therapy for Refractory Endometriosis Associated Chronic Pelvic Pain: an Open Label Trial of Thalidomide

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    Background: Endometriosis affects 2.5-3.3% of reproductive age women and is a common diagnosis among women with chronic pelvic pain. Treatment for endometriosis ranges from conservative medical therapies to radical surgery. Endometriosis is an indication for 25-35% of laparoscopies and 10-15% of hysterectomies each year . Although the majority of women with endometriosis respond to conservative medical therapy, those with persistent pain often undergo hysterectomy. Based on clinical and experimental data that indicate that thalidomide may be a highly effective immune modulator, we sought to investigate the efficacy and tolerability of this novel therapy for endometriosis associated pain patients who desired fertility-sparing treatment after exhausting all other conservative modalities. Objective: To investigate the efficacy and tolerability of thalidomide as a treatment for endometriosis associated pain patient

    Overlap Between Orofacial Pain and Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome

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    To explore the prevalence of Orofacial Pain (OFP) among patients with Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome (VVS) and to examine the relationship between signs and symptoms of OFP and clinical characteristics of women with VVS; we specifically sought to investigate differences in psychological characteristics and self-reported severity of painful intercourse