3 research outputs found

    Comparative molecular study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains, in times of antimicrobial drug resistance

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    Strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were compared using two DNA fingerprinting techniques: Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and Double-Repetitive-Element-PCR (DRE-PCR). Two of these strains: IH1 (susceptible to isoniazid) and IH2 (resistant to isoniazid) were recovered from cases of pulmonary tuberculosis which occurred in two brothers who lived together. The first one was recognized on July 1999, and the second was diagnosed one year later. IH1 and IH2 showed the same pattern of bands with both molecular tests. These results suggest that single drug chemoprophylaxis may occasionally select resistant strains for that drug, which can eventually cause disease and be recognized through these tests. Strains IH3, IH4 and IH5 were obtained from sputum samples of 3 different patients, and intra-laboratory cross-contamination was suspected when it was realized that the 3 positive materials had been consecutively processed the same day by the same worker in the same biological safety cabinet. Again, the 3 strains revealed identical band patterns with RFLP and DRE-PCR, confirming the posed suspicion. The results with DRE-PCR were obtained after only 8 hours of work, without the need for subcultures. This procedure allows quick correction of treatment conducts, avoiding unnecessary exposure of people and bacteria to antimicrobial drugs.<br>Se compararon cepas de Mycobacterium tuberculosis utilizando 2 procedimientos de ADN fingerprinting: polimorfismo de los fragmentos de restricci贸n (RFLP) y Double-Repetitive-Element-PCR (DRE-PCR). Dos de las cepas: IH1 (susceptible a isoniazida) e IH2 (resistente a isoniazida) se recuperaron a partir de casos de tuberculosis pulmonar que ocurrieron en dos hermanos convivientes. La primera fue aislada en julio de 1999 y la segunda un a帽o despu茅s. IH1 e IH2 mostraron el mismo patr贸n de bandas por ambos procedimientos. Estos resultados sugieren que la quimioprofilaxis con una sola droga puede ocasionalmente seleccionar mutantes resistentes, las cuales pueden causar enfermedad y ser reconocidas por estos procedimientos. Las cepas IH3, IH4 e IH5 fueron aisladas de 3 pacientes diferentes, y examinadas por probable contaminaci贸n cruzada dentro del laboratorio ya que fueron procesadas el mismo d铆a, por el mismo operador y en la misma cabina de seguridad biol贸gica. Nuevamente, las 3 cepas revelaron el mismo patr贸n de bandas por RFLP y por DRE-PCR, confirmando la sospecha. Los resultados de la DRE-PCR se obtuvieron luego de 8 horas de trabajo, sin necesidad de subcultivos. Esta t茅cnica permitir铆a la r谩pida correci贸n de pautas de tratamiento, evitando la exposici贸n innecesaria de personas y bacterias a drogas antimicrobianas