21,069 research outputs found

    Critical surface band gap of repulsive Casimir interaction between three dimensional topological insulators at finite temperature

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    We generalize the calculation of Casimir interaction between topological insulators with opposite topological magnetoelectric polarizabilities and finite surface band gaps to finite Temperature cases. We find that finite temperature quantitatively depress the repulsive peak and enlarge the critical surface gap mcm_c for repulsive Casimir force. However the universal property mca∼1/2m_c a \sim 1/2 is still valid for various oscillation strength, temperature region and topological magnetoelectric polarizabilities.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    The electronic structures and magnetic properties of perovskite ruthenates from constrained orbital hybridization calculations

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    We introduce a method to analyze the effect of hybridization by shifting corresponding atomic levels using external potentials. Based on this approach, we study perovskite ruthenates,\ and unambiguously identify that the covalency between the \textit{A}-site cation and O ion will modify the Ru-O hybridization and change the density of state at Fermi level, consequently affect the magnetic properties significantly. We also study the effect of pressure and reveal that hydrostatic pressure has a small effect on the Ru-O-Ru bond angle of SrRuO3_{3}, while it will decrease the Ru-O length and increase the band width significantly. Therefore, the magnetic ordering temperature will decrease monotonically with pressure

    Ground state and edge excitations of quantum Hall liquid at filling factor 2/3

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    We present a numerical study of fractional quantum Hall liquid at Landau level filling factor ν=2/3\nu=2/3 in a microscopic model including long-range Coulomb interaction and edge confining potential, based on the disc geometry. We find the ground state is accurately described by the particle-hole conjugate of a ν=1/3\nu=1/3 Laughlin state. We also find there are two counter-propagating edge modes, and the velocity of the forward-propagating mode is larger than the backward-propagating mode. The velocities have opposite responses to the change of the background confinement potential. On the other hand changing the two-body Coulomb potential has qualitatively the same effect on the velocities; for example we find increasing layer thickness (which softens of the Coulomb interaction) reduces both the forward mode and the backward mode velocities.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Calculation of some properties of the vacuum

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    In this article, we calculate the dressed quark propagator with the flat bottom potential in the framework of the rain-bow Schwinger-Dyson equation, which is determined by mean field approximation of the global colour model lagrangian. The dressed quark propagator exhibits a dynamical symmetry breaking phenomenon and gives a constituent quark mass about 392 MeV, which is close to the value of commonly used constituent quark mass in the chiral quark model. Then based on the dressed quark propagator, we calculate some properties of the vacuum, such as quark condensate, mixed quark condensate gs<0∣qˉGμνσμνq∣0>g_{s}< 0|\bar{q}G_{\mu\nu}\sigma^{\mu\nu}q|0>, four quark condensate <0∣qˉΓqqˉΓq∣0><0|\bar{q} \Gamma q\bar{q} \Gamma q |0>, tensor, π\pi vacuum susceptibilities. The numerical results are compatible with the values of other theoretical approaches.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, some writing errors are correcte

    The Universal Edge Physics in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids

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    The chiral Luttinger liquid theory for fractional quantum Hall edge transport predicts universal power-law behavior in the current-voltage (II-VV) characteristics for electrons tunneling into the edge. However, it has not been unambiguously observed in experiments in two-dimensional electron gases based on GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructures or quantum wells. One plausible cause is the fractional quantum Hall edge reconstruction, which introduces non-chiral edge modes. The coupling between counterpropagating edge modes can modify the exponent of the II-VV characteristics. By comparing the ν=1/3\nu=1/3 fractional quantum Hall states in modulation-doped semiconductor devices and in graphene devices, we show that the graphene-based systems have an experimental accessible parameter region to avoid the edge reconstruction, which is suitable for the exploration of the universal edge tunneling exponent predicted by the chiral Luttinger liquid theory.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Simulation of transition dynamics to high confinement in fusion plasmas

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    The transition dynamics from the low (L) to the high (H) confinement mode in magnetically confined plasmas is investigated using a first-principles four-field fluid model. Numerical results are in close agreement with measurements from the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak - EAST. Particularly, the slow transition with an intermediate dithering phase is well reproduced by the numerical solutions. Additionally, the model reproduces the experimentally determined L-H transition power threshold scaling that the ion power threshold increases with increasing particle density. The results hold promise for developing predictive models of the transition, essential for understanding and optimizing future fusion power reactors
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