809 research outputs found

    Effect of Genotype, Gender, and Feed Restriction on Slaughter Results and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens

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    Slaughter results and meat quality were evaluated in 768 broilers according to genotype (standard breast yield vs. high breast yield), gender, and feeding systems (ad libitum vs. feed restriction from 13 to 21 d of age). Standard-yield chickens had higher carcass weights (2358 g vs. 2319 g; P < 0.001) and hind legs proportion (31.1% vs. 30.6%; P < 0.01), and lower dressing out percentage (73.6% vs. 74.0%; P < 0.01) compared to high-yield birds, besides lower meat L* index (45.3 vs. 46.2; P < 0.05), higher final pH (5.89 vs. 5.85; P < 0.05) and thawing losses (10.5% vs. 9.43%; P < 0.05). Males showed higher carcass weight (+24%), dressing percentage (+0.7%), and hind leg yield (+4%) (P < 0.001) than females. Restricted birds had lower carcass weight (\u20132%; P < 0.001) and dressing percentage (-0.3%) (P < 0.05) than those always fed ad libitum. As what concerns meat quality, gender and feeding system aff ected only meat final pH, lower in ad libitum group than in restricted one and in females than males. In conclusions, slaughter results and carcass traits changed especially with genotype and gender, coherently with slaughter weight whereas meat quality was mostly affected by genotype

    Towards Low-Threshold, Real-Time Solar Neutrino Detectors

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    We discuss an alternative approach to the detection of solar neutrinos using a coarsely segmented detector based on inverse-beta decay onto 160^{160}Gd or 176^{176}Yb. While it is know that similar approaches, already discussed in the literature, can in principle provide low-threshold, real-time energy spectroscopy with intrinsic background rejection features, the concepts presented here make this scheme possible with lower background and current technology.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Influence of group housing, lactation system and floor type on performance and injuries in rabbit does

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    To evaluate the effect of group housing, lactation system, and floor type, 40 crossbred multiparous pregnant rabbit does were transferred to individual pens (0.5 m x 1.0 m); 8 does were kept individually during all the trial (I; n=8); the other 32 does were kept in 8 collective pens (2.0 m x 1.0 m, by joining 4 individual pens) in stable groups of 4 individuals (G; n=8) from 8 d until 2 d before kindling and from 2 d until 33 d after kindling. Half pens had wire net floor covered with plastic mats (W; n=8) and the other half plastic slatted floor (P; n=8). Within G does, in half pens (n=4) each doe nursed its own litter (fixed lactation, F); in the remaining half, each doe randomly nursed the litters of the group (random lactation, R). Doe performance at kindling and during lactation, litter performance from standardization until weaning (33 d), and skin injuries on G does (5, 12, 19, 26 and 34 d after kindling) were controlled. The effect of the housing system on performance was tested by PROC GLM of SAS. Within G does, the effect of the lactation system and floor type was evaluated by PROC MIXED (pen as random effect); the injury frequency was analysed by PROC FREQ according to observation day, lactation system, and floor type. Housing system did not affect doe kindling or lactation performance; litter weight at standardization was higher for G than I does (680 vs 619 g, P<0.05), but differences disappeared at weaning. The lactation system showed some residual effects when controlled lactation finished, nests were opened, and kits free of moving. In fact, from 19 to 33 d after kindling, does and litters had higher feed intake (679 g/d vs 602 g/d; P<0.05) and, at 33 d, kits were heavier (775 vs 748 g, P<0.05) in R than in F pens. Floor type (W vs P pens) affected milk production (244 vs 225 g/d; P=0.06), and kit weight at the end of controlled lactation (301 vs 290 g; P<0.05), without residual effects at weaning. The injury frequency changed after the group formation: 34% at 5 d, 47% at 12 d, 13% at 19 and 26 d, and 10% at 34 d of lactation (P<0.05). In conclusion, under our conditions, group housing did not negatively affect doe performance; lactation system and floor type had minor effects; aggressiveness among does was evident after group formation during early lactation but decreased in the late lactation. Further recordings on more reproductive cycles would be necessary to confirm the present results

