166 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian analysis of BHT massive gravity

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    We study the Hamiltonian structure of the Bergshoeff-Hohm-Townsend (BHT) massive gravity with a cosmological constant. In the space of coupling constants (Λ0,m2)(\Lambda_0,m^2), our canonical analysis reveals the special role of the condition Λ0/m21\Lambda_0/m^2\neq-1. In this sector, the dimension of the physical phase space is found to be N=4N^*=4, which corresponds to two Lagrangian degree of freedom. When applied to the AdS asymptotic region, the canonical approach yields the conserved charges of the BTZ black hole, and central charges of the asymptotic symmetry algebra.Comment: LATEX, 21 pages; v2: minor correction

    Extra gauge symmetries in BHT gravity

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    We study the canonical structure of the Bergshoeff-Hohm-Townsend massive gravity, linearized around a maximally symmetric background. At the critical point in the space of parameters, defined by Λ0/m2=1\Lambda_0/m^2=-1, we discover an extra gauge symmetry, which reflects the existence of the partially massless mode. The number of the Lagrangian degrees of freedom is found to be 1. We show that the canonical structure of the theory at the critical point is unstable under linearization.Comment: LATEX, 12 page

    On the new massive gravity and AdS/CFT

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    Demanding the existence of a simple holographic cc-theorem, it is shown that a general (parity preserving) theory of gravity in 2+1 dimensions involving upto four derivative curvature invariants reduces to the new massive gravity theory. We consider extending the theory including upto six derivative curvature invariants. Black hole solutions are presented and consistency with 1+1 CFTs is checked. We present evidence that bulk unitarity is still in conflict with a positive CFT central charge for generic choice of parameters. However, for a special choice of parameters appearing in the four and six derivative terms reduces the linearized equations to be two derivative, thereby ameliorating the unitarity problem.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. v4: typo correcte

    All stationary axi-symmetric local solutions of topologically massive gravity

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    We classify all stationary axi-symmetric solutions of topologically massive gravity into Einstein, Schr\"odinger, warped and generic solutions. We construct explicitly all local solutions in the first three sectors and present an algorithm for the numerical construction of all local solutions in the generic sector. The only input for this algorithm is the value of one constant of motion if the solution has an analytic centre, and three constants of motion otherwise. We present several examples, including soliton solutions that asymptote to warped AdS.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figures. v2: Changed potentially confusing labelling of one sector, added references. v3: Minor changes, matches published versio

    AdS Black Hole Solutions in the Extended New Massive Gravity

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    We have obtained (warped) AdS black hole solutions in the three dimensional extended new massive gravity. We investigate some properties of black holes and obtain central charges of the two dimensional dual CFT. To obtain the central charges, we use the relation between entropy and temperature according to the AdS/CFT dictionary. For AdS black holes, one can also use the central charge function formalism which leads to the same results.Comment: 24pages, some organization corrected, minor corrections, references added, final published versio

    Nonlinear Dynamics of Parity-Even Tricritical Gravity in Three and Four Dimensions

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    Recently proposed "multicritical" higher-derivative gravities in Anti de Sitter space carry logarithmic representations of the Anti de Sitter isometry group. While generically non-unitary already at the quadratic, free-theory level, in special cases these theories admit a unitary subspace. The simplest example of such behavior is "tricritical" gravity. In this paper, we extend the study of parity-even tricritical gravity in d = 3, 4 to the first nonlinear order. We show that the would-be unitary subspace suffers from a linearization instability and is absent in the full non-linear theory.Comment: 22 pages; v2: references added, published versio

    Nonlinear Dynamics of 3D Massive Gravity

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    We explore the nonlinear classical dynamics of the three-dimensional theory of "New Massive Gravity" proposed by Bergshoeff, Hohm and Townsend. We find that the theory passes remarkably highly nontrivial consistency checks at the nonlinear level. In particular, we show that: (1) In the decoupling limit of the theory, the interactions of the helicity-0 mode are described by a single cubic term -- the so-called cubic Galileon -- previously found in the context of the DGP model and in certain 4D massive gravities. (2) The conformal mode of the metric coincides with the helicity-0 mode in the decoupling limit. Away from this limit the nonlinear dynamics of the former is described by a certain generalization of Galileon interactions, which like the Galileons themselves have a well-posed Cauchy problem. (3) We give a non-perturbative argument based on the presence of additional symmetries that the full theory does not lead to any extra degrees of freedom, suggesting that a 3D analog of the 4D Boulware-Deser ghost is not present in this theory. Last but not least, we generalize "New Massive Gravity" and construct a class of 3D cubic order massive models that retain the above properties.Comment: 21 page

    Holographic Renormalization and Stress Tensors in New Massive Gravity

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    We obtain holographically renormalized boundary stress tensors with the emphasis on a special point in the parameter space of three dimensional new massive gravity, using the so-called Fefferman-Graham coordinates with relevant counter terms. Through the linearized equations of motion with a standard prescription, we also obtain correlators among these stress tensors. We argue that the self-consistency of holographic renormalization determines counter terms up to unphysical ambiguities. Using these renormalized stress tensors in Fefferman-Graham coordinates, we obtain the central charges of dual CFT, and mass and angular momentum of some AdSAdS black hole solutions. These results are consistent with the previous ones obtained by other methods. In this study on the Fefferman-Graham expansion of new massive gravity, some aspects of higher curvature gravity are revealed.Comment: Version accepted for publication in JHEP, conclusion revised, references adde

    Holographic two-point functions for 4d log-gravity

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    We compute holographic one- and two-point functions of critical higher-curvature gravity in four dimensions. The two most important operators are the stress tensor and its logarithmic partner, sourced by ordinary massless and by logarithmic non-normalisable gravitons, respectively. In addition, the logarithmic gravitons source two ordinary operators, one with spin-one and one with spin-zero. The one-point function of the stress tensor vanishes for all Einstein solutions, but has a non-zero contribution from logarithmic gravitons. The two-point functions of all operators match the expectations from a three-dimensional logarithmic conformal field theory.Comment: 35 pages; v2: typos corrected, added reference; v3: shorter introduction, minor changes in the text in section 3, added reference; published versio