5,723 research outputs found
Matter wave coupling of spatially separated and unequally pumped polariton condensates
Spatial quantum coherence between two separated driven-dissipative polariton
condensates created non-resonantly and with a different occupation is studied.
We identify the regions where the condensates remain coherent with the phase
difference continuously changing with the pumping imbalance and the regions
where each condensate acquires its own chemical potential with phase
differences exhibiting time-dependent oscillations. We show that in the mutual
coherence limit the coupling consists of two competing contributions: a
symmetric Heisenberg exchange and the Dzyloshinskii-Moriya asymmetric
interactions that enable a continuous tuning of the phase relation across the
dyad and derive analytic expressions for these types of interactions. The
introduction of non-equal pumping increases the complexity of the type of the
problems that can be solved by polariton condensates arranged in a graph
configuration. If equally pumped polaritons condensates arrange their phases to
solve the constrained quadratic minimisation problem with a real symmetric
matrix, the non-equally pumped condensates solve that problem for a general
Hermitian matrix.Comment: 3 figures, 16 page
Electromechanical Probing of Ionic Currents in Energy Storage Materials
The electrochemical processes in energy storage materials are generally
linked with changes of molar volume of the host compound. Here, the frequency
dependent strain response of 1D electrochemically active systems to periodic
electric bias is analyzed. The sensitivity and resolution of these
electrochemical strain measurements are compared to the current-based
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The resolution and detection limits of
interferometric and atomic force microscopy based systems for probing
electrochemical reactions on the nanoscale are analyzed.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, 2 appendices, submitted to Appl. Phys.
Pyroelectric response of ferroelectric nanoparticles: size effect and electric energy harvesting
The size effect on pyroelectric response of ferroelectric nanowires and
nanotubes is analyzed. The pyroelectric coefficient strongly increases with the
wire radius decrease and diverges at critical radius Rcr corresponding to the
size-driven transition into paraelectric phase. Size-driven enhancement of
pyroelectric coupling leads to the giant pyroelectric current and voltage
generation by the polarized ferroelectric nanoparticles in response to the
temperature fluctuation. The maximum efficiency of the pyroelectric energy
harvesting and bolometric detection is derived, and is shown to approach the
Carnot limit for low temperatures.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 1 Appendi
Mesoscopic mechanism of the domain wall interaction with elastic defects in ferroelectrics
The role of elastic defects on the kinetics of 180-degree uncharged
ferroelectric domain wall motion is explored using continuum time-dependent LGD
equation with elastic dipole coupling. In one dimensional case, ripples, steps
and oscillations of the domain wall velocity appear due to the wall-defect
interactions. While the defects do not affect the limiting-wall velocity vs.
field dependence, they result in the minimal threshold field required to
activate the wall motions. The analytical expressions for the threshold field
are derived and the latter is shown to be much smaller than the thermodynamic
coercive field. The threshold field is linearly proportional to the
concentration of defects and non-monotonically depends on the average distance
between them. The obtained results provide the insight into the mesoscopic
mechanism of the domain wall pinning by elastic defects in ferroelectrics.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 1 appendi
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