2 research outputs found
Copper Smelting Slags at Ingaldhal Mines, Karnataka: Early Historic Satavahana Links
The study of old mining sites from
archaeometallurgical perspectives is an area which is still
not systematically undertaken in the Indian context.
Whereas geological survey reports, both present and past
going back to British geological reports, have generally
taken care to report old workings, the finds of
archaeometallurgical slag heaps have not merited that
much attention. This paper reports the explorations into
finds of old workings for copper mining in the region of
Ingaldhal, Karnataka. A slag heap was also indentified in
the vicinity, with russet coloured ware associated with the
early historic Satavahana period. Analyses of the slags
confirmed them to be from copper smelting, very likely
from sulphide ores. Given that some old timbers from the
Ingaldhal mine have yielded carbon dates of the 1–2nd
century, this is consistent with the notion that copper could
have been mined and smelted from this region by at least
the early historic Satavahana period. Given that inscriptional
records of early mining activity are not very common;
such field-based investigations assume greater
importance in piecing together the probable historical