594 research outputs found

    Prevention of vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus infection

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the leading cause of chronic viral hepatitis. Annually, almost two million children younger than 5 years acquire the infection, mostly through vertical or horizontal transmission in early life. Vertical transmission of HBV is a high efficacy phenomenon ranging, in the absence of any preventive interventions, from 70% to 90% for hepatitis e antigen positive mothers and from 10% to 40% for hepatitis e antigen-negative mothers. Maternal viraemia is a preeminent risk factor for vertical transmission of HBV. Maternal screening is the first step to prevent vertical transmission of HBV. Hepatitis B passive and active immunoprophylaxis at birth together with antiviral treatment of highly viraemic mothers are the key strategies for global elimination of HBV infection. Strategies are needed to promote implementation of birth-dose vaccination and hepatitis B immunoglobulins in low- and middle-income countries where the prevalence of the infection is at the highest

    Covid-19 and spirometry in this age

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    In the last year, many countries adopted a plan to contain hospital infections by Sars-Cov-2 also limiting pulmonary function tests (PFTs), exclusively to indispensable cases. All the recommendations of the major scientific societies regarding the use of PFTs, in particular spirometry, in the Covid era were formulated in the initial period of the pandemic. Currently, the new scientific knowledge about Sars-Cov-2 and the vaccination among healthcare workers, shown new insight to start doing PFTs again to help the investigation and monitoring of patients with respiratory pathology. In this article, we sum up the recommendations of major International Respiratory Societies, and we shared our experience about PFTs in a Pediatric Respiratory Disease Unit during the pandemic

    COVID-19 Pneumonia in Children: From Etiology to Management

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    COVID-19 is less serious in children than in adults. However, respiratory management dominates the clinical picture of hospitalized COVID-19 even in children. In some case series, deterioration of the clinical picture wherein dyspnea, cyanosis, and the onset of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) emerged ~8–10 days after the onset of SARS-CoV-2 infection, which could rapidly progress to multiple organ failure and death. This review aimed to evaluate the characteristics of COVID-19 pneumonia in pediatric populations, beginning from its etiology and pathological mechanisms and closing with its clinical management

    Epidemiology and Management of Acute Haematogenous Osteomyelitis in a Tertiary Paediatric Center

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    Background: Paediatric acute hematogenous osteomyelitis (AHOM) is a serious disease requiring early diagnosis and treatment. To review the clinical presentation, management and organisms responsible for AHOM, and to explore risk factors for complicated AHOM, a large cohort referring to a single center over a 6-year period was evaluated. Methods: Data from children with AHOM, hospitalized between 2010 and 2015, and aged > 1 month, were retrospectively collected and analyzed. Results: 121 children (median age 4.8 years; 55.4% males) were included. Fever at onset was present in 55/121 children (45.5%); the lower limb was most frequently affected (n = 68/121; 56.2%). Microbiological diagnosis (by culture and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR)) was reached in 33.3% cases. Blood and pus/biopsy culture sensitivities were 32.4% and 46.4%, respectively. PCR sensitivity was 3.6% (2/55) on blood, and 66.6% (16/24) on pus/biopsy sample. Staphylococcus aureus was the most commonly identified pathogen (n = 20); no methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was isolated, 10.0% (n = 2) strains were Panton-Valentine-Leukocidin (PVL) producer; 48.8% (59/121) cases were complicated. At univariate analysis, factors associated with complicated AHOM were: recent fever episode, fever at onset, upper limb involvement, white blood count (WBC) ≥ 12,000/µL, C reactive protein (CRP) ≥ 10 mg/L, S. aureus infection. At multivariate analyses S. aureus infection remained the only risk factor for complicated AHOM (aOR = 3.388 (95%CI: 1.061–10.824); p-value = 0.039). Conclusions: In this study microbiological diagnosis was obtained in over one third of cases. Empiric treatment targeting methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus seems to be justified by available microbiological data

    2019 Italian Society of Cardiology census on telemedicine in cardiovascular disease : a report from the working group on telecardiology and informatics

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    Background The aim of this study was to assess by a census supported by the Italian Society of Cardiology (Societ\ue0 Italiana di Cardiologia, SIC) the present implementation of telemedicine in the field of cardiovascular disease in Italy. Methods A dedicated questionnaire was sent by email to all the members of the SIC: data on telemedicine providers, service provided, reimbursement, funding and organisational solutions were collected and analysed. Results Reported telemedicine activities were mostly stable and public hospital based, focused on acute cardiovascular disease and prehospital triage of suspected acute myocardial infarction (prehospital ECG, always interpreted by a cardiologist and not automatically reported by computerised algorithms). Private companies delivering telemedicine services in cardiology (ECGs, ambulatory ECG monitoring) were also present. In 16% of cases, ECGs were also delivered through pharmacies or general practitioners. ICD/CRT-D remote control was performed in 42% of cases, heart failure patient remote monitoring in 37% (21% vital parameters monitoring, 32% nurse telephone monitoring). Telemedicine service was public in 74% of cases, paid by the patient in 26%. About half of telemedicine service received no funding, 17% received State and/or European Union funding. Conclusions Several telemedicine activities have been reported for the management of acute and chronic cardiovascular disease in Italy. The whole continuum of cardiovascular disease is covered by telemedicine solutions. A periodic census may be useful to assess the implementation of guidelines recommendations on telemedicine

    Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction in Children

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    Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) is a transient airflow obstruction, typically 5–15 min after physical activity. The pathophysiology of EIB is related to the thermal and osmotic changes of the bronchial mucosa, which cause the release of mediators and the development of bronchoconstriction in the airways. EIB in children often causes an important limitation to physical activities and sports. However, by taking appropriate precautions and through adequate pharmacological control of the condition, routine exercise is extremely safe in children. This review aims to raise awareness of EIB by proposing an update, based on the latest studies, on pathological mechanisms, diagnosis, and therapeutic approaches in children

    Cross-sectional survey on impact of paediatric COVID-19 among Italian paediatricians: Report from the SIAIP rhino-sinusitis and conjunctivitis committee

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    Background: There is ample evidence that COVID-19 is significantly less severe in children than in adults and asthma and allergy, the most common chronic disorders in children, are not included in the top 10 comorbidities related to COVID-19 fatalities. Nevertheless, concerns about asthma and allergy are still high. In order to evaluate the impact of paediatric COVID-19 among Italian paediatricians, we sent a 20-questions anonymous internet-based survey to 250 Italian paediatricians with particular address to allergic symptoms and those affecting the upper airways. Methods: The questionnaire was conceived and pretested in April 2020, by a working group of experts of the Italian Paediatric Society for Allergy and Immunology (SIAIP), and structured into different sections of 20 categorized and multiple choice questions. The first part included questions about epidemiological data follows by a second part assessing the way to manage a suspected COVID-19 infection and personal experiences about that. The third part concerned questions about patients' clinical characteristics and clinical manifestations. The survey was emailed once between April and mid-May 2020. Results: A total 99 participants had participated in our survey and provided responses to our electronic questionnaire. The distribution of patients reported per month varies significantly according to the geographical area (P = 0.02). Data confirmed that in the North part of Italy the rate of patients referred is higher than in the rest of Italy. Almost all respondents (98%) reported caring for up to a maximum of 10 infected children and the last 2% more than twenty. Among these patients, according to the 75% of responders, a maximum rate of 20% were affected by allergic rhino-conjunctivitis and in particular in the North of Italy while in the Centre and in the South there was a higher incidence (P = 0.09). Almost the same applies for asthma, 83% of responders declared that up to a maximum of 20% of affected children were asthmatic, from 20 to 40% for the 13,5% of responders and from 40 to 60% for the last 3,5%. As for the allergic conjunctivitis also for asthma, we found a higher incidence in the Centre and in South than in the North (P = 0.03). Conclusions: This study is the first to provide a comprehensive review of COVID-19 knowledge and impact among paediatricians in Italy about allergic asthma and upper airway involvement. From our point of view, it provides important information clearly useful for improving a good practice

    The role of thermal effects in plasma medical applications: Biological and calorimetric analysis

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    Abstract: Plasma Medicine tools exploit the therapeutic effects of the exposure of living matter to plasma produced at atmospheric pressure. Since these plasmas are usually characterized by a non-thermal equilibrium (highly energetic electrons, low temperature ions), thermal effects on the substrate are usually considered negligible. Conversely, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), UV radiation and metastables are thought to play a major role. In this contribution, we compare the presence of thermal effects in different operational regimes (corresponding to different power levels) of the Plasma Coagulation Controller (PCC), a plasma source specifically designed for accelerating blood coagulation. In particular, we analyze the application of PCC on human blood samples (in vitro) and male Wistar rats tissues (in vivo). Histological analysis points out, for the highest applied power regime, the onset of detrimental thermal effects such as red cell lysis in blood samples and tissues damages in in-vivo experiments. Calorimetric bench tests performed on metallic targets show that the current coupled by the plasma on the substrate induces most of measured thermal loads through a resistive coupling. Furthermore, the distance between the PCC nozzle and the target is found to strongly affect the total power

    An overview on the primary factors that contribute to non-allergic asthma in children

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    The prevalence of non-allergic asthma in childhood is low, peaking in late adulthood. It is triggered by factors other than allergens, like cold and dry air, respiratory infections, hormonal changes, smoke and air pollution. In the literature, there are few studies that describe non-allergic asthma in pediatric age. Even though it is a less common disorder in kids, it is crucial to identify the causes in order to keep asthma under control, particularly in patients not responding to conventional treatments. In this review, we discuss non-IgE-mediated forms of asthma, collecting the latest research on etiopathogenesis and treatment
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