    Effects of the feeding system on performance and myopathy occurrence in two broiler chicken genotypes

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    To evaluate whether performance and myopathy occurrence differed according to genotype (Cobb 500 vs. Ross 308) and feeding system (AL: ad libitum vs. ER: early restricted from 13 to 23 d of age, vs. LR: late restricted from 27 to 37 d; restriction rate: 80% of ad libitum), 828 day- old male chicks were assigned to 6 groups (2 x 3 arrangement), housed in 36 pens, and controlled for: individual live weight (weekly) and pen feed intake (daily) until slaughter (48 d); white striping and wooden breast occurrence at slaughter. Individual data were analysed by PROC MIXED of SAS (fixed effects: feeding system, genotype, and interaction; random effect: pen); pen feed intake and myopathy occurrence were analysed by PROC GLM and CATMOD, respectively. The feeding system affected performance: at the end of the first period (1-22 d), ER chickens showed lower weight gain (40.5 g/d vs. 47.8 g/d and 48.0 g/d), feed intake (50.8 g/d vs 61.0 g/d and 60.2 g/d) and weight (903 g vs 1056 g and 1059 g) than AL and LR broilers (P<0.001); at the end of the second period (23-48 d), ER chickens showed higher weight gain (98.3 g/d vs 93.6 g/d and 90.2 g/d) and feed intake (182 g/d vs. 177 g/d and 171 g/d) compared to AL and LR chickens (P<0.001). Final live weight was the highest in AL group, intermediate in ER group, and the lowest in the LR one (3482 g, 3454 g, and 3399 g; P<0.01). Feed conversion in the whole period did not change with the feeding system. At gross examination, white striping occurrence changed from 77.8% to 67.1%, and 81.7% in AL, ER and LR broilers (p<0.10). Differences between genotypes were evident from the first day and, at the end of the trial, weight gain (74.3 g/d vs 70.1 g/d), feed intake (126 g/d vs 114 g/d), feed conversion (1.69 vs 1.64), and live weight (3548 g vs. 3342 g) were higher in the Ross than in the Cobb chickens (P<0.001). At slaughter, the rate of white-striped breasts was similar (on average 75.5%), but the occurrence of severely white-striped breasts was higher in the Ross than in the Cobb chickens (25.9% vs. 7.41%; P<0.001). Wooden breast occurrence (on average 5.1%) did not change with the feeding system or the genotype. In conclusion, under our conditions, a late feed restriction did not permit to recover performance at the end of the trial nor to control white striping occurrence. Moreover, the genotype affected growth rate and white striping degree: the highest the growth rate, the highest the severity of white striping

    Nuclear Propelled Vessels and Neutrino Oscillation Experiments

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    We study the effect of naval nuclear reactors on the study of neutrino oscillations. We find that the presence of naval reactors at unknown locations and times may limit the accuracy of future very long baseline reactor-based neutrino oscillation experiments. At the same time we argue that a nuclear powered surface ship such as a large Russian ice-breaker may provide an ideal source for precision experiments. While the relatively low reactor power would in this case require a larger detector, the source could be conveniently located at essentially any distance from a detector built at an underground location near a shore in a region of the world far away from other nuclear installations. The variable baseline would allow for a precise measurement of backgrounds and greatly reduced systematics from reactor flux and detector efficiency. In addition, once the oscillation measurement is completed, the detector could perform geological neutrino and astrophysical measurements with minimal reactor background.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    A New Approach to Background Subtraction in Low-Energy Neutrino Experiments

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    We discuss a new method to extract neutrino signals in low energy experiments. In this scheme the symmetric nature of most backgrounds allows for direct cancellation from data. The application of this technique to the Palo Verde reactor neutrino oscillation experiment allowed us to reduce the measurement errors on the anti-neutrino flux from 20\sim 20% to 10\sim 10%. We expect this method to substantially improve the data quality in future low background experiments such as KamLAND and LENS.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